Calling all Shorties! Ladies 5'3" and under



  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Hi, I am 5'1". I know I look and feel good at 121 Lbs because I was there only 9 years ago!!

    I too feel that I am overweight BUT the charts tell me I am obese! I think this is wrong as I can still see my toes.

    Even though I am short many people can't believe my weight or my size when I tell them. I must dress okay!! :laugh:
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    5'2" here....can certainly relate to the many issues others have mentioned. I must say, for me, the biggest annoyance at the moment is that my 14 year old daughter has just grown taller than me!! lol Now THAT was a moment to *sigh*
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5'2" and at my weight, I look like a little beach ball you could roll around! lol...


    We are very similar.
    sw 239
    cw 221.5

    I have never been thin but I have been much slimmer. I am hoping that there is an inner hourglass shaped short me to be found. I want to see my collar bones.
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    Me too! I'm 5'3" and last weigh in was about 160 lbs. I have the same problem that was mentioned by several earlier - despite being short, I have longer legs but virtually no torso so my extra weight turns into rolls immediately. Sadly, that's always the LAST thing to go for me! (Well, that and my upper arms) It's nice to see so many other people plagued by this too. :)
  • I enjoyed being short until I realized that my new years resolution, of losing 45 lbs and being at 140 lb by next year will still leave me in the overweight categorie :'(
  • *category
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    my kind of people!!!

    I am 4'11" and 135 lbs!!! at my highest I was 165 but It was 9 years ago. I want to go to 122.
  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    Add me to the club! I'm 5'2" and yes, I am pretty large (even though people never guess it), but I think 135 is a sensible goal even if it's considered overweight. I've never been small, and I believe that's a sensible goal to shoot for. I'm not going to aim for 102 to be the "healthy" weight for my height. That's just ridiculous. Do not want to look like Skelator.
  • Hello!

    I am definitely discouraged at times. My doctor tells me that I am OBESE because I am 5'3" and weigh 210 pounds and have to weigh in the mid to low 130's. I have had a health scare and have been working hard since to drop this weight without having to go on medications. I have five children and since they are all in school and pretty much independent from constant care, I have to really find other things to keep me active, especially in the Winter months when my kids are doing their sports indoors at school and not at the parks. I have always been below 170 and at my smallest 115, I am striving for this weight loss and allowing myself an entire year instead of trying to get results in 90 days.!! (although...LOL)
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Five ft. three? Yep, I'm shorter than that. Used to be 5 ft. 2 in. but shrunk over time, lol.

    Yes, the excess fat baggage shows more on our bones so we have to be more diligent, work harder and stay with the program to keep that fat from sneaking back on. I have finally decided that I'm no different than a bottomed out alcoholic and would likely pile the lost weight back on again as I've done for the past 55 years. So, this time, I'll be recording the food diary, one meal at a time/one day at a time for the rest of my life. And, I feel great about doing it!

    Will start with the kettlebell workout calorie burn program tomorrow :wink:

    Goal: to get back into my pretty suits that have been hanging, unused, in the closet far too long.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    Hi! I'm 5' even at 162 lbs. My biggest I weighed in at 205. Ridiculous! I started this website at 191lbs.
    I have always LOVED being short. But I have had the same problem most of you have....I have lost almost 30 lbs and and finally in a size 14 pants (I started in an 18W!!!). I never realized why I couldn't lose clothing sizes when I was dropping so much weight but I guess it's my height! haha oops
    Anyway, I'm glad I have other Shorties on this journey with me!!! good luck all of you!!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I love being this size, but I HATE, HATE, HATE how much 5-10 pounds can affect how my clothes fit. Taller people disperse their weight so 10-15 pounds isn't too-too drastic. I have 10 more pounds to lose, and that equals 5 dress sizes on my body. Ridiculous!

    Good luck, shorties. I have faith in us. :)
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Finally something for short people!~!~!

    You all did make me feel like a giant cow though!~!.... I am 5'1 and 168!!!!! I dont think I look too horrible, but I am def NOT happy with the way I am right now.

    My goal is for 162 by the end of January.

