Squats HELP!

egirl68 Posts: 57 Member
Hi so I have been doing squats for past week and a half about 20-60 a day. I am 5'1.5" around 111 lbs. I want to slim down my legs as much as i can and tone and tighten my bubble butt. Since I have been doing squats i feel like my butt is jigglier and legs look little bigger is this normal when first starting? Also I eat a very healthy amount just very calorie dense foods like lettuce low cal chips berries and low calorie vegetables but for past several months i have ice cream every night because i really only get 1000-1200 calories including ice cream and for awhile i stopped having it and i finally started to lose weight but ive been having ice cream again everyday for past two weeks and im trying to eat more like said i used to eat 800-900 calories just because i really didnt get hungry and when i was i ate low cal items. I also struggle to drink a decent amount of water but yeah my question is should i keep doing squats to slim my thighs and will my butt just keep feeling jigglier and jigglier?


  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I've never heard of squats making your *kitten* jiggly. If anything, they firm it up. Perhaps it's what you are eating or maybe it's just all in your head. Have you tried mixing up other exercise with squats? Cross training is usually best to tone up and build muscle all around. Also, you should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, jiggly or not. :bigsmile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    doing more and more body weight squats won't do anything for you other than get you good at doing body weight squats.

    Barbell squats
    walking lunges
    dead lifts
    barbell glute raise/thrust
    bulgarian split squats
    pause squats
    front squats

    get some weight on your back and do some heavy lifting.

    I suggest
    Strong lifts
    Starting strength
    new rules of lifting
    strong curves

    makes you eat the food you are needing to eat- if you're goal is 1200- then come as close to that as possible.
    If its' 1200 with eat back- then eat back at least 50% of the exercise caloires.

    Chronic under eating doesn't get you results faster.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I do a variation of weighted squats (basic, ski, sumo, goblet) and deadlifts (basic, sumo, single leg) and all I've gotten from doing these exercises is a rounder, higher, firmer butt. Although it did take longer than a week and a half.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    You need more protein first off.


    Edit: Yeah, use weights. Body weight will only get you so far.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I've never heard of squats making your *kitten* jiggly.....

    hell, I've never heard of anything having any sort of noticeable effect in 10 days. even more important that a proper exercise regimen, the OP needs to learn patience. looking for, expecting, and then complaining about "results" after a week and a half is going to lead to nothing but frustration
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Let Kellie Davis kick your butt. http://www.getglutes.com/
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Have patience, eat more food and please use periods and commas next time - I almost passed out from reading all that....:bigsmile: A week and a half will not show any results.....
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Pictures? Hopefully we can get before and afters so we can determine just how much those bodyweight squats really affected you after 10 whole days.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm not sure there's any exercise you can do for 10 days that will have any kind of significant impact on your butt.

    That said you might just be retaining water. Are you sore?
  • egirl68
    egirl68 Posts: 57 Member
  • egirl68
    egirl68 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not sure there's any exercise you can do for 10 days that will have any kind of significant impact on your butt.

    That said you might just be retaining water. Are you sore?

    Im not too sore like every now and than yeah but for most part no. I am trying to fit back into my shorts i wore last summer i gained 16 lbs since than and wanna go back to 106 lbs which is completely healthy for my height but i got 5 lbs left and im mad i tried on some shorts and they are tight i wore em last summer its my inner thigh thats gone really bad since i gained all together
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Ten days isn't really enough time to see real results from any intervention. I'd bet you feel bigger and more jiggly now because you're being hyper-attentive to the parts of you that you want to change. What I was able to parse from your discussion of caloric intake and from your post history concerns me a little; I think the approach you're taking is more likely to result in frustration and burnout than in the results you're hoping for. I'd suggest you read the first post of this thread carefully and consider tweaking your plan. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've never heard of squats making your *kitten* jiggly.....

    hell, I've never heard of anything having any sort of noticeable effect in 10 days. even more important that a proper exercise regimen, the OP needs to learn patience. looking for, expecting, and then complaining about "results" after a week and a half is going to lead to nothing but frustration

    In the OP's defense when I did the 30day squat challenage back in may of 2013 (prior to joining here) or counting calories I did notice a difference in 10 days...

