Unknown Weight gain FRUSTRATED



  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
  • willywonka_71
    willywonka_71 Posts: 41 Member
    For the record, the registered dietician laughed when I asked her if I needed to measure everything on a scale vs. Measuring cups/table spoons etc. She said "why measure an English muffin when the nutrition label clearly states the nutrition facts?

    I don't see how this is something to laugh at. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to get 5 items that have labels showing the weight that each item is supposed to be (English muffin, granola bar, slice of bread, what have you) and weigh it. I can guarantee that, more often than not, that slice of bread that the label says is 25g, will come out weighing higher or lower.

    Nutrition labels are not 100% accurate. You have to weigh the item to make sure it really is X amount of grams like the label says.

    How a dietician does not understand that concept, (never mind finds it funny) is beyond me.

    Aside from that, I do think that it is good that you are looking into medical reasons for the weight gain.

    Edited to add: Watch this youtube video about weighing vs measuring with cups/tablespoons.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    Measuring cups/table spoons etc. She said "why measure an English muffin when the nutrition label clearly states the nutrition facts? I have still measured a few things, but again, she doesn't see the need except for specific purposes (body building, or extreme obesity in people who have NO concept of portion sizes) She states that the ADA and FDA put out portion tips like "the size of your fist, cell phone or a deck of cards" so that people can realistically apply portion control to their lifestyle, that depending on a food scale or whatever wouldn't be practical for the sane general public.

    This is ludicrous to me. I don't weigh my toast, but I certainly see the value in weighing peanut butter (instead of using a tbsp) or weighing ice cream, or protein. Eye balling portions is not precise.

    It sounds like you're figuring things out with a qualified medical team. Good luck!
  • Maybe I'm being clueless here, but when it comes to pre-portioned food items that have nutrition labels, and those items might deviate slightly in weight from the label weight per serving, wouldn't it all even out over time anyway? That is, sometimes the english muffin will be slightly over, and sometimes slightly under, what is on the label but it wouldn't have a huge impact for a person monitoring their diet over time? I've measured things that have to be portioned out, but never an individual item.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I didn't realize that a "jawbone" was a piece of fitness equipment so I found your mentioning that you have a jawbone somewhat out of place when I first read your post. Thought to myself "What does having a jawbone have to do with anything, everyone has a jawbone".

    On a side note, weird name for a pedometer.
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member
    I don't want to comment on the RD situation, but I took Clomid for all 3 of my kids, and I absolutely gained weight. No question. I would guess that's what this is from... but that's just a guess.