    Oh honey - you are not a giant cow!! I am 5 feet 1/2 inches and my highest weight was 240 (that's at least 2 giant cows) :sad: I'm at 156 now and not too sure yet what my ultimate goal should be. Good luck on your journey!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks DaybyDay!~!... as us short people know, one day feels completely different than other days (sometimes i wake up fatter i swear)..... especially for us girls, we get a wonderful ten days of being bloated!! ... well, im using everyones motivation to start my day and do it right! and i am doing on bloated day number 9!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Hello all you beautiful ladies!

    I am also 5' 1/2" and claimed 5'2" for the most part! At my heaviest, I weighed 265 lbs and wore mostly 22/24s. Because I was so big around, I sometimes wore 26/28 shirts --if they had buttons.

    Anybody please feel free to send a friend request but like Priskar, I also opted for WLS surgery (I had lap band almost 3 years ago). No judgement please :-) It was the BEST decision of my life.

    At my last weigh in, I was 142.8 lbs and at my last shopping spree, bought some size 6 jeans (short, of course!). I do still wear 8s as well....damn women's size here, another size there....

    I love being short. Yesterday, I wore a really cute, kinda short, black pleated skirt with a dark purple sweater, some black sweater tights and mid-calf high boots. On someone much taller, it would have totally looked too scandalous to wear to work, but I pulled it off because it hit right above the knee. And let me tell you, I got LOADS of compliments!

    With my weight loss, I have gone down in shoe size and can fit in kids shoes.... talk about being able to save money. I don't do that often, but it's nice to have the option to buy $5 shoes every once in awhile.

    Being short makes me feel more feminine. My boyfriend is 5'10" and I love how secure I feel around he's my big bad protector.

    I too have a problem with BMI. It says my goal weight should be between 105-135. I have no desire to be 105 lbs! I'm Latina, I have curves. I'd rather be like Salma Hayek (think "From Dusk to Dawn" when she was all curvy and sexy and not all super skinny!) than Eva Longoria (I posted a blog about this a few months ago "Salma Hayek vs. Eva Longoria" ;-) I decided to set my "mini" goal weight at 135 and then decide if I want to go a little lower.

    LOVE this forum! Thanks OP for setting this up.

    *PS* I struggle with my self confidence and self esteem because when I look in the mirror, I still see a "fat" girl. I feel like I don't look like I'm in the 140s and can wear a size 6. I get embarrassed when people say "hey skinny!" because I don't feel skinny... I know I am smaller and skinnier than I was at 265 lbs. I have problem areas like my tummy, triceps, and thighs.... the fat rolls are getting a LOT smaller but then there's that bra bulge...urgh!
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 5' even too, just barely actually. My goal weight is 112. My doctor recommended 110, but I've been happy and content at 112 and would be thrilled to be there again after 3 kids. Good luck to everyone and please friend me!
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Sign me up! I am 5' 1/2 ". Currently I am in the 130-135 range, hoping to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 120, and eventually my "pre-pre-pregnancy" weight of 110-115. I have "long" legs and no hips, so all my weight really shows.

    I don't mind being short but I would like to be short and petite! not short and stout lol!

    And, I would love to be friends!
  • EMancia
    EMancia Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Ladies !! I'm 5'2 and I hate how the more I gain the rounder I look !!! I am done with being fat!!! I have never been this fat until now :( I currently weigh 206lbs and my goal weight is 135 but taking it 10lbs at a time and celebrating at every 10! I wish it was as easy to loose as it was to gain! Looking for all the support I can get so I don't give up !
  • Hello to all of my fellow shorties! I am 5' exactly and rather buxom and would say I have a more medium frame. I build muscle easily, but like many of you, being so short has caused most of my weight to end up in my belly rolls! I started MFP in mid-Sept 2010 at 182 lbs. I am currently ~160 and I think I'd look pretty good at 130. (Hard to know for sure since it's been a little while since I was there.) :wink: Feel free to add me as a friend and lets support each other!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Cee... THOSE are my EXACT goals!~!~! I want to be 130... but starting at 170, it just didnt seem realiztic.... i cant even remember when i was 130, maybe high school??? Well, I think we need to keep in touch, our goals are so similar that we can keep each other motivated! I have a feeling 145 is going to be AMAZING!
    I agree!! I'm so excited about this journey!
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