2014 is the year! Ideal Protein ideas and support?



  • lswerdlin
    lswerdlin Posts: 1 Member
    I am at the end of week two of IP. The first 3 days were difficult. I felt withdrawal from taste and was in a pretty grumpy mood. All I could think about was how can I sustain this. There is no way I can stick with this. Then day 4 I woke up feeling energized and thinking so much more clear. It was almost a buzz. Since then I have noticed my energy levels remain up and I am not that hungry. I lost 10 pounds the first week and I am on track to lose another 5-7 this week. I have been successful on WW and the last 12-18 months I have been tracking on MFP. The weeks I track I do much better, but lately I have been struggling getting back on track. I heard about IP from a friend who had great success. Lost a bunch of weight and inches, but what really impressed me was he was able to stop all of his maintenance drugs and put away his CPAP machine. I am borderline diabetic and needed a jolt to the system. I am glad to see this thread and the success stories that are here.

    I am going to the beach on vacation in two weeks. When I started IP i figured I would just take a week off, but now all I can think of is how to maintain things while I am away. I am used to a few beverages each day that would not be IP approved, but I really think I can work this into the vacation. I hope this thread continues and will keep an eye out. Please keep the recipes and little tricks coming. I got some great ideas already and can't wait to try some of them already.

    I have excepted that this will be life long struggle for me, but education is the key to conquering this and I feel good about the path I am on right now.

    Keep on Truckin!!
  • I have been on IP since November 18th, I am down 53lbs and over 60 inches. I started at 202lbs and hit my lowest at 149 last week.
    I cut out exercise for the first few months and then felt I needed it back, so I added in walking and jogging and light weights with my coach watching my progress to make sure I wasn't overdoing it. I have never felt better or more energized in my life.
    Here is what my day looks like, I am very routine oriented so I do the same thing during the week:
    breakfast: IP drink (orange and blueberry cran-gratta are my favorite) I do have coffee with 1 Tbsp of fat-free international delight creamer along with it.
    morning coffee: I have my restricted snack in the cafeteria. I like the crisps and chips as they take me longer to eat so I am not tempted by the snacks of the girls I sit with at this time at work.
    lunch: soup or pudding and 1 cup of veggies (celery with a little hot mustard dipped on the end is my favorite)
    afternoon coffee: 1 cup of veggies (my favorite is red bell peppers)
    supper: I like to make a stir fry using Epicure seasoning as a lot of them are sodium free. I use tomato, bell pepper, green onions, chicken and shrimp and then top with salsa. lots of flavor and very filling.
    then I don't eat for the rest of the evening!

    good luck to everyone on this journey, I am starting phase 2 in a few days (after a friends wedding where I know I will have some drinks). this program is effective and when you aren't seeing movement on the scale you are still likely losing inches so don't get discouraged!
  • if you have the ability to use a Magic Bullet or blender, I like to use the chocolate or cappuccino or pina colada drink mix blended with ice when everyone else is enjoying a 'refreshing' beverage.
    I pre-cut my veggies and put them in Ziploc bags and take them with me when I am going somewhere there will be snacks and temptation. if I have already done the work to prepare them, I am more likely to convince myself to grab them!
  • I'm a 66 year old grandmother too. I started on IP April 28. I lost 16 lbs in the first month. I just finished 9-day vacation where I was not on the meals and gained about 4 lbs. back. I'm so glad to be back on program as of today. Hoping for a good loss next Thursday when I check in at the clinic. I have 80 pounds to lose initially, I may try to lose another 15 after that, will have to see after the 80 are off. Enjoying the food, but was getting bored at the end of the month. It's time to perk up my recipes.:flowerforyou:
  • jamsauer
    jamsauer Posts: 1 Member
    Started IP in late May. I've lost about 9 pounds over the last 4 weeks - a little frustrated. I have followed the diet exactly but I haven't gone into ketosis. Not sure what I need to do. Anyone else having this problem. I'd love to friend anyone that is also doing IP.
  • Hey Ideal Protein Pals!

    I'm so excited to see others on this program. My family (yup, father, mother and sister) and I joined the program on June 13th. I committed to doing this program until I am down 50 lbs. The food isn't great but there are definitely some decent options like the soups and all the bars have been delicious. I am hoping the lbs just melt off! I'm quite disciplined so once I commit to something I will get it done but it will definitely be a battle. The difficult thing for me is no alcohol. It's summer and I'm in my twenties and quite social so I had to tell all my friends that I'm on this program so they don't go trying to shove alcohol down my throat. I'm hoping to be down 50 lbs in 12 weeks.

    Hope everyone is staying strong!
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    I am actually on Ideal Protein. It is awesome! But lets look at some of the myths....
    1. NO exercise.....Um no not correct, you are to do exercise just not the first few weeks while you body is adjusting, then you add in walking and light weight lifting. Yes you eat few calories and carbs this is why you don't want to over do the work outs.
    2. It WILL just come back....in any diet a person will gain the weight back if they do not change their eating habits. You don't just gain weight back for no reason most people that gain the weight are those that return to their old eating habits and that's how they gain the weight the first time what makes them think that they can return to those habits and the weight will stay off.
    3. You will always be hungry.....um no if you eat your IP food and your veggies and whole protein and drink the required amount of water, you will not get hungry. This diet provides the right amount of protein to maintain muscle mass. This means you get the protein your body needs. You will find most people that get hungry during any diet is because they eat carbs. You think fruits and veggies are good for you. Fruits are all sugar, your body burns it right off and leaves no reserve for you to make it to the next meal.

