Losing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds.....



  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Me too. I hurt my foot playing softball over the summer, so I was on the "DL". Then I was able to start working out again but started eating poorly. October came and my husband and I went on vacation. THEN I couldn't get out of the vacation eating mode. THEN I hurt my back when I started lifting again (not sure if it was poor form or if I hurt my back at work or if it was a combo of the two) so I took a break. Of course, I got the mother of all colds. So here I am now - and I discovered "In Place of a Road Map 2.0". Search for it on the forums. Basically, it's step by step for calculating your BF % and TDEE (just making it easier and explaining WHY). I've lost almost 5lbs in the last couple weeks (probably most of it water weight - but the pounds I gained on vacation - heck yes!), and I restarted running - yesterday, haha.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    I've been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs for the last 6 months. It's making me slightly crazy. I'm going to start lifting soon to see if that helps. Maybe something new will help. Good luck to you!
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  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I did the same thing after my vacation mid September. I had hit the 40+ pounds loss mark and pretty much stayed there until just a couple of weeks ago. One thing that has helped me getting back on track is that I'm really throwing myself back in to exercise. I had pretty much stopped doing that, too, so getting back in the habit of exercising is reminding me of how much I like feeling after I exercise.

    It's really just a mental block, and you will have to find what works to get you over that hurdle. For now, just stay committed to tracking no matter what and do what you can until you get back in the right mind frame. Even if you maintain for the next month or 6 months, it's better than gaining. In the mean time, try to figure out what will help you over the mental block. Maybe making a list of the reasons why you want to lose weight and reading it regularly will help you. Maybe ramping up your workouts will help you.
  • stofteland
    stofteland Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same problem. I lost 25-30# depending on the day or week. I can't seem to budge from this. However, I am am a smaller size at this weight than I previously was before I gained the weight. I can't figure out what I did that worked and how to get it going again. Now I am trying to do the elliptical 5 days a week for a longer period of time. Trying to figure out how many calories I need. I am busy when all of family is home but not so much when it is just me. I lost 12 # on a weight loss program, but felt like I was starving myself. So frustrating, to say the least. Although I feel more fit than I did 4 years ago.

    If I cut my carbs down to a min, I lose weight quickly, but I feel depressed and not like myself. Trying to find a happy medium. Now X-mas cookies and holiday fun is here and I am trying to get through it without gaining.
  • I hate the ups that come with the downs. I gained 1.1 lbs last wednesday when I weighed and it was a bummer because I continue to log in every day and stay under my calories for the day. I weigh later this morning and I hope it's good news, :ohwell:
  • Stylie
    Stylie Posts: 29 Member
    I got to within about 10 lbs of goal.. and then celebrated... and then had to lose that...
    well, since then its been back and forth with 2-4 lbs for about a month.

    The reality for me is.. the last 10 or what ever total pounds to drop requires consistency week over week.. both in the Kitchen and the gym.
    I did it again to myself this morning.. lost 2.5 lbs.. got below 190, and said..Yay.. now I get Breakfast taco's... Note plural.. ( way to many..)
    My goal will be to get on a plan for 30 days.. just like when I started..and NO celebrations.. No entitlements.. No..its OK you have a week until you weigh in...Consistency.. Eat Clean...be honest...

    I start now..
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    So glad I am not the only one that has experienced this!!! I know the problems, its fixing them that is hard right now. I can give you a million excuses but thats all they are. I have to want it again. I started over the weekend and have worked out 3 of the 4 days.... took a rest day yesterday because I was in some pain. Eating is better... not where it was, but better. I know once I get back on it it will be easy again, but getting there! So, back to workouts 5-6 days a week, even if its just for 15 minutes and eating better! And more water!

    Anyone else do this water yo-yo stuff? I was really good about water to the point that I craved it and now I am not so good. Which, by the way, has effected my workouts negatively.

    I can do this and I will do this!
  • I yo-yo water and am really rotten on the weekends:devil:
  • WooHoo this week is was a 3.1lb loss and I love that.
  • Debgam
    Debgam Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same situation. I have changed my calorie intake to a wider range. I was at 1200 calories and bumped it up to 1500. Now I stay between the two. I have upped my calorie burn from 100 to between 1000 & 2000. Mostly towards the 2000 calories. But I still keep losing the same 3-4 pounds. I exercise mostly 5 days a week.
  • xxdef1antxx
    xxdef1antxx Posts: 4 Member
    some tips, not sure if they've been covered or not

    1. Re calculate calorie and macro needs for new weight, should do this every 10ish lbs
    2. Change diet macros or watch them if you havnt. I was stuck and started reducing carbs and that did the trick
    3. Don't eat carbs 3-4 hours before bed
    4. get more fat in your diet. Fat helps with hormones and weightloss so making sure youre hormones are on point is key
    5. Sleep more.
    6. Change cardio from steady state (like walking or jogging) to interval training. it makes a world of difference

    Remember, you cant out train a bad diet ever. If you are stuck its because something is wrong with your diet and it will take around 2 weeks to start youre body back up on fat burning mode, the trick is staying there.

    just my .02
  • Debgam
    Debgam Posts: 2 Member
    Seems that once my body figures out what I am doing, what I am doing stops working.
    I have tried taking a break from everything for a week or two, but then the pounds start inching back up so I get right back on the exercise and diet. It is so frustrating to work so hard for so little or no improvement! :ohwell: :frown: