Menopause messing with your weight loss!?



  • tildastwistedlife
    tildastwistedlife Posts: 85 Member
    I am only 45 but started with pre-menopausal symptoms a few years ago. Hot flashes, non-existent menses, some irritability... and I put on a 9 pounds after staying the same weight for several years. That's not to say I was at a good weight in the first place, but I didn't want to add anything to it by any means. I have no idea at this point how much of the trouble I have is due to just regular loss/plateau trodding along or the menopausal origins, but I am tweaking and plugging along trying to get rid of it. I am going to start some heavy lifting to help with the loss and the bone density as well.
  • spadamson
    spadamson Posts: 1
    Hi all......a couple of years ago I lost weight with MFP then stopped tracking food, stopped exercising, and the obvious happened. I feel terrible now but remember how great I felt even last summer. I am 55 and a about 3 years in menopause. Tonight I was so frustrated thinking "what on earth is happening to my exploding waist!?!" Checked in here and found this amazing excited to find others in the same boat. Count me in! I want to succeed with you guys and beat this too. I'm headed to the group site....see ya there!
  • StacyB150
    StacyB150 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 45 and peri-m as well. I started MFP a few years ago and it worked because I had lost 20 lbs. Now not only have I gained back the 20lbs, but 25 more on top of it! I've tried just about everything I can. I know my biggest issue is getting back into working out. I just don't have any energy when I get home from work. I need to find some motivation! Grrr!!
  • _sherbear_
    _sherbear_ Posts: 18
    Hi ladies! I would love to say that my excess weight is solely due to menopause, but that is just not true. I have battled my weight most of my life. But I have noticed that it sure seems like I have to work harder and I don't have a much larger waistline in proportion to the rest of me. BUT I refuse to give up trying to conquer this issue. Would love to join this group!
  • wishfulgal
    wishfulgal Posts: 9 Member
    So, the wisdom is that we are suffering with weight gain in menopause because our cavemen ancestors were 'bahstids' and when sharing out the food they gained on their hunting expeditions, they dished it out in the order of hunters and boys, women and other children and if anything was left over, the elderly ladies got a look in, so the elderly gals had to evolve slow metabolisms to adapt to being starved - or they had to feign being witches with weird powers to scare the 'bahstids' into giving them food. Would really be good if somehow we could get a petition going to somebody saying: "We're not in danger of starving in the 21st century. We haven't been in danger of starving for a couple of hundred years. How about giving us a normal metabolism beyond child bearing age?" I'd be the first to sign.
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    I'm 45 and peri-m as well. I started MFP a few years ago and it worked because I had lost 20 lbs. Now not only have I gained back the 20lbs, but 25 more on top of it! I've tried just about everything I can. I know my biggest issue is getting back into working out. I just don't have any energy when I get home from work. I need to find some motivation! Grrr!!

    Get up an hour earlier in the morning and exercise then. That way, no matter what happens during your day, you'll have that under your belt.
  • incantarix
    incantarix Posts: 35
    I am 43, and went through menopause 8 years ago when I had a full hysterectomy. I was a good weight at that time- not think, but good for me. After menopause, everything changed. I do have to admit that MOST of my weight gain came from just not exercising and eating poorly, but I feel that my behavior changed because partially what I was going through, in addition to depression. It was just a mixture of things, really. But when I recently decided to just cut this crap out, and log my food, I realized how out of control I was, and how much food I was eating. Since starting, and exercising, and logging, I have sonsistently been losing weight, and I really just have a LOT more energy. My initial symptoms are pretty much gone, inbcluding HORRIBLE hot flashes, which were incapacitating. No matter how screwed up our metabolism might be from menopause, a calorie defecit will definitely result in weight loss, and exercise will also help, including helping to feel more energetic.

    Anyone else here have a hysterectomy at a pre-menopausal age?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm 67 and post-manopausal. I am 5'4" and maintain at about 128 to 130. I exercise a combination of strength training and cardio classes four or five times a week and have been pretty stable for about six months. I'm supposed to eat 1800 calories a day if I don't exercise and can eat more if I don't. I don't get to my goal every day, but I try. I've started to eat more protein as suggested by my nutritionist.

    I just got my Zumba teaching certification, am taking a cpr class Tuesday and am studying for my group fitness instructor certification. My long term goal is to teach Zumba Gold to active seniors. Partially because I love it and selfishly, to maintain my weight. :laugh: Also, to help older people get and stay fit.
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    I am working my way through this thread and it is very motivational! I am 51 this year. I had a partial hysterectomy at 36. I never had any menopausal symptoms until I hit 47. Then crazy hot flashes, fatigue, depression and major weight gain!

    I decided this year that I cannot accept these conditions in my life any longer! I have 40 lbs to lose and I am going to do it! I am working on major adjustments in my diet for starters. I have been faithfully taking my vitamin/mineral/herbal supplements for the past 2 weeks. I have even started a new skin care routine to give me more confidence to get back to normal.

    Now I need to work on the exercise aspect.. I know how much better I will look and feel once I get started. I just haven't yet ¦-(
    Tomorrow is going to be my starting point. I am planning on taking baby steps and will start with walking. I plan to set aside 1 hour per day for me to work out whether it be weight training or aerobic type workouts so the walking is to set the pattern. I work 12 hour rotating shifts and really struggle to manage my time. I am going to find a way! I am determined!