    Downsides to the diet
    1. Yes it is expensive. But you have to understand you are not only buying the food but you are being tracked and advised by nutritionist and dietitians the whole time. They know what they are doing and can adjust the diet for you if something doesn't feel right. USE their knowledge! If it is too much for you and you have and HSA account, look into how your coach bills the expense, depending on that you can actually use your HSA account.
    2. Your friends will not be as supportive as they claim they will. They will constantly question your choice in the diet. But mainly while you change your habits they are staying they same. They will be eating those fries and chips and cookies in front of you all the time.
    3. You will have cravings every now and then that will drive you crazy. Just stick to it and don't cheat, it's not worth it.

    To make it easier
    1. The first couple weeks try a variety of food. Find a center that sells the food packets individually to find out which packs you like. Most places that do food this way will also let you exchange food if you find that you didn't like it. I had a whole box of vinegar chips, ate two chips from one bag and couldn't do it. I asked them what I could do and they said pick out new food and took the unopened chips back.
    2. Once you find three that you like, only order those. I find I like the premade chocolate drink, the orange drink, and the bbq chips. I do only those. I am never hungry. I eat my whole protein and veggies. 9 weeks and 38lbs lighter. Yay me! Average between 4-5lbs a week. And honestly I haven't added in my exercise yet as I have work and school and a wedding to prepare, but at the end of this month watch out! :)
    3. Watch the videos they send you every day. They are there to teach you what to change when you are finished in the phase 1. They are very informative and helpful.
    4. If you hate water, get flavored water as long as it is 0 calorie 0 sugar. I drink a powerade zero every day. I use those little flavor adders from desani. Even fresca is okay if need the carbonation, but keep it to one a day. Powerade and fresca are not a water replacement just a little alternative if needed.

    I am still very far from my goal, but every day I don't eat those fries, or chips, or cookies I want them less. When I watch my friends eat them I can see what I must have looked like shoveling them into my mouth. I know that at the end of my journey my habits will change because my mind, my WOL has changed. That is the key to keeping it off.

    In 12 weeks I am 3 lbs from my 50 lb goal! I started at 291 and am down to 244. Keep at it. Hopefully these tips will help you.
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    After living the good life for the last umpteen years and picking up a few pounds each year I have finally hit the limit. My blood pressure, liver enzymes, and my weight are all in the red zone. This year I've quit drinking and smoking cigars and now comes the diet. I hope my stubborn streak will help get me through stage one but could certainly use all the help and ideas that come from experience.

    I picked the Ideal Protein diet after a month of research and asking around so I'm not looking for advice or reasons to doubt my decision. I'd love to hear how it's working for others and recipes or exchanges that have made stage one less difficult. If 2014 is going to be your year too, let there be power in numbers!

    some advice... keep an open mind. some of the things you think you know might actually be wrong and/or counter-productive. look for the sensible people on this site who take the time to post on threads like these with sensible advice. many of them have tickers showing losses of 100lbs or more. those are the people whose advice you should consider listening to. most of them will be happy to explain anything you are curious to know more about.

    a wise person listens, investigates, and then decides.

    I like you! You are very wise :)
  • smileypeaches
    smileypeaches Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread.

    I am on week 4 of phase 1 and I'm starting to despair. I find most of the IP foods to be pretty gross, but I switched to the readymade smoothies and they're really good. I'm not really "cheating" per se - but I am eating foods that aren't allowed on the protocol - mainly small amounts of cheese and almond milk - that are very low-carb. I'm not sure why they're not allowed and so have gone ahead and done this as it's made my morning coffee ritual doable (i use almond milk and coffee instead of a latte or misto). which is huge to me. However, last week I lost no weight and this week I've lost none, too. The idea of giving up my tiny allowance of cheese and/or my unsweetened vanilla almond milk makes me want to cry. Both have zero carbs, but I can't think what else is stalling my weight loss. I'm noticing that I'm hungry all the time, even if I double the amount of veggies. I'm pretty miserable actually, haha. Though I had great success my first two weeks - lost 10lbs in 2 weeks, now I feel I am plateauing and I don't know what to do. Some help please??

