Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Hi I have recently had the sleeve surgery done on 16/4/2014. First week was great felt no pain and was drinking a lot of fluids. But then the 2nd and 3rd week killed me. I dn't feel myself at all. I cant keep anything down (fluids) at all without wanting to vomite. I am very emotional and it feels like a golf ball is sitting on my chest. I contacted my surgeon and he recommended I drink a soft drink and that didn't work. So I went to my GP and she had nothing to say to me except "oh really, oh you poor thing". Is this a normal?. I couldn't believe that's all the help I got from both surgeon and GP. I'm too scared to drink cause I know whats going to happen. Please help me...

    Do you have gas strips or chews or anything like that? You may want to ask your doctor for an acid preventer as well if you aren't already on one.
  • jules6157
    jules6157 Posts: 10
    I had my surgery 1/20/2014 had lost 30 pounds before surgery now down 89 pounds so have lost 59 since surgery.
    I have tried a lot of my old foods but can't eat much of them haven't had any noodles or pasta, have had turkey chili small amounts and have had crackers 2 at a setting didn't do a whole lot of exercise until now feeling really good walking liftin weights working in yard something I didn't enjoy last year because of my weight but this year spending a lot of time outdoors not ashamed of myself any more. The surgery was the best thing I have done for myself. I had my gall bladder out in march so if you have problems with your gall bladder tell your doctor so he can take it out when he is in there instead of having to 2 surgeries. I'm back at work and things come a lot easier now my legs don't hurt like they did my feet are feeling better. I'm off my diabetes medicine.
    I take biotin for my hair and nails trying to eat a lot of protein but sometime I forget to eat . If you are doing the surgery do it for yourself not for anyone else. Enjoy life again
  • Hello, I had my sleeve done 2/19/14. I'm down 40.2 pounds. I have yet to exercise, and I'm awful about drinking water because it still makes me nauseated, or I am sure I would be down more! I am good though at keeping my calories down. The only protein shake I am able to tolerate is the premier protein shake. It comes pre-mixed. 160 calories, and 30 grams of protein. You can find it at safeway, walmart or costco. I have struggled horribly with nausea, so these have been a lifesaver.
  • leepgm
    leepgm Posts: 2
    Hi everyone. I am scheduled for my sleeve on May 22nd. I am currently on the pre-op shake diet. The shakes aren't bad, I actually like them. What I've have found surprising is that I am not starving, but I am only 3 days into the shakes. I am hoping it doesn't change. The scariest thing I've read on this blog is the nausea following the surgery. I am worried about ripping my staples. Some people said they were nauseas just from water which is essential to losing the weight. Any success stories on avoiding the nausea?
    I have never had any type of surgery my whole life so I am hoping that my body does not freak out. Anyway thanks for this thread because it has really helped to know so many of you are out there. I am in Tampa, FL and having surgery with Dr. Richard DiCicco. Anybody else had surgery with him?
  • QuietLyfe
    QuietLyfe Posts: 58
    Hi everyone. I am scheduled for my sleeve on May 22nd. I am currently on the pre-op shake diet. The shakes aren't bad, I actually like them. What I've have found surprising is that I am not starving, but I am only 3 days into the shakes. I am hoping it doesn't change. The scariest thing I've read on this blog is the nausea following the surgery. I am worried about ripping my staples. Some people said they were nauseas just from water which is essential to losing the weight. Any success stories on avoiding the nausea?
    I have never had any type of surgery my whole life so I am hoping that my body does not freak out. Anyway thanks for this thread because it has really helped to know so many of you are out there. I am in Tampa, FL and having surgery with Dr. Richard DiCicco. Anybody else had surgery with him?

    Your taste can chance after surgery, but hopefully you will continue to tolerate the shakes. I'm not in Tampa, so I don't have any info on your doctor. I was sleeved on 12/20/13, and literally had zero nausea. Not once. I was discharged from the hospital with a nausea medication, but I never needed it. If you do have issues with nausea, let your surgeon know immediately. Good luck with your journey!
  • QuietLyfe
    QuietLyfe Posts: 58
    Hey I'm sked for my surgery June 23 of next month I am really nervous moslty about some
    Horror stories I've heard along with loose skin and hair loss I know if I just kick butt in the gym my chances
    Of loose skin will be very slim does anyone have any tips? Will I be in pain ?

