Cheat or not to Cheat?



  • grazer432
    grazer432 Posts: 33 Member
    I try to avoid the work cheating because I think it makes me more likely to over-eat and I don't really see what I'm doing as cheating; but I do have treats a couple meals a week. I try to eat pretty cleanly most of the time so as a treat I I usually have something that is nutritionally not disastrous but doesn't fit into my "real whole foods" paradigm. That might be going out for dinner or I might make a dessert. I usually choose one item and that is the treat; so if I go out dinner I might get grilled salmon with veggies and have some fries as a treat. If I make dessert at home it is usually a banana with pb or dark chocolate, that to me is a lovely treat that I can enjoy but that doesn't lead me to overeating other foods.

    I also like to treat myself by making foods that are a bit more special/expensive/effort intensive. I love scallops, steak and other more expensive cuts of meat but they can't be everyday items so when I have them it feels like a treat.
    When it comes to my birthday/xmas I usually have one piece of cake/pudding and seriously enjoy it.
  • Thockey123
    Thockey123 Posts: 6
    If you are trying to get a very low body fat it is pretty essential to have a cheat day every 10-14 days. Not necessary eating takeaways or anything like that but eating 700-1000 above you daily calorie limit. This is so your body's metabolism doesn't completely shut down from the lack of enough calories. If not enough calories are taken in daily just in general, you're really hindering your ability to lose weight effectively unless you are very over weight. Unless you are at quite a low body fat % you don't need a cheat day other than just to keep your sanity. It is completely fine, your weight will not exploded as long as you make sure it only a day and not excessive. Good luck, weight loss is a hugely personal thing depending on your body handles it, you just need to find what works best for you.
  • smithers911
    smithers911 Posts: 5 Member
    I can't do cheat days, I get sent into a "Ah f*** it" mentality

    +1. Another member of the "F*** It" Club. If I know I'm going out socially and there's gonna be major temptation, I cram about 300g chicken breast down before I go, so the edge is taken off.
  • mncdk
    mncdk Posts: 30 Member
    That is the question =)

    Do you guys/gals ever take a cheat day? I am not suggesting shoveling Big Macs down your throat but more of a nice steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, and an appetizer.

    A steak dinner is cheating? wow that's sad.
    I was gonna say. :P
    Steak is meat, meat is protein and fat, both are necessary macro nutrients. Potatoes have fiber and lots of vitamins and other micros.
    Appetizers are typically small, so not really worth worrying over.

    That's not a cheat meal, that's a meal. If means you will exceed your calorie goal for the day, then that's something different. But it's not cheating. Something like going 500 kcal over your target for ONE day in a week is like missing out on 1/7 lb lost. It's simply not worth thinking about, assuming you normally reach your goals.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    That is the question =)

    Do you guys/gals ever take a cheat day? I am not suggesting shoveling Big Macs down your throat but more of a nice steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, and an appetizer.

    Sounds like a pretty regular dinner to me.

    I agree. Sounds normal.
    My thoughts exactly.

    Nothing wrong with having steak dinners every day if that's what you like, just eat a portion that works with your calorie/macro goals.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I don't do cheat days.... I fit everything that I want, even my treats into my calorie intake. If I want something special (like I am going out to dinner with a friend I haven't seen forever tomorrow) I did twice as much exercise today and will do twice as much exercise on the day after.... but I make it fit without cheating
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    If you are trying to get a very low body fat it is pretty essential to have a cheat day every 10-14 days. Not necessary eating takeaways or anything like that but eating 700-1000 above you daily calorie limit. This is so your body's metabolism doesn't completely shut down from the lack of enough calories. If not enough calories are taken in daily just in general, you're really hindering your ability to lose weight effectively unless you are very over weight. Unless you are at quite a low body fat % you don't need a cheat day other than just to keep your sanity. It is completely fine, your weight will not exploded as long as you make sure it only a day and not excessive. Good luck, weight loss is a hugely personal thing depending on your body handles it, you just need to find what works best for you.

    Ah really? so a reefed day is essential for fat loss? Even if you are eating at a slight deficit every day?
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I don't believe in the deprivation model of weight loss. I don't think it's sustainable and reminds me of a "dieting" mentality versus learning how to lose and keep weight off for a lifetime.

