Is this a good plan to lose 100 pounds in 6 months?



  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    So, you don't care about doing it in a healthy way?

    Good luck with that.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Only if you want to hate what you look like when you get there.
  • Murphy0126
    Murphy0126 Posts: 84 Member
    I think you should educate yourself on health/nutrition before you proceed to undertake any form of training or dietary regiment for a contact sport/any sport.

    18% BF is in the "Healthy" range, and you want to lose 100 pounds? Say goodbye to all your lean muscle tissue.

    And I'm sorry, but eating nothing but oats, grilled chicken/fish, veggies and cottage cheese everyday? That's insanity. I'll stick to eating EVERYTHING and still losing.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I want less muscle and a little less fat, I want to fight at bantamweight in MMA instead of heavy-light heavyweight...Really I just want to be in a much lower weight class all together because I want more stamina

    light-heavyweight is 205 pounds

    Bantamweight is 135 pounds

    this seems simple, wetcoaster. Should I simplify this further so that you no longer become confused? I haven't said or done anything insulting, so keep yours to yourself.

    A fighter who wants to fight, but doesn't want to fight for what he wants?

    Okay. Good luck.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    light-heavyweight is 205 pounds

    Bantamweight is 135 pounds

    this seems simple, wetcoaster. Should I simplify this further so that you no longer become confused? I haven't said or done anything insulting, so keep yours to yourself.

    No I wont thanks. What does weight have to do with stamina?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    light-heavyweight is 205 pounds

    Bantamweight is 135 pounds

    this seems simple, wetcoaster. Should I simplify this further so that you no longer become confused? I haven't said or done anything insulting, so keep yours to yourself.

    You want to do it the fast way, not the healthy way...but you want to participate in MMA? You do know that you need to be healthy for that, right? I would really highly suggest that you not rush through this process, and to work on building muscle while losing fat. You are not going to gain stamina like you want if you're starving your body for nutrients while trying to reach a 4lb per week goal.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    :huh: This sounds familiar. Is your mother prone to rants about your grandparents giving you too much food when you spend the night at their house, because it puts you into the higher weight class where you get your butt kicked and then throw a tantrum?
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    So you want to be 155? That seems very lean for 6ft

    Check out this guy on reddit r/progresspics (love that subreddit!). 5'11 and 170. Not über muscly but imagine how lean you would have to be to be 20lb lighter than him... That kind of toning takes quite a while... I think you will probably need to be a bit more realistic about your time goal, if not your weight goal too, but that is ultimately your decision. is great in general!
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    So you want to be 155? That seems very lean for 6ft

    Check out this guy on reddit r/progresspics (love that subreddit!). 5'11 and 170. Not über muscly but imagine how lean you would have to be to be 20lb lighter than him... That kind of toning takes quite a while... I think you will probably need to be a bit more realistic about your time goal, if not your weight goal too, but that is ultimately your decision. is great in general!

    He wants to be 135
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    light-heavyweight is 205 pounds

    Bantamweight is 135 pounds

    this seems simple, wetcoaster. Should I simplify this further so that you no longer become confused? I haven't said or done anything insulting, so keep yours to yourself.

    You want more stamina but you're perfectly fine sacrificing a large amount of muscle? Put me in the category of Wetcoaster. This rationale makes no sense.

    Let's say you did it and then fought in the bantam weight class. You're going to get destroyed every single time because those guys will be smaller but with far more muscle and stamina. Do you want to just lose in the ring constantly?
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    @Sanfly My height is 6', weight is 255 and my body fat is 18.1%
    So you want to be 155? That seems very lean for 6ft

    Check out this guy on reddit r/progresspics (love that subreddit!). 5'11 and 170. Not über muscly but imagine how lean you would have to be to be 20lb lighter than him... That kind of toning takes quite a while... I think you will probably need to be a bit more realistic about your time goal, if not your weight goal too, but that is ultimately your decision. is great in general!

    He wants to be 135

    So he'd actually like to lose 120lb....