    My experience was a dream! No nausea. No vomiting. No pain (really, I didn't even need the pain medicine I was discharged from the hospital with). However, you are having surgery, and everyone is different. So yeah, you may have some pain. Walking helps ease the discomfort from gas. Also, get some dissolvable GasX strips, those help too. Hair loss is common in WLS patients, even with adequate nutrition and supplement intake. Expect it. Be thankful if you don't have that side effect (it's the only one I've encountered). Depending on age and skin elasticity, not even a gym can fix all lose skin, but the gym does help. Best wishes on your journey!
  • QuietLyfe
    QuietLyfe Posts: 58
    Hello...... im sch for Wednesday coming. Im so happy and scared at the same time. Someone please give me words of encouragement!!!

    Just follow the rules given to you by your surgeon and nutritionist, and you will do great! Don't stock up on protein drinks because your taste may change after surgery. Don't forget to walk and sip water. If you haven't talked to your surgeon about bowel habit changes, maybe have a brief chat when he rounds on you before surgery. Things can get complicated in that department after anesthesia, and you want to avoid issues there. :-) Good luck! Wednesday will be here before you know it!
  • leepgm
    leepgm Posts: 2
    Question for everyone, although I guess I should ask my Surgeon. Does there come a time when your stomach grows back together or do you ALWAYS have to worry about your staples leaking?
    Someone told me to stay away from sleeve because years later you could be ill with the flu or a stomach virus and rip your staples from vomiting. is that true?
  • Xena1968
    Xena1968 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am in a program, preparing for a sleeve the end of July (I hope!) ... I am doing the weight loss part now, and trying to get on board with the vitamin regime, etc. Its hard. Almost a full time job! I'd love to keep in touch. Hoping to NOT be hungry postop.....
  • franniecly
    franniecly Posts: 1
    Hi had the sleeve in March/2014 at time of surgery I was 249 now 230 not doing to good not sure why the weight is not coming off like ones I see on here. Three years ago I had the band and I did good 120 in a year but they had to take it out then I put 90 back on I was sad. What am I doing wrong with the sleeve? Thank you Frances
  • julie4543
    julie4543 Posts: 2
    :love: this site!!
  • julie4543
    julie4543 Posts: 2
    Hello everyone, my name is Julie. I am scheduled for my surgery on May 20. I am super excited.......and scared.......and nervous......and anxious. I am so excited to be talking to people going through the same things!!
  • raschlosser
    raschlosser Posts: 3 Member
    HI everyone, my name is Rachel. I am not scheduled yet. I was in the process of getting approved for my surgery in Kansas and then I had to move. So now I have transferred all my files to my new Dr. here in PA and hopefully won't have to go through to many hoops to get approved and get this surgery on the road.
  • Hey y'all - My name is Jenna, I am new to this group and I am an RN who decided to take the plunge and have the gastric sleeve surgery done. I have no other conditions other than obesity (I hate that word)...

    I had the sleeve done on May 5th, and I am now post-op day 9.

    I feel great, just low energy. I have very minimal pain (only when I over do it), no more gas, no nothing. My incisions are healing well and I don't have cravings or anything. However, I notice when my husband eats I really want the food he's having (steak, burger etc) but I have no physical desire to eat it. This is what all the doctors talk about in regards to making those mental changes. I can already tell that this will be the hard part of recovery and my new lifestyle.

    To be brutally honest, the hardest thing I am finding about being post-op is not doing my normal daily tasks, household chores etc. I even find I push too much when I try to pick my 6lb chihuahua off the floor. My family keeps reminding me to take it easy. It's way harder than I thought and I forget I have these major incisions and staples along my stomach - but the pain or discomfort reminds me!

    FYI: My starting weight pre-op was 386lbs and I am currently 343lbs. I am on my last day of clear fluids and get to move to full fluids tonight! Please note: I lost 20lbs prior to surgery and the rest since my surgery day.

    I would be more than happy to answer any questions any of you up-coming patients have about the experience or give you the confidence you need to feel good about your decision.

    I am so proud of y'all for taking these steps to a healthier you! I am glad I did and you will be too :)

