im trying to kick pop, is mio ok to substitute?



  • no soda for me..
    but I am not a water person..I was addicted to Monster and KickStart and PitBulls (all energy drinks)..until I realized
    1.-I was going broke drinking 5 a day
    2. It was NOT healthy

    I drink water with MIO fact, I take a MIO will be anywhere I the black cherry and orange tangerine.

    Lesser of two evils if you will..but it keeps me from commiting mass homicide..consider yourselves lucky..LOL
  • I've been using Mio for a while and my soda intake has dropped drastically. I couldn't get my family on board to completely get soda out of the house, but I have found that having Mio in my water just once a day cuts my craving for soda back significantly. I'm really just starting on my weight loss program on here, but I know that the calories and sugar in soda are enough to completely blow the nutritious diet out of the water. I drink much more water than I did before (plain water, without the Mio) and I find that I don't snack nearly as much as I used to. I think Mio is a great thing.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    There's nothing wrong with either.

    (allergies/food sensitivities withstanding)
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    STAY AWAY FROM THINGS LIKE MIO AND OTHER SUBSTITUTES TO FLAVOR YOUR WATER. Seriously you are pumping your body with artificial everything and some very dangerous dyes and chemicals. Just drink the water, seriously, just drink the water. If you need different tastes, drink things like teas (A MILLION FRICKEN FLAVORS AND KINDS BOTH HOT AND COLD), black coffee(and i mean black not with sugar and cream), or carbonated water like pieere, I don't understand why people who are trying to get healthy, lose weight eating fake foods and substitutes that are passed off as "healthy" but trust me are far from. Don't fill your body with **** when you are trying to lose weight, put only good into your body and your body will look great!

    I'm sorry, but that's taking it to an extreme.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating "artificial everything" as long as you don't overdo it. You can have your black coffee. I'll take mine with splenda and just one tablespoon of creamer, and I'll be just fine filling my body with ***.

    Oh, and you'll have to pry my flavored water from my cold, dead hands.

    OP, I don't know what MIO is. I do admit, I do drink (diet) pop again after kicking the habit of drinking (non diet) pop a year ago. However, I don't overdo it. Maybe 1-2 bottles a day, and mostly for the caffeine to get me through my college courses. But when I DID quit, I found tea to be very helpful. Provided me the caffeine, and was moderately healthier.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Ok, I can't, I just can't. I tried to leave this alone, but I can't. EVERY DAMN THING YOU STICK IN YOUR MOUTH IS A CHEMICAL. There are PLENTY of "natural" products out there that are 1000 times worse for you than the chemicals in MIO and the like (use of hyperbole to make a point). If you had taken one SINGLE semester of organic chemistry, that ingredients list wouldn't bother you in the least, but since you CLEARLY haven't MAYBE you should not make bombastic comments about topics for which you have not been properly educated.

    Thank you,
    A science teacher

    I love you.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    You could try Zevia! It's all natural, no artificial sweeteners, and many are caffeine-free. I gave up Diet Coke 8 weeks ago (although I had 1 on Mother's Day when I went out to eat with my mom) and don't miss it. I tried Zevia a few weeks ago and like to have one every few days. Definitely mostly water-only at this point but I like ginger ale so it's worth buying the sixpack.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I used Mio, and Mio energy (which makes me super hyper) when I gave up soda. I couldn't stand the taste of plain water, but after several months water grew on me and I drank it plain. I think its fine and will help you kick the soda.
  • No criticism intended, but I believe antifreeze is ethylene glycol?
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    You could try Zevia! It's all natural, no artificial sweeteners, and many are caffeine-free. I gave up Diet Coke 8 weeks ago (although I had 1 on Mother's Day when I went out to eat with my mom) and don't miss it. I tried Zevia a few weeks ago and like to have one every few days. Definitely mostly water-only at this point but I like ginger ale so it's worth buying the sixpack.

    Its expensive ($5 for 6 pack) and tasted flat. Sorry just my opinion on Dr. Stevia anyways, I haven't tried the other flavors. I do like stevia though and use it in place of sugar now.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    You could try Zevia! It's all natural, no artificial sweeteners, and many are caffeine-free. I gave up Diet Coke 8 weeks ago (although I had 1 on Mother's Day when I went out to eat with my mom) and don't miss it. I tried Zevia a few weeks ago and like to have one every few days. Definitely mostly water-only at this point but I like ginger ale so it's worth buying the sixpack.

    Its expensive ($5 for 6 pack) and tasted flat. Sorry just my opinion on Dr. Stevia anyways, I haven't tried the other flavors. I do like stevia though and use it in place of sugar now.

    Yeah, it is expensive, but worth the money to me. I've only tried the ginger ale and lemon lime flavors, can't speak for the others.
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    I love me some Mio.....use it daily in my water....apparently I like chemicals...:love::laugh:
  • 2pink2push
    2pink2push Posts: 11 Member
    I love these debates on MFP. I like the pseudo science and the sarcasm. Especially from our friends over the pond, thought you guys didn't do irony ;-). Learning loads of stuff on here but the biggest lesson so far is not to take myself too seriously. All things in moderation said my Grandad who lived till aged 90. Good genetics? A decent sized allotment and daily exercise methinks. . . .he didn't drink pop by the way <3 .