    Feel free to send friend requests and lets push past this stumbling block together! We will be sexy, healthy and happier for it!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    I am so glad to see this thread too. I am 49 and I can't wait for menopause to set in, but I do worry about the after effects. It seems there is lots of good advice posted already and it's comforting to know that I should still be able to lose weight at my age. I have a goal set for myself for 15 months from now, so fingers crossed, it will happen. Definitely going to bookmark this thread!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi to the gals (sorry guys) that are in menopause and suddenly have found a tire around their waist, they have to eat half the amount they used to consume - just to maintain their weight, wine is now a bad (VERY bad) carb - may as well eat a tablespoon of sugar....argh! I have decide to heck with menopause! I am 54 and refuse to settle for "it's menopause, you're getting older, that's life". Not me mama! I need support - I know I can't do this myself. I am not a complainer, just looking to tap into other peoples "spark" and share some of my own. I want to be fab and 55! I want my "twilight years" to be spectacular! Are you in?
    I hear you! I'm also menopausal, but this has been the easiest time for me to lose weight. If I can lose the weight, anyone can!
  • florylmay
    florylmay Posts: 1
    I am in the same boat. 47 years old and started peri menopause. I workout all the time (swim 3 days a week, cycle 3 days a week and play outdoor soccer on Sundays) and feel much better but still gaining weight. It is really frustrating. I eat healthy although I think I will have to cut my intake to 1/3 in order to lose weight or completely change my diet. Interested in what diet changes work for others. I've reduced my carbs substantially. I am also going in to get blood work done to see if I have a thyroid issue.
  • I'm 31 and found out recently I'm going through early menopause. Over the last year I've gained 20lbs; some due to slacking off on working out and poor eating, and some probably due to hormones I'm sure. I've never had a major issue getting in shape as long as I exercised. I've also thankfully never been overweight, even now, despite not being where I want to be. However, gaining 20lbs stinks regardless. I've been able to lose 7 by eating better and cranking up the exercise, but it's taken FOREVER! I'm also about to start HRT and have read it can cause weight gain. I hope I can continue to get my health back and get back in shape despite what's going on. Any suggestions? I wish everybody luck who is in this situation with me!
  • bciloveme2014
    bciloveme2014 Posts: 213 Member
    bump. for future reference.:drinker:
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    I am so happy to see this thread! It is comforting to know that I am not the only one struggling with this menopause issue. I am 51 and muddling through it, some months having a period, and skipping some months here and there. If a group gets started, please count me in. I don't have time at the moment, but I am looking forward to reading all of the replies on here to see what I can learn. I am hoping to be more fit and active in my fifties than I was in my forties.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I'm 50 an been going through symptoms for 3 years. I used to eat and never gain, and now I nibble and explode! I work out daily and if I really, really cut back, can lose a pound or two. I used to be immune to salt, now one potato chip and I put on 2 pounds overnight! I'm glad to see I am not unique. Glad to be here, too.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I'm 52 post menopausal, mostly (still get hot flashes). I slowly put on weight over the years and one day decided it was enough and tried to lose. I would lose and then quit trying, wouldn't gain it back but quit losing, then jump back on the bandwagon again and lose some more. I really started trying in January of this year and have been losing pretty steadily. Have had a couple plateaus but worked my way through it, haven't given up any food, and still like my wine and beer. I have about 15 lbs left to lose, and even though it's coming off more slowly now I hope to lose it before the end of the year. Hopefully it won't take that long.
  • I'm 47, had a partial hysterectomy at age 38. I have fibromyalgia (under control right now), had a partial colectomy and gall bladder removed last year. Suffer from H-Pylori, over active thyroid and am in menopause. My body doesn't know what it's doing! I finally started Advocare this past week. I am in the cleanse phase, day 4 and feel very good. I am also down 5 lbs. I needed this to jump start my metabolism and push me into weight loss. I work full time, take care of my two young grandchildren and 16 year old son. I have my 30 year HS reunion in July and getting married in September. I've gained 50lbs in 6 years which is totally unacceptable. So I am on a healthy mission for myself. I know I can do this even more so when I start implementing more exercise. I am determined and have a ton of support. My fiancée is extremely supportive although he has seen me this weight and a lot lighter. So here I GO!!
  • Outwardlycalm
    Outwardlycalm Posts: 75 Member
    I'm keepin an eye on this thread topic - I'm 50 and with my luck :grumble: will probably be able to have babies until I'm 60. Uh, yeah...NO THANKS! I'm hoping to be in menopause REAL soon, hahaha, but so far no luck. The only thing I'm getting is a tiny bit of night sweat - not the wringing out the sheets kind - just more like I'm too warm and it wakes me up so I uncover, just at TOM. I do notice that my tummy is a tiny bit pudgier under the navel than it used to be, but that could be just loose 'old lady skin' showing up after my weight loss (I've been in maintenance for a few months now.)
    No one in my family has gone through menopause naturally (due to severe endometriosis, cysts, etc - luckily I am healthy that way) so I have no idea what the general age range for menopause in my family is. :frown:

    I'm the first in my family to do it naturally too, well 'm waiting to. At 55 you think I would be. Even had a blood test to see where I was. Doc says not yet. I'm going to watch this thread too.
  • I am going to keep up with this thread. Menopause really messes up your whole body and mind as well.