    Jenna - I can't wait to be a success story just like the rest of you!
  • raghav3101
    raghav3101 Posts: 18
    Hi I m from india, got my sleeves surgery done in india only, its not as famous as in us or uk..... I got it done on jan 10, 2014 and I was 137 and today im 103 lost 34 kgs in nearly 5 months and didnt go to gym, only thing I do is keep myself hydrate walk in morning lill bit stretching and yoga for 30 mins and believ me no womiting feeling no pain and best part no loosing skin problem, it is in starting but its fine 40 years n this surgery is tool, u need to be dedicated for not to eat high kcal food no sweet n no beer ;) do it for an year n yiu will be perfect :)
  • raghav3101
    raghav3101 Posts: 18
    May 15, 2014 8:18 AMHi I m from india, got my sleeves surgery done in india only, its not as famous as in us or uk..... I got it done on jan 10, 2014 and I was 137kgs and today im 103kgs lost 34 kgs in nearly 5 months and didnt go to gym, only thing I do is keep myself hydrate walk in morning lill bit stretching and yoga for 30 mins and believ me no womiting feeling no pain and best part no loosing skin problem, it is in starting but its fine 40 years n this surgery is tool, u need to be dedicated for not to eat high kcal food no sweet n no beer ;) do it for an year n yiu will be perfect :)
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    My friend had the gastric bypass, had a horrible and dangerous recovery that required more surgery, and lost weight for a little while. She has regained all of the weight she lost and then some.

    She has always used food to cope with her painful emotions and until she can find other ways of coping, she will remain obese. It is understandable why people in pain seek relief any way they can - food in her case.

    For this reason, I am dubious about this type of surgery.
  • gizzmo20
    gizzmo20 Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Pam. Im a 30 year old from NJ and sitting at 272lbs at 5ft 3in. I have an appointment to get a sleeve sept 16th 2014. I have read so much on here and am totally ready for this life change. I am going to have my procedure done by Dr. abkin in norther New Jersey. My insurance (federal bcbs) requires me to have a medically monitored weight lose period of three months prior to my surgery and I have to have a psych evaluation and talk to a nutritionist and a letter of medical recommendation from my regular doctor and EKG, CBC. And EGD prior as well. So far I have all the appointments set up for next week except the EGD and the CBC. I also have to get put back on birth control because I have to wait 12 months or longer till I am fully healed to try and conceive.

    I am scared and excited at the same time. It is a surgery that can not be reversed and I hope I can stay true to myself with having to eat the proper nutritious foods afterwards. I'm looking for good recipes to try after my surgery. Anyone can friend me and we can help each other out!

    Thank you!
  • Hi Pam,

    I'm Shelly, I'm 30 and had my surgery Dec. 12th 2013. I was 267 the day of my surgery and I am 173 right now, and still losing : )
    My goal weight is 140. I'm 5'4
    The surgery is scary but it's worth it. It's far from the easy way out, or being an easy fix. When people tell me that I ask them to tell me how that's true. I diet like everyone else, I exercise like everyone else. Only I had a painful surgery on top of it. Yes, it's easier to eat less, and eat better when your stomach is small, and you can't tolerate bad food... But just like everyone else, we stumble, and we fall, and we make mistakes... You just need to get up and move past it. It's a struggle every day... Eating is almost entirely a mental/visual activity done for pleasure. If people were eating for survival they wouldn't be spending all their money on mcdonalds and filet Mignon. It's hard to train yourself to eat for survival when the world eats for pleasure, but when you struggle with your weight its a constant decision every day to choose your health and your sanity, over the pleasures of eating. When I think I want something I shouldn't have I try to remember how I felt about myself when I was heavy..I keep my old clothes around to remind me of how far I've come, and I look at myself in the mirror to remind myself of how far I still want to go. I think my biggest struggle has been the difference in the way people treat me. I feel like my female friends who were predominately thin don't treat me the same. I'm not invited out anymore, they don't share in my excitement for my progress, and they seem to completely disregard the life changing event that occurred for me. It's also hard to deal with the difference in the way men treat me. Where once I was never noticed.. Never looked at, never paid attention to.. The sexual advances of men are something that's hard to adjust to. I often find myself wondering when I decide to date, if I'll be able to get passed the thought that no one will want me for me. I would do it all over again if I had to, and I'm slowly starting to feel good about myself, learning to celebrate my achievements on my own, and realizing I don't need anyone to validate my success. I wish you luck!
  • mommyjamie76
    mommyjamie76 Posts: 2 Member
    I need help!!! I am 4 weeks out today and am not sure what to eat anymore. I am on a regular diet and have been trying everything. I haven't vomited anything back up but have had that feeling of something in my esophagus. I'm sick of eggs and cheese for breakfast so today I had a bowl of kix. It measured about a cup and a half with a cup of added milk. Being that it's puffy I chewed and had no problem eating it. I know carbs are generally a no-no but I wanted something quick that wasn't an egg. I feel like I am failing my sleeve. I was sleeved on 4/21 and am down 35 lbs. however the past few days I have been up... Am I sabotaging myself? Please help!