5'7" ladies

sdps720 Posts: 80 Member
For those of you that have reached or about to reach you goal... what is or will be that magic number on the scale? Can you post a pic?

I am trying to figure out if I should set my goal at 150 or 160 and would like to see what other look like.


  • The first photo of me (I'm on the left) is at 190 lbs (my highest was 220, but I don't have any pics from then).The second was a few weeks ago at 140 lbs (I'm on the right). I would still like to lose another 15 lbs.


  • bijouchocolat
    bijouchocolat Posts: 164 Member
    You did a fantastic job!!
  • mocha2111
    mocha2111 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! I thought that would be a little too small (140) but it looks good! I was planning on going to 155. But 140 looks good!!
  • KristinKory
    KristinKory Posts: 91 Member
    I am aiming for 150-155 because the last time I weighed in at that range, I think I looked pretty good and i certainly felt pretty good. If, when I reach 150, I feel I could lose more, then I will go for it.

    I am strength training as well, and I have noticed that, at my current weight, I am smaller than I was 2 years ago (at the same weight).
  • sdps720
    sdps720 Posts: 80 Member
    you look amazing
  • 281Danielle
    281Danielle Posts: 113
    I'm 5'7" nowhere near goal but the 'normal' range for our height is somewhere around 120-160, it all depends on your body frame. I am larger/medium framed so I am aiming for 155 and once I get there I will see how I feel and reset my goal if i need to.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    The first photo of me (I'm on the left) is at 190 lbs (my highest was 220, but I don't have any pics from then).The second was a few weeks ago at 140 lbs (I'm on the right). I would still like to lose another 15 lbs.



    Wow, you look amazing!!!!
  • katiewilsonxo
    katiewilsonxo Posts: 85 Member
    this is my before and after from 180ish to 147... I'm right between 5'7 and 5'8 and I've never been this slim in my adult life so I'm not sure how much farther I want to continue to lose. I originally set my goal at 25lbs to lose for medical reasons but I adjusted to 35lbs when the weight came off in just over 8 weeks and now I'm considering going down to 135 for a total weight loss of 45lbs because my body is definitely slowing down in the rate of weight loss as I get smaller but it's certainly not plateauing.

  • jk1231
    jk1231 Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'7 (barely) and weigh 123. I have had 3 kids in the past 8 years though so I still have some toning to do.
  • jk1231
    jk1231 Posts: 23 Member
    I will try and upload a pic. I haven't put any new pics on MFP this year :)
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I don't have pics but I'm at 155 which is a good weight for my frame.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    My dr says 155 but I want 145, we'll see when I get there! I'm 186.2 now. 5'6.5"
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I am around 5'7-1/2" and 40 yrs old. ( I use to be 5'8", but I guess I shrunk somehow:laugh: ) Anyways, I started at 154 and am now 133. I have been in maintenance for a while and working on building muscle.

    The pictures that were posted above me are amazing!! Way to go!! You both have had awesome transformations! You look fantastic!! :smile:
  • FitWifey79
    FitWifey79 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there :) I am 5'7 and currently weigh about 190. When I was at my goal weight (where I am trying to get back to now) I was at 135. Hope this helps!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm 5'6.5'' and probably 120 in this pic. I tend to hover around that weight but am sometimes a couple pounds heavier. I haven't weighed myself lately.

    *This pic as in my profile pic.
  • PeanutButterLover1984
    PeanutButterLover1984 Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5ft 7 and the lowest weight I have been in my adult life was 159 - at this time I was quite toned and a size 10 (UK)