    This is by no means and exact answer for you but my own opinion....Stop eating things that are not on the protocol that is the major issue right there. You are not plateauing but your body will have weeks of adjustment. I have on about every 3 weeks or so. Do the IP strictly and you will see the weight start coming off again. As for the food. I do only three things. Orange packet, premade chocolate drink, and bbq chips. I have lost 47 lbs in 12 weeks. Make sure you are eating the right veggies and drinking your water. If you are still having issues as your IP provider to re-examine your diet to either increase or decrease your net carb amount with the IP food.
  • barbmurp
    barbmurp Posts: 1
    I started IP June 3, 2014. I'm 5'9", currently 180 lbs and 67years old. I lost 12 lbs to start and now moving very slow on the weight loss. I find that there is enough food to eat, however it REALLY effects my social life. I live in a active social life and it involves going out, pot lucks etc. Not that easy! We travel a lot; not that easy to find thing to eat that satisfy you. I'm sticking it out because of the money invested so far. I do drink gin and diet tonic with lime, for social drinking occasions. My coach seems to think that is okay.
    Need a peep talk!!!:
  • ttolnay
    ttolnay Posts: 3
    I have coffee with Coffee Mate every day twice a day and can still lose weight. My coach says "thats not allowed but it has not hurt me. I just watch my macros. Re-evaluate the amount of protein you are consuming. If you are getting close to goal you need to go to 2 packets a day and reduce your protein intake to avoid gluconeogenesis. If you eat to much protein your body WILL turn the excess into glucose and you WILL NOT lose weight. Hence why there is a phase 2. For lunch have a salad with a lean protein and walden farms dressing. That should put you back on track. Track your macros on My Fitness Pal so you know where you are. You can also use ketone strips to see if you have any ketosis. You can register trace or low ketosis and still lose, but you do need some level of ketosis.
  • tstimpso
    tstimpso Posts: 1
    I was fed a pack of LIES by Ideal Protein....I was told that I would lose 4 to 7 lbs a week and while I was skeptical given my age 56 and the fact that I had difficultly losing weight in the past, I wanted so badly to believe my fast talking coach....Well, I was right and well over a thousand dollars later I am so disguisted I don't know what to do...I have followed this diet PERFECTLY and lost 5 pounds the first week then after that my typical weight loss has been no more than about a 1 pound a week...I am in week 7 and only lost 13 pounds so far...Sure 13 pounds is 13 pounds, but it is NOT the 4 to 7 lbs I was promised. I know what you are all thinking - I must be cheating, but I am NOT...You don't hear about the people that this diet does not work for...I feel lied to and cheated and not sure what to do...Any advice??
  • jazzsax69
    jazzsax69 Posts: 59 Member
    i am on the diet as of today. I have done Optifast before ---- that helped me get from 260 to 190. I know the only reason I added 30 pounds back was:

    1) I was flying 120,000 miles a year, every week Calgary to Toronto
    2) I was drinking at the lounge.
    3) I was always upgraded to first class - meaning big dinner
    4) I lived in a hotel 100 days a year. Didn't eat at the right times
    5) Portion control? What's that?

    It's all in retraining yourself.

    i'd love if others on IP would add me as a friend and help keep me encouraged. I will do the same for you!

    I plan to drop 20 pounds (or more) between now and end of August for my 10th wedding anniversary. The wife is fully supportive --- I am not obese, but to see her get down to her pre-baby weight with tone and keep going is very motivating.

    So far everything I've tasted is edible!
  • I started IP 4days ago. I am very concerned that I am not going to be able to do this. I've read that while your body is adjusting, you can have all sorts of issues and am hoping that these fears are just one of the adjustments. I ate snow peas, not realizing they were limited, hopefully, I didn't blow it. I definitely need to start experimenting with food and become more creative. Wish me luck.
  • Same here! I tried every diet out there, and also heard the "magic" of Ideal Protein. The first week 5lbs, then nothing! "Don't worry about the scale, you gained muscle mass." Blah, Blah, Blah Still waiting....
  • burnbburn
    burnbburn Posts: 9
    Very interested in this IP weight loss pls add and teach oh yoda..
  • jazzsax69
    jazzsax69 Posts: 59 Member
    First weigh in is today. I have the exact same scale at home as at my clinic
    I can tell you I am probably down close to 10 pounds on week one.

    Followed the diet to a T.

    Exercised alot considering ---- walking, hiking, eliptical.

    You need to be both mentally and physically prepared for this diet to be succesful.
  • ginja_jo_ninja
    ginja_jo_ninja Posts: 3 Member
    I just started ideal protein today because I've seen three close friends succeed on it. I am struggling with the select vegetables. I never have been a veggie lover.... i need ideas. how do you get your veggies in if you are not a fan?
  • scelaya71
    scelaya71 Posts: 1
    I started IP on July 3, 2014. I have followed the diet perfectly. I was down 11 lbs on my first weigh in and I could hardly believe it! Of course, I know most of that was water weight...but whatever! LOL This week I am still holding strong. I feel really good most of the time, the hunger is pretty manageable as long as I am drinking plenty of water. I have already been able to stop taking my medication for acid reflux as that seems to have disappeared - which is awesome! This is not something that I could do for the rest of my life, but knowing that there is an end to it and I get to phase out keeps me going. I don't expect such spectacular results on this week's weigh in, but I am sure there will be some movement on the scale! I am noticing a little dip in my energy levels in the afternoon - not sure how I can combat that. Any suggestions?
  • alinacecilia88
    alinacecilia88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! I'm on day two and ready to commit finally to the program! I'm getting married in December so that helps keep me motivated. :)
    Encouraged by finding support here and by seeing others success on the program! One day at a time!