    I think it might be a good idea to pick a new weight class..
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    So you want to be 155? That seems very lean for 6ft

    Check out this guy on reddit r/progresspics (love that subreddit!). 5'11 and 170. Not über muscly but imagine how lean you would have to be to be 20lb lighter than him... That kind of toning takes quite a while... I think you will probably need to be a bit more realistic about your time goal, if not your weight goal too, but that is ultimately your decision. is great in general!

    He wants to be 135

    He also says
    "Determination and patience - realistically you won't be able to lose more than 10lbs a month, however most of people can do only 5lbs a month. It takes a lot of time to get the body you want, but it if you are consistent you shouldn't have any issues to reach your goal."
    This means maximum 60lb in 6 months, no where near 100
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    :huh: This sounds familiar. Is your mother prone to rants about your grandparents giving you too much food when you spend the night at their house, because it puts you into the higher weight class where you get your butt kicked and then throw a tantrum?

    I remember that thread...:bigsmile:
  • L4dyK4te
    L4dyK4te Posts: 26 Member
    Regardless of your motivations, clean eating and exercise is always a good idea. I saw a guy do a very low-cal diet and lose a lot of weight in a year BUT he had a MUCH higher body fat percentage than you (was over 400lb). I'm not sure your body will like or conform to your goals in the way you are wanting it to. You seem pretty healthy already and maybe it is a good idea to rethink your preferred weight class. However, it's your business to do what you want with your body. I'd say try your plan and see where you get and how it makes your body feel. You are the one who will be living with it. It may be wildly successful for you, but I agree with others on here that losing lots of muscle probably won't help with your stamina/endurance goals in the ring. I'm only offering my opinion because I'd hate to see you go down an unhealthy weight loss road that a lot of us have been down before. It's a lot harder to fix later. Maybe pick a different weight class and still lose some weight but work on building your skills though training? Best wishes & good luck.
  • platedlizard
    platedlizard Posts: 7 Member
    Uh, starving yourself to get down to 135 or whatever in 6 months is going to wreck havoc on your stamina... and it'll probably put you in the ring with guys who are shorter and therefore proportionally stronger than you since they haven't been starving themselves for six months. You'll look like a skeleton and have no energy and get your *kitten* beat. And you say you don't care about being healthy, well you should care about that. When you're injured (not if, you WILL be injured during a fight or training at some point) you will heal faster if you are healthy and in top shape, but if you abuse your body this way you'll put your training program back weeks or months. Speaking of which...

    Do you have a trainer? Have you talked to them about this? Have you consulted other trainers as well? Or are you just winging all of this without any professional advice? Because the only way you're going to be any good in the ring at a professional (or even upper level amateur) level is by having a trainer working with you one on one.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Dont you have a job?
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    light-heavyweight is 205 pounds

    Bantamweight is 135 pounds

    this seems simple, wetcoaster. Should I simplify this further so that you no longer become confused? I haven't said or done anything insulting, so keep yours to yourself.

    I'm assuming this is a wind up! Either that or you "want to fight at Bantamweight" but have never participated in MMA yet?

    It might be an idea to go and speak with a trainer they will be able to set you on the right path. As what you are currently proposing is not a good idea really.
  • iceyelf
    iceyelf Posts: 26 Member
    So you want to be 155? That seems very lean for 6ft

    Check out this guy on reddit r/progresspics (love that subreddit!). 5'11 and 170. Not über muscly but imagine how lean you would have to be to be 20lb lighter than him... That kind of toning takes quite a while... I think you will probably need to be a bit more realistic about your time goal, if not your weight goal too, but that is ultimately your decision. is great in general!

    He wants to be 135

    135 at 6 foot??? and he wants to do some sort of fighting?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I think you look great now. You could be really strong and solid with like a 20 pound weight loss. At 155, you will look way too skinny.
  • clcorzine
    clcorzine Posts: 2
    Your plan is insane!!!! r u on perscription DIET PILLS????