    It is my aim to get back to that or even surpass it.
  • SexySelah
    SexySelah Posts: 4
    I am just shy of 5'8 and currently weigh 170lbs. I would love to weigh as little as 130lbs but have set my goal at 150 because Mr Man prefers me with what he calls "curves".
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 423 Member
    I don't have any pic's uploaded but I'm aiming for 150...i was sitting around 155last summer and felt pretty good but I think a few more would do it! When I was in my late teens early 20's I was around 140-145 and everyone kept telling me I looked too skinny. It all depends on your body type, no matter the height everyone is built differently!
  • InsanityForMe
    InsanityForMe Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 3/4.. I started at 150 and now weigh between 135-138.. I am in maintenance.
  • szarlotka717
    szarlotka717 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm around 5'7". At my heaviest, I was 189 (medium in tops and size 12/14 in pants). I'm currently between 145-150, depending on weight fluctuation (small in tops and size 6/8 in pants). My goal was 145, so while I'd like more 140-145 days, I'm more in maintenance mode. My short term goals are to improve fitness and regain my exercise habit.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Just my thoughts, rather than aiming for a number on the scale aim for getting to a place where you feel good about your body and the way it looks to you in the mirror.
    When I started MFP, I was aiming for 170ish because that’s where I was when I was in my best shape but now I’m realizing that 170ish may not be as obtainable as I once thought. But that’s not a bad thing, I’ve been tracking my bodies measurements, my arms, calves, hip and legs are getting slightly bigger while my neck, waistline, and even my moobs are decreasing in size but for the last three weeks the scale has only fluctuated up and down a pound. I have a feeling I may eventually settle around 180ish which as long as I can walk on the beach without people trying pushing me back in the water, I’ll be good with that.
    Keep in mind that your body composition also comes into play, i.e. petite or medium built. I have somewhat broad shoulders so I’d never get to my BMI’s weight of 150ish.
    So good luck I wish you luck with reaching your goals.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I'm between 5'7" and 5'8". I'm also 52 years old - I think that makes a difference.

    At my heaviest I was a size 26 at 260 pounds
    At my lowest I was a size 12 at 180 pounds. And honestly couldn't imagine going below 170. I felt and looked good!

    Right now I'm 199 and size 16.

    It all depends on your body composition % of body fat, your shape, pear, apple?
  • sastage
    sastage Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'7" and my goal is 145. My highest was over 200, but right now I started at 180. I am 49 and have thyroid issues too. I fit in size 12 comfortably now.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    I'm 5'6", and my goal weight is 180, but I'm becoming less worried with the scale #, and working more towards muscle gain, and inches lost now! I'll stay at my 201.... If it means I am strong, and my tummy flattens out!

    You look amazing!!!
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Probably in the 120s for me. I'm 145 now but I'm carrying a good bit of squish on my stomach and my upper thighs are a little "fattier" than I would like.

    This is assuming I only lost fat and didn't gain muscle - in that event the scale number wouldn't matter.
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I'm 5'7" and started at 172, I'm aiming for 128-133lbs, not sure if my body will be able to settle that low though so if that's too hard to maintain I'll be happy to settle at 140lbs. I'm currently 150lbs but don't have any proper photos of me (just a before/after pose pic in a bikini), I'm currently very squishy but a much nicer shape/size than before!
  • ErynV15
    ErynV15 Posts: 59 Member
    I am 5'7" and currently around 171-173. I have a large frame. Around 157-161 I was in pretty good shape and looking pretty toned.. wearing 10's and even some 8's. I'd like to at least get to 160 to start... and then maybe 150!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I am a touch over 5'7" with a medium and curvy build (curvy regardless of size). My highest weight was 190, size 14/16. I am currently 154 and a size 8. I'm aiming to get back to my previous weight of 140 where I was quite happy with my figure, which was about a size 6.

    Mind you the number doesn't matter to me that much, it's more how I look and how my clothes fit. So if everything is smooth and firm at 145, that's cool with me.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    Commenting to follow---

    I'm almost 5'8", and 157 pounds, and let me say, it doesn't look good on me. I'm not one of those girls that weight evenly distributes on. I'm small boned, and very pear shaped so I have huge thighs, love handles, and a very lumpy stomach. I look semi-decent with clothes on, but I haven't put on a swimsuit in 3 years because I can't deal with it.

    You ladies look amazing though! I'm hoping some day I can post my before and afters.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I'm 5'7" and somewhere around 145 currently (I moved and can't find my scale.) I have quite a bit of muscle mass and wear a size 4/6. I originally planned to lose more, but I'm happy with how much I can eat and how I look here at this weight, so I am focusing more on continuing fitness and if I lose a bit more I will not complain.

    Your own goal is going to depend a lot on your muscle mass and body shape. I have 5'7" friends who look awesome at 160 and 120.

    Focus on creating the habits and lifestyle that will give you an active, healthy, balanced body, and you'll find your happy size and weight.
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