hi! MFP n00b, vegan, attempting low-carb and having trouble



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I'm sorry....vegan AND low-carb? No wonder you're having trouble.

    I thought the same thing.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Man alive. I've been a vegetarian for 24 years. Yeah, I hear the same joke every so often. Do I care? No. Do I let it offend me? No.

    We can't choose how others will act, we can only choose how we react. So why don't I let these jokes offend me? Because who wants to go around living their lives being offended all the time. Laugh or don't and move on. There will always be these kind of remarks, on both sides.

    Can't we all just get along?!?
  • Mrsbeale11
    Mrsbeale11 Posts: 126 Member
    ...now please excuse me while I go eat my English muffin with bacon, egg, and cheese. Extra carbs and animal products for me, thanks.

    i love how stupid this remark sounds :laugh:

    Why does it sound stupid?

    I've been a vegetarian since my childhood and I can't even count how often I've heard something similar. It just annoys me when people feel the need to tell how happy they are to consume animal products. It's perfectly fine if you like your burger/bacon/whatever, but why post it in a thread about veganism? There is just no point to it and that's why I think it is stupid.

    If you're so happy with your vegetarian lifestyle, me saying I'm happy with my non-vegetarian lifestyle wouldn't bother you nearly as much as it clearly does. Sorry, but not sorry.

    And BOOM!! :laugh:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member

    Thank you! Despite the claim above, there was nothing passive aggressive (or aggressive at all) about my statement. It was a joke. People just need to get over themselves, because I'll be damned if I'm going to censor myself so I don't inadvertently hurt someone's feelings while making a harmless joke. People can feel free to be offended, I don't mind. :)

    No one can censor you but what exactly is your point in coming into threads directed at vegans to make animal-eating jokes? It's funny because there is this reputation that vegans are going around pushing their "vegan-ness" on everyone else - I know some vegans that are like that but I found it is usually the other way around, I constantly have to defend my choices when I don't say a word about what others around me are eating. Even in MFP I rarely vegans going into bacon threads to talk about the abuse of animals in farming practices, yet in every vegan thread someone has to "make a joke" about eating animals. Newsflash (it shouldn't be): vegans don't find jokes about eating animals funny. And then you get offended because no one finds your jokes funny? What did you expect? But you probably already knew that was going to be the case, but as you said you don't care. And now the vegans get to look like the ones "without a sense of humour". Hmm maybe that's how the 'snobby vegan reputation' gets formed and perpetuated... Why don't you go hang out in a bacon thread? This thread isn't for you.

    Who said I was offended that no one found my joke funny? Who said I was offended at all? Not me, that's for sure. I don't take offense nearly as easily as some people do, obviously. We're all adults here. I'm free to post whatever I want on this thread, and I've seen way worse posted here. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. No need to get you panties up in a bunch.

    Perhaps I stick around just to piss you off...eh?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    From one low carb vegan to another -- girl you need some satisfying FAT in that diet!

    Think avocados, nut butters, cook that tofu in coconut oil, use creamy coconut milk in your morning shake, snack on raw nuts, etc. I'd actually suggest more of a keto approach - lower carb, higher fat. It's super satisfying and gives me enough energy to power through the day.

    Also - lose the tortilla chips and make your own crunchy zucchini chips, or dip bell pepper scoops into guacamole. Feel free to PM me - I'm happy to help!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Man alive. I've been a vegetarian for 24 years. Yeah, I hear the same joke every so often. Do I care? No. Do I let it offend me? No.

    We can't choose how others will act, we can only choose how we react. So why don't I let these jokes offend me? Because who wants to go around living their lives being offended all the time. Laugh or don't and move on. There will always be these kind of remarks, on both sides.

    Can't we all just get along?!?


    And I don't even like Egg McMuffins *or* tofu.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    i've been trying to load up on the tofu and seitan, which has been fairly easy.

    cut me some slack, everyone -- this is only my first few days, and will adjust my macros gradually as needed. i'm TRYING to do low-carb, but it may not be sustainable, requiring me to up my carbs. i just thought it might be worth a shot, as it was something i'd never attempted even before going vegan over ten years ago. what's that saying, something about the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results?

    Have you tried a calorie deficit? Like an honest effort, including weighing your food and tracking ALL of your intake? I think you'll be surprised...

    yes, i certainly have. in fact i've been finding it difficult for the most part to meet the calorie requirement that MFP says i should. i track every single thing i eat, weigh things to be sure, and log exercise. i'm doing it "right" by the numbers, or trying my best (in regards to coming in under the calorie amount), so please don't assume that i'm doing things half-assed.

    I have never found it possible to maintain my weight on a high carb routine. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to maintain and lose on a lower carb plan. I do not do ketosis (for several reasons that I will not go into at the moment) but I do keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I maintain easily at this level (I am currently on maintenance so that I can build a bit of muscle for tackling my final bit of weight loss).

    I do have to say that I have never seen anyone successfully combine a vegan diet with lower carb. Vegan diets depend on grain and legumes for a large part of the protein requirements and they are both obviously very carby. I eat a fair amount of vegetables and some fruits every day but I rely on eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and some meat for my protein requirements along with the occasional amount of legumes (usually combined with some kind of meat as in a soup).
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    From one low carb vegan to another -- girl you need some satisfying FAT in that diet!