    If I choose to eat more on a certain day, I don't consider that "cheating". Just the word alone sounds negative. I think of it as a day where I choose to eat more and not lose weight for that day. Having said that, I manage to fit whatever I want into my daily calorie allotment of 1700-1800 about 99% of the time.
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    I eat 1300 cal/day, except for saturday where I allow myself to eat up to 2700 calories, which makes my average daily calorie intake 1500 calories! Works awesome for me, I'm losing at a good and steady pace! ;)

    So, as people has already mentioned, if you still eat at a defict and you can fit it in to your calorie goal, go for it!
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    If you are trying to get a very low body fat it is pretty essential to have a cheat day every 10-14 days. Not necessary eating takeaways or anything like that but eating 700-1000 above you daily calorie limit. This is so your body's metabolism doesn't completely shut down from the lack of enough calories. If not enough calories are taken in daily just in general, you're really hindering your ability to lose weight effectively unless you are very over weight. Unless you are at quite a low body fat % you don't need a cheat day other than just to keep your sanity. It is completely fine, your weight will not exploded as long as you make sure it only a day and not excessive. Good luck, weight loss is a hugely personal thing depending on your body handles it, you just need to find what works best for you.

    Ah really? so a reefed day is essential for fat loss? Even if you are eating at a slight deficit every day?

    No, you don't have to eat more on one day. If you eat at a decift every day you will lose weight :)
    Edit: Talking about just regular weight loss, not sure how it works at the really low % fats that they were talking about!
  • mncdk
    mncdk Posts: 30 Member
    Fat loss slows down more easily at lower BF percentages, but the slowdown of the metabolism is often exaggerated.

    This might be interesting;
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    That is the question =)

    Do you guys/gals ever take a cheat day? I am not suggesting shoveling Big Macs down your throat but more of a nice steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, and an appetizer.

    I eat some things occasionally (once every week or two) that I have a craving for. This past weekend I REALLY wanted a grilled cheeseburger, so I had it. I went over my allotment by 300 cals but loved every bite! The bottom line is this, ask yourself if you'll NEVER have a bowl of ice cream, a candy bar or whatever again. Of course you will, that's life. You just have to incorporate it into your daily allotments as best you can and limit how often you have it.
    This is not easy, but you are soooo worth the time and energy!

    BTW, yes I occasionally have steak, baked potato and salad too and I don't consider it cheating when I do as there are no bad foods, just bad habits. I chose not to diet, I chose to change my lifestyle.
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member
    I don't really cheat. I try and fit it in to my calorie allowance. Like on Thursday it's my anniversary and I intend to have a takeout (kebab) and possibly a glass of wine. For this I know I will take an extra long walk on Thursday morning and eat light during the day so that I can have my treat without feeling rubbish and like I've messed up my week!

    I say, all in moderation. And like some others have said, if you have a trigger food (for me it is cupcakes. YUM!) I'd stay away from them because I just could not stop eating if I have more than one at home.

    Just think that this is a life-style change and you know you won't go your entire life without a bit of cake every now and then. Just try and make sure your weekly/daily calorie allowance is on track :)
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    That is the question =)

    Do you guys/gals ever take a cheat day? I am not suggesting shoveling Big Macs down your throat but more of a nice steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, and an appetizer.

    That is not cheating for me. I call that Wednesdays.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I don't consider the meal you described cheating.

    That said when I'm being careful I will ensure I have worked out in order to have the calories for such a meal.

    When I'm not being careful I don't give a rip and I'll probably have a glass of wine and dessert too.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    That is the question =)

    Do you guys/gals ever take a cheat day? I am not suggesting shoveling Big Macs down your throat but more of a nice steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, and an appetizer.

    A steak dinner is cheating? wow that's sad.

    Very sad... smh :noway: :noway:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have days where my goal to enjoy myself out weighs my goal to loss weight. I don't call it cheating, or let myself go all out (I can eat a lot when I let myself). I let myself go up to maintenance or even a little above if the occasion calls for it (EI weekend camping trip).
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    I have days where my goal to enjoy myself out weighs my goal to loss weight.

    +1 Oh so true.
  • trying_to_burn
    I've seen people who become obsessed and can't bring themselves to eat even a biscuit at a tea party incase it tips them over their calories and I don't ever what to become like that.