I really don't want to go back to the gym...



  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    I'm one of the more fit people that work out at my gym (trust me it wasn't always that way). When I see people that are working their tails off, no matter what their body type...I have tremendous respect for them. There are very few people born into the body they want, everyone in the gym started from ground zero and is trying to better themselves.

    Never be satisfied with where you are, but also never be ashamed for trying to make a difference. After all, you ARE lapping everyone sitting on their couch right now, right?:wink:

    ^^ this more or less.
    As someone else also said, she is the one with the problem.
    If you love being at the gym, don't let one narrow minded girl be getting in the way of that.
    Rather than letting that comment bring you down, use it as fuel.....
    Its just the wind between that girls ears making up those sounds anyway, ITS NOT A PUBLIC OPINION
  • allyemo1985
    allyemo1985 Posts: 14 Member
    I did yoga and felt like rubbish. I did it with a PT in the end because I couldn't face the class. I still won't do classes ever I'm not at the stage in my mind where I can work out in front of people. Yet I run my wobbly *kitten* in the gym no problem. Think memories stem back to gym in school days.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Comments made like that make me feel sick even if it was just a generalised comment. She shouldn't have made, but I think that it's quite clear that she has insecurities herself. Don't let her get to you and stop you from doing your thing. Go back in there and continue to kick *kitten*.

    I'm sure that you're an inspiration to many by working hard trying to lose weight/get healthier. Keep it up :D
  • OliviaCeed
    OliviaCeed Posts: 28 Member
    dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

    so here's someone babbling about fat *****es... in a gym... to someone else making a dedicated effort towards their lifestyle.. because... why???

    the general call out is from someone who's a coward, someone who's contribution to encouraging lifestyle changes is to breathe.

    keep going to the gym. she can move her *kitten* to another gym.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Her comment has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with her.

    no matter what your size, shape, fitness level there will always be people who dislike and admire you. It's your choice how you deal with it.
  • chaelad23
    chaelad23 Posts: 1
    I've gained 30 pounds give or take within the last year. People have called me fat multiple times. But for me, of course it sucks when peiople say that. But it's also a good motivator for you to lose that weight:) prove em wrong.
  • NatUnix
    NatUnix Posts: 5 Member
    I live in Shrewsbury Shropshire . UK. I love running with a partner but not running alone. I like having another person reliant on your attendance as it supports me to be motivated.
    I've joined a running group to try and create the same effect but it isn't really the same as no one knows if I don't go so I've found myself missing a few nights. The running group is twice a week but so far I've been 4 times in seven weeks. Not good :( I do do other exercise and fitness at the gym. It would be great to make friends on here to add to my profile to support each other. Anyone interested :)
  • CocoaBeautiful
    CocoaBeautiful Posts: 40 Member
    This is what my response would have been had I overheard that:

    "I know, right!? It's almost as bad as when narrow-minded, egotistical, dim-witted (insert expletive, I would have gone with one that starts with c) waste space in this universe with their existence, huh? Oh well. That's life, I guess." and then go back at being awesome at yoga.

    There is no room for that sort of attitude in a place of health and fitness.

    HAHAHA! Good one!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    This is what my response would have been had I overheard that:

    "I know, right!? It's almost as bad as when narrow-minded, egotistical, dim-witted (insert expletive, I would have gone with one that starts with c) waste space in this universe with their existence, huh? Oh well. That's life, I guess." and then go back at being awesome at yoga.

    There is no room for that sort of attitude in a place of health and fitness.
    This. This one wins. OP, I would double up on the yoga classes just to spite that bish. And I'd eat a burrito for lunch and make sure my big sexy musical butt was right in her face when we did Downward Dog.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    I'd daub something obnoxious like 'too legit to quit' in glitter onto the seat of my pants.

  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I also think you should report it to a manager. Think of it this way. If she was in the back saying things like, "there are too many black/white/native/yellow (or whatever) people in this gym." Would you stand for that?

    Reporting it to a manager might not phase her, and might not get her removed from the gym or even the classes, but at least you can say you stood up for yourself.

    She might not have been talking about YOU, but that's not really the point is it?
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    A good number of people at the gym started right were you are ( I know I did ) I'd even venture to say most gym goes know just what its like to be in your shoes. And once more they are inspired and in admiration of you! her opinion is a very tiny minority. I promise!! Please don't let insecure self absorbed girls get to your heart.
  • alliarkadia
    alliarkadia Posts: 8 Member
    Oh wow! I am amazed at how many responses this got, thank you! You're all absolutely right, I just felt so embarrassed.
    Sunday is my favorite yoga class, hopefully it'll go better this week!
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    That's part of why I go at 2AM.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    pretty sure if you pay your membership dues- you have as much right to occupy yoga class as the tiny ones.

    ain't nobody got time for that.

    also this
    This is what my response would have been had I overheard that:

    "I know, right!? It's almost as bad as when narrow-minded, egotistical, dim-witted (insert expletive, I would have gone with one that starts with c) waste space in this universe with their existence, huh? Oh well. That's life, I guess." and then go back at being awesome at yoga.

    There is no room for that sort of attitude in a place of health and fitness.
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Personally I love the Namaste Yoga DVDs. I like being able to do it on my time rather than having to rush to a class.

    That being said, I'd keep going to the class that works for you. And next time you hear a comment about fat people in the class? Maybe make a comment about fake yogis who don't understand the meaning of zen taking up space in the class.
  • grim_streaker
    grim_streaker Posts: 129 Member
    Oh wow! I am amazed at how many responses this got, thank you! You're all absolutely right, I just felt so embarrassed.
    Sunday is my favorite yoga class, hopefully it'll go better this week!

    Do that ;) you have nothing to be embarrased about, she on the other hand.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So I was exercising pretty regularly from February - April.
    I had a pretty regular routine, I did cardio classes Monday, Wednesdays, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I did Yoga, and Friday I did abs class.
    Until this girl starting going on about "fat b*****es" that take up space in yoga classes.

    Now I feel like I ought to work out at home on workout DVDs until I get thin enough to be seen at a public gym.
    Does this happen to anyone else?
    Screw her. I promise that is not a common thought. She obviously has a lot of her own issues she's projecting onto others. Or else she's a sociopath. Either way, not someone who's opinion matters.
  • dapunks
    dapunks Posts: 245 Member
    I am just shocked.

    Don't let her ruin this for you. Of all the classes yoga should be the most accepting. Go move your body and enjoy how it feels. Don't worry if you aren't as bendy as anybody else that isn't the point.

    I am a fat yogi and I don't care. I only try and compare myself with myself.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Remember, nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.

    She's not worth your energies. You just go in and OWN your time at the gym.

    You ROCK!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Oh wow! I am amazed at how many responses this got, thank you! You're all absolutely right, I just felt so embarrassed.
    Sunday is my favorite yoga class, hopefully it'll go better this week!
    YOU are NOT the one who should have been embarrassed. It sounds like you're going back on Sunday... good for you. Stretch out and take up that space and enjoy your class.