    Think avocados, nut butters, cook that tofu in coconut oil, use creamy coconut milk in your morning shake, snack on raw nuts, etc. I'd actually suggest more of a keto approach - lower carb, higher fat. It's super satisfying and gives me enough energy to power through the day.

    Also - lose the tortilla chips and make your own crunchy zucchini chips, or dip bell pepper scoops into guacamole. Feel free to PM me - I'm happy to help!

    Here is the person who can help you. Most low-carb does include animal products. In order to get into Ketosis, you need even fewer carbs than you are getting. It's not impossible but you will want to reduce fruit except for avocado and up those nuts. If you get into Ketosis, the hunger goes away rather quickly and the energy increases dramatically.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

    I have never found it possible to maintain my weight on a high carb routine. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to maintain and lose on a lower carb plan. I do not do ketosis (for several reasons that I will not go into at the moment) but I do keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I maintain easily at this level (I am currently on maintenance so that I can build a bit of muscle for tackling my final bit of weight loss).

    I do have to say that I have never seen anyone successfully combine a vegan diet with lower carb. Vegan diets depend on grain and legumes for a large part of the protein requirements and they are both obviously very carby. I eat a fair amount of vegetables and some fruits every day but I rely on eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and some meat for my protein requirements along with the occasional amount of legumes (usually combined with some kind of meat as in a soup).


    Look! See! See with your special eyes!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I have never found it possible to maintain my weight on a high carb routine. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to maintain and lose on a lower carb plan. I do not do ketosis (for several reasons that I will not go into at the moment) but I do keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I maintain easily at this level (I am currently on maintenance so that I can build a bit of muscle for tackling my final bit of weight loss).

    I do have to say that I have never seen anyone successfully combine a vegan diet with lower carb. Vegan diets depend on grain and legumes for a large part of the protein requirements and they are both obviously very carby. I eat a fair amount of vegetables and some fruits every day but I rely on eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and some meat for my protein requirements along with the occasional amount of legumes (usually combined with some kind of meat as in a soup).


    Look! See! See with your special eyes!

    I figured that it would be understood to be my personal experience--regardless of yours and your smart mouth.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

    I have never found it possible to maintain my weight on a high carb routine. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to maintain and lose on a lower carb plan. I do not do ketosis (for several reasons that I will not go into at the moment) but I do keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I maintain easily at this level (I am currently on maintenance so that I can build a bit of muscle for tackling my final bit of weight loss).

    I do have to say that I have never seen anyone successfully combine a vegan diet with lower carb. Vegan diets depend on grain and legumes for a large part of the protein requirements and they are both obviously very carby. I eat a fair amount of vegetables and some fruits every day but I rely on eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and some meat for my protein requirements along with the occasional amount of legumes (usually combined with some kind of meat as in a soup).


    Look! See! See with your special eyes!

    I figured that it would be understood to be my personal experience--regardless of yours and your smart mouth.

    This was actually a pretty poor attempt at a joke - from that contacts commercial! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW7yZuFaKcY

    In all seriousness, no offense intended.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    I have never found it possible to maintain my weight on a high carb routine. On the other hand, I find it pretty easy to maintain and lose on a lower carb plan. I do not do ketosis (for several reasons that I will not go into at the moment) but I do keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I maintain easily at this level (I am currently on maintenance so that I can build a bit of muscle for tackling my final bit of weight loss).

    I do have to say that I have never seen anyone successfully combine a vegan diet with lower carb. Vegan diets depend on grain and legumes for a large part of the protein requirements and they are both obviously very carby. I eat a fair amount of vegetables and some fruits every day but I rely on eggs, fish, dairy, nuts and some meat for my protein requirements along with the occasional amount of legumes (usually combined with some kind of meat as in a soup).


    Look! See! See with your special eyes!

    I figured that it would be understood to be my personal experience--regardless of yours and your smart mouth.

    This was actually a pretty poor attempt at a joke - from that contacts commercial! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW7yZuFaKcY

    In all seriousness, no offense intended.

    You're forgiven. :flowerforyou:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I can't help with how to actually be a low-carb vegan. To be honest, I'd worry about the completeness of your amino acids doing it that way. But, it's not true that vegans have to expect that 70-80% of their diets will be from carbs. My carbs range from around 39%-60%. (I will eat all the carbs if I'm not paying attention, but I've been like that forever.) I don't worry about my carbs, I just focus on hitting protein and let carbs end up where they will.
  • lulufee317537
    lulufee317537 Posts: 50 Member
    I do low carb and vegan very successfully. Granted, your food choices become very limited. I usually can keep my net carbs under 40 g.

    Things I eat for protein: hemp seeds, hemp tofu, tofu, hemp protein powder, pea protein powder, peanut butter, almonds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, tofurkey ham slices, beyond meat products.
    Things I eat for fats: coconut oil, hampton creek just mayo, hampton creek just ranch, vegan gourmet cheese, vegan gourmet sour cream, olive oil, peanut butter, earth balance margarine.
    Other stuff I eat: raw cacao powder, unsweetened soy milk, any sort of greens, broccoli broccoli broccoli, green peppers, celery, kale of course, low carb wraps, stevia powder to make stuff sweet, zevia and la croix sodas, wildwood soy creamer.

    There's probably other stuff you could find. I know it's been working for me because I use the keto test strips.

    Anyone feel free to friend me if you're curious. Also, I'm not sure, but I think my diary is public.