    Mind you this was the first body weight exercise I had done in 10 years...I usually would just walk or use Wii Dance for exercise.

    *I do have pics to prove it btw*

    I agree however OP you need to be patient...in 10 days if you think it appear you are jiggly chalk it up to water retention for new exercise...
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    Nothing is going to happen in 10 days. Sounds like you're imagining the jiggly. 60 reps is a lot of reps for squats. A lot of reps. You will see better results more quickly using enough weight so that you can't do more than 10 or 12 reps without failure.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    *I do have pics to prove it btw*

    Lets see these pics you speak of...
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    calorie dense foods like lettuce low cal chips berries and low calorie vegetables
    Lots of good squat info, so I'll just address the part I quoted - lettuce is hardly a calorie dense food, along with anything considered "low-cal". Calorie dense means lots of cals in small portions, like raw almonds, avocado, olive oil, etc. And adding those foods to your day is a good way to get more cals in without having to eat a ton of food. :smile:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Anything over 3 reps is cardio.
  • isabellaverburg
    isabellaverburg Posts: 15 Member
    I don't do squats anymore. Adding weight and lifting just adds size to my *kitten*. It's mostly muscle I'm sure but I don't appreciate the gain in size or firmness. Firm seems good till one sits down on your married partners lap and they suggest your bottom feels like a concrete block on them. It's one of the few features I like about my body despite the fact I'm plus sized. What I did find that worked is high rep, low weight exercises. I'll do Plies for example with just body weight or small dumbbells or wrist weights and they were a TON easier on my knees. There is a reason you rarely see a long time ballerina with a huge *kitten*. I try for 20 to 50 reps in areas I want to stay smaller. To do that many reps I have to select lower than normal weights I can handle. It does wonderful things though for a tight, toned, area without being rock hard from muscle.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Hi so I have been doing squats for past week and a half about 20-60 a day. I am 5'1.5" around 111 lbs. I want to slim down my legs as much as i can and tone and tighten my bubble butt. Since I have been doing squats i feel like my butt is jigglier and legs look little bigger is this normal when first starting? Also I eat a very healthy amount just very calorie dense foods like lettuce low cal chips berries and low calorie vegetables but for past several months i have ice cream every night because i really only get 1000-1200 calories including ice cream and for awhile i stopped having it and i finally started to lose weight but ive been having ice cream again everyday for past two weeks and im trying to eat more like said i used to eat 800-900 calories just because i really didnt get hungry and when i was i ate low cal items. I also struggle to drink a decent amount of water but yeah my question is should i keep doing squats to slim my thighs and will my butt just keep feeling jigglier and jigglier?

    1. Add weight to your squats. Bodyweight squats aren't going to do much of anything for you.
    2. Squats don't make your butt jiggly - sorry, it's probably in your head.
    3. Lettuce, berries, and vegetables are not "calorie dense" foods. What? Calorie dense means that it contains a lot of calories. Lettuce and vegetables have VERY few calories and berries don't have much either.
    4. You're not eating enough. 1200 is the absolute minimum you should be eating.
    5. Patience. Get some. You're not going to see changed in your body over the course of a few days or even weeks. These things take time.

    As for comments other people have made on this thread....
    I don't do squats anymore. Adding weight and lifting just adds size to my *kitten*.

    How is this a bad thing? Who wants a flat *kitten*? Not this girl.
    Anything over 3 reps is cardio.

    So strength routines like 5x5 are cardio? Yeah...no.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I don't do squats anymore. Adding weight and lifting just adds size to my *kitten*.

    How is this a bad thing? Who wants a flat *kitten*? Not this girl.


    We have a new anti-lifter on the boards...