Just keep swimming...



  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    I do, and I run/cycle, do zumba, do the elliptical/treadmill/rowing machine, I love swimming and water jogging so much, ideally I would swim 3 -5 times a week, and do whatever else I wanted 2 -4 times a week.
  • bonzodearie
    God. I've just started my swimming... it's pathetic, i'm like a drowning dog. I'm so grateful the pool guard at our Virgin Active wasn't watching me. They have a 'Slow lane' I think they should create a new one for my sole use. Think I might just jump in the Jacuzzi next gym session. Weird thing is, 25 years ago (at high school), I got most of those badges you sew on your swimming trunks: 800m, 1500m, then there was the Bronze badge, Silver... Does anyone else remember doing those? We had to wear our Pajamas in the pool, take them off, make one of those floating things with the shirt, swim so far under the water (avoiding the imaginary oil slick). Oh the good old days.
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    I want to start swimming as a part of my weight loss fitness routine. I can swim, as in fun in the pool without drowning - but I don't know any technical strokes. Do I need to find a way to learn the specific strokes for it to be beneficial or can I jump in and go with my own "stroke"? My gym does not offer a swim coach and I don't know anyone who knows technical swimming.

    Actually...all of this. haha
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    The most swimming I get is whenever I come out of my kayak. My gym has a pool,and I really want to use it this year. I don't know anything about swimming aside from the basics though. :embarassed:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Thank you Macstraw, I really find things like this difficult (it's the same learning to drive), but I love swimming.

    About simplicity, breaststoke was the same. For months I struggled and couldn't do it and then one day I suddenly could and very effortlessly and I wondered what I'd been doing before.

    I thought being knackered after trying to propel myself along with a kickboard in front of me was just me!

    Oh no, the kickboard will wipe anybody out quickly.....

    You just kept at your breaststroke kick & your body naturally fine-tuned it until it felt right. The same thing will happen with the other kicks, just keep working at it. Just pick 1 thing to work on at a time & don't clutter your mind. For example, work solely on pointing the toes back toward the wall you left until it feels natural. Once that happens concentrate on the kick coming from the hip. Once that happens concentrate on the fluttering of the feet. It doesn't matter what order, just work 1 at a time until it feels right.....
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Thank you Macstraw, I really find things like this difficult (it's the same learning to drive), but I love swimming.

    About simplicity, breaststoke was the same. For months I struggled and couldn't do it and then one day I suddenly could and very effortlessly and I wondered what I'd been doing before.

    I thought being knackered after trying to propel myself along with a kickboard in front of me was just me!

    Oh no, the kickboard will wipe anybody out quickly.....

    You just kept at your breaststroke kick & your body naturally fine-tuned it until it felt right. The same thing will happen with the other kicks, just keep working at it. Just pick 1 thing to work on at a time & don't clutter your mind. For example, work solely on pointing the toes back toward the wall you left until it feels natural. Once that happens concentrate on the kick coming from the hip. Once that happens concentrate on the fluttering of the feet. It doesn't matter what order, just work 1 at a time until it feels right.....

    Many, many thanks, I will try the foot steps. :happy:
  • heikejacob4
    heikejacob4 Posts: 38 Member
    I swam competitively in high school, but in college I just make it to the pool once a week. I used to only swim a mile (all freestyle) but I've been upping it in recent weeks ... now at 1.75 miles in 53 minutes.
  • crawlingfish
    crawlingfish Posts: 29 Member
    I usually swim three or four times a week for an hour and a half at a time;

    laps in the pool twice a week before weightlifting, (usually its 40 minutes freestyle, 10 minutes butterfly, 30 minutes freestyle, then 10 minutes sprints) and the other days I do about two miles of ocean swimming. once a month I up one of the ocean swims to four miles. lucky to live by the beach!
    training for Alcatraz and Catalina in june.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Bumping for reference.

    I love swimming (got up to bronze star when I was younger) but haven't gone for years... but now I work right next to the pool so there's no excuse anymore :smile:
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Then jump back in!!!!!!!!!!! :-)