Does fruit give you a tummy ache?



  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Do you have the same problem if you cook the fruit and veg, or only if it's raw? I don't get this problem, but I've heard it's quite common with certain fruits like apple, and that cooking the fruit can make it easier on the stomach.
  • Maybe your alergic?
  • I actually have been eating fruit on an empty stomach, usually as a late mid-morning snack. The stomach cramps come on about 15-30 minutes later and last about an hour to hour and a half..... I am leaning toward a fructose intolerance - but need to just "test the waters" a bit more with different fruits and amounts. :)

    I am going to check out the Chopra link right now!
  • I would say it has to do with fiber and your body not use to it. Fiber not only causes cramps but can do it without any gas.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Nevermind - just saw that fructose malabsorption had already been posted.

    But don't discount it just because it doesn't happen with breads and other items. For me, it's strictly fruit that does it. And it's nothing to do with the fiber for me, because I get plenty of fiber on a day to day basis, with or without fruit.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Any type of pear will have me on the ground in a fetal position from pain. If I eat an apple every day or have too many raspberries on a daily basis, by about day 5 I start to get diarrhea. I can eat watermelon and cantaloupe but honeydew will give me an upset stomach. All other fruits are fine with me unless they are "underripe". So I like to mix up my fruits.

    I find for apples the Russets give me less problem than all the others so I'm not sure exactly why. And I love all types of berries so I try to have a mixture and not just raspberries. (My sister gets hives from strawberries.)
  • Apples and grapes bother my stomach, but if I eat them in small quantities and not on an empty stomach I'm fine.
  • kmmagik
    kmmagik Posts: 25
    YES!!! I have a big problem with fruit! I love it and try to eat it all the time but more often than not I end up regretting it. I have a lot of GI issues my doctor says IBS but that's what they say when they don't know what else it is. Bananas are the worst for me but really anything more than a couple bites of most fruits just leave me in pain. I do put raisins in my oatmeal but I think the fact that I cook them with the oatmeal helps for whatever reason. I have the same problem with a lot of vegetables, too, and I'm a vegetarian so don't feel bad. You're not alone!
  • I am just so happy to know that I am not alone.
    I have been telling people that I can't really have fruits not because I am trying to be different.
    they generally cause me Stomach cramps and I feel nauseous after especially apply. sometimes I even have symptoms like food poisoning, ex headache and diarrhea.
    now I can tell people I have fructose malabsorption. :D
  • I saw a gap in posts of over a year so I figure I add my 2 cents now, 1.5 years after the post started.

    I am almost 50, male and discovered an opinion that's out there about staying away from processed foods, animal products and eat raw fruits and vegetables or juicing the same (not exactly but somewhat related to Dr. Max Gerson). I have a hosts of symptoms and malaises some of which I suffered from for years cleared 90% or better by focusing on this. Rashes, tight muscles causing hip and back pains, mouth sores, shortness of breath due to stress/nerves, ringworms, body weakness, voice weakness...

    So I eat an unlimited amount of nothing but fruits in the daytime, I can eat 2lbs in one sitting, and in the evening I have a mix of raw vegetables and anything else I like, including meat/chicken/fish (I have to have some fun sometime).

    Now to the point, I too get the pain within 15-30 minutes after watermelon, pineapple or grapes (perhaps others as well) but only sometimes and not too severe and typically only when I eat a large amount. It goes away after 15-30 minutes.

    My take on it: As per the naturopaths, fruits detox the body. If I get pain, perhaps the toxins cause my body to react badly or perhaps the pain is part of the cleansing process.


    Good luck
  • Nadoriel
    Nadoriel Posts: 59 Member
    I pretty much only eat roasted or boiled fruit because of it. Terrible cramps when eating raw apples and pears or whatever, but when I eat them roasted it's fine. Not that I eat them much anyway xD
  • But they say that cooking destroys a lot if not most of the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables. Particularly worthwhile to investigate is whether the pains are the result of the body being in a toxic state.
  • knt6742
    knt6742 Posts: 36
    I have that problem with apples but only if I eat them every day or on an empty stomach. Take note of when you have these issues and you may be able to work around them. Good luck!
  • LisaHillFaw
    LisaHillFaw Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have chronic stomach pain when I consume avocado, pears, or raspberries. I have been to allergist. No one can figure it out. I am ready to try another DR. as I sit here with chronic stomach pain because I forgot about the pears and someone sent me Harry and David pears and now I will have 6-8 hours of pain. I keep reading about fructose intolerance yet I can eat fructose that is added to processed foods. Maybe that is different. I just wish I had an answer as I have been gong through this for 10 years with avocado. Now raspberries and pears,