Two weeks of strict diet/excercise and no results!?!



  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Don't listen to the people who say low carb is a fad.
    They can't wrap their mind around the fact that some people are more sensitive to carb intake than others.
    They think if everyone ate 1200 calories of sugar and that's all, then those people would lose weight.
    They can't seem to understand that one person's genetic makeup and reactions might be totally different to another person's.
    And they refuse to accept decades of medical evidence and RESULTS to prove it.

    One other thing I want to suggest is that if you are doing cardio and weight resistant training 5-6 a week, you may be over-doing it. That much stress on your body can actually work against your weight loss. And/or you could also be losing inches of fat but replacing it with muscle, which is more dense and thus heavier than fat. Do your clothes fit the same on your body as they did 2 weeks ago?
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Take your measurements. The scale does nothing but measure your relationship with gravity. I spent two months with the scale not moving but I was smaller by 2 sizes. 2 weeks isn't enough time to really judge results and you may need to make some adjustments to your nutrition, ie good vs bad carbs, lean protein & fresh veggies & fruit. Hang in there! Oh, and lifting weights at first can make you retain water but keep it up & it will pay off in the long run! :flowerforyou:
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Your diary is private - make sure you are logging honestly and accurately and weighing and measuring your foods. Don't get discouraged, this takes time and patience. If you don't have a food scale pick one up, it doesn't need to be fancy, I have just a cheapie I got a Walmart for about $10 but make sure it weighs in ounces and grams and that you can "tare" it.

    Eat a healthy well balanced diet and be consistent and it will all fall into place, your profile says your goal to lose is 40 lbs which really isn't that much. Do what you can maintain - if your cals are too low and you don't think you can sustain it, change your weekly goal to a lower number (ie: 1 lb per week vs 2 lbs per week).

    Keep track of your exercise and establish good habits. It takes time to figure out what works for you. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • samanthaannee2014
    samanthaannee2014 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh my goodness thank you so much for all of the great feedback!! (Minus that little argument)
    I am slowly seeing the scales move now ( what a relief, I'm doing something right!! )
    I pretty much made this topic out of desperation, It's extremely discouraging eating clean and jogging up flights and flights of stairs with no results.. Two weeks in and I felt like I was going to have thunder thighs forever! ( yes I'm dramatic but I haven't had chocolate in close to three weeks ) The general consensus I've gotten IF I am really keeping my diet healthy and mixing cardio with strength training is that every body reacts differently to sudden change of lifestyle... Hope that is a fair assumption... I just really thought you would see the biggest weight drops in the first few weeks?
  • samanthaannee2014
    samanthaannee2014 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement!! I'm going to keep going for once I'm dedicated to this and mfp is making this so easy!
    Is there any way you can track your muscle gain vs fat loss?