
Hi there, I am a vegetarian, I don't eat meat, fish or poultry and I love carbs. I would like to hear from other vegetarians to see how they manage and what they eat.:smile: I am new to this and so far I am finding the site and the people amazing!


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I love carbs too but they don't love me. Feel free to add I usually keep my diary up to date
  • rfwsewell
    rfwsewell Posts: 5 Member
    Hii :) I'm vegan and I eat a lot of edamame, broccolli, tofu products and alternative dairy products to make sure I get enough protein but I have to admit my diet is full of carbs! My body doesn't mind carbs that much though so I'm getting on fine. I just make sure I try to up my protein and veg elements in the meals.
  • MissLucyU75
    MissLucyU75 Posts: 43 Member
    I can totally understand!! I'm a vegetarian & carb lover. I find that it helps me to pre-log as much of my day as possible. If I can't pre-log my entire day, I log as I go. That helps me keep my carbs (& everything else!) in check. I never eat & then log at the end of the day. If I do, I am over on everything! Best of luck!!
  • annetuck2
    annetuck2 Posts: 4
    Good luck my grandson (12 yrs) has been a vegetarian for over a year now. He does eat fish though, and this helps with his protein. I would love to follow along and see what suggestions you get.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I eat a lot of Morningstar stuff for protein. It's not bad. I will take any suggestions or tips.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Good luck my grandson (12 yrs) has been a vegetarian for over a year now. He does eat fish though, and this helps with his protein. I would love to follow along and see what suggestions you get.

    That is called a "pescatarian" actually, not a vegetarian.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Lots of peas and beans. Peas are actually a legume and contain the BCAA amino acids. Hummus with pita combined provide a complete protein. If you eat dairy, skim milk and egg beaters or egg whites.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Take a peek at the Happy Herbivores group. There are a lot of veg*ns there with a lot of helpful information and ideas.
  • Gallifrey289
    Gallifrey289 Posts: 8 Member
    I've recently gone veggie. I had little take on meat because I was super picky, so I decided to just let it go. I use some Morningstar and Gardein products. I really would like more ideas on how to go about this.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i was your typical pasta/bread/cheese variety of vegetarian. i have moved away from much of those and fake meat products over the last year. i still love a BLT from time to time, but you get so much more bang for you buck by eating veggies and fruits. add an egg some quinoa and we are good-to-go!

    ETA: dont want people freaking out about this, by BLT i mean FLT (fakon, lettuce, tomato)
  • 7fatcats
    7fatcats Posts: 9 Member
    I am a fish eating vegetarian so have a few more options I guess. The key for me is really watching the dairy, which accounts for a huge proportion of the fat I consume, and reducing carbs.

    I do like quorn but not the fake meat forms they do - but am adding lots of low GI foods in to add bulk to meals and ensure the fuller/longer thing - big piles of mixed green veg on the side of one-pot vegetable stews has become a staple. I'm adding few kidney or black beans etc. to add comfort to these, rather than having any rice or other carb.
  • abble_pie
    abble_pie Posts: 144 Member
    I had a hard time adjusting as well, but try adding a heap of veggies to a carb-based meal. For example, you can make a delicious stir fry with a ton of fresh veggies on a small bed of pasta, rice noodles, or even better--spaghetti sqash! My hardest meal to avoid carbs at is breakfast since I don't eat a ton of eggs. I like meat substitutes such as meatless meatballs, veggie burgers or meatless "chicken" tenders and try to pair them with a helping of (cooked) frozen veggies which are quick and easy to make. I'm still working on this and learning as well so I'd love to hear everyone else's suggestions.
  • 7fatcats
    7fatcats Posts: 9 Member
    Reckon it's partly making every carb count too - I've started having German rye bread or pumpernickel instead of normal bread as it's so dense and better from a GI perspective, which makes my calories for other bits to go on it go way further.