My 111-pound weight loss plan, advice?

I think I'm about 111 pounds overweight and I've devised this fitness and nutrition plan to handle my weight loss and gain some lean muscle (weight loss is my top priority over muscle mass gain). Below, I'm going to summarize my regimen, so any and all advice regarding any additions or alterations that could be made would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


30g protein shake 30 minutes after I wake
breakfast - 1 serving oatmeal w/ cinnamon or 3 eggs scrambled
snack - apple, orange, 1 serving cottage cheese, non-fat greek yugurt, raw almonds, or dried fruit
lunch - 4 oz plain grilled fish or chicken w/ plain brown rice or steamed vegetables
snack - apple, orange, 1 serving cottage cheese, non-fat greek yugurt, raw almonds, or dried fruit
dinner - 4 oz plain grilled fish or chicken w/ plain brown rice or steamed vegetables

I drink 3 large glasses of plain, organic green tea, and 4-5 large glasses of water daily
I NEVER use any artificial sweetners OR seasonings of any kind (besides cinnamon for my oatmeal)
I NEVER eat within 3-4 hours of going to bed


1.5 mile power-walk first thing in the morning, (3 mph, uneven terrain, patches of beach sand, this serves as 30 minutes of intensive cardio as I am so severely over-weight)

20-30 minute mid-day workout including: 5 sets of 10 vertical push-ups, 5 sets of 10 squats, 6 sets of 10 bicep curls, and 5 sets of 10 crunches

30-45 minute work-out at the gym 5 days a week (including 15 minutes of cardio warm-up and 15-30 minutes of strength and conditioning), on the two days I don't go the gym, I perform an extra power walk exactly the same as the morning


I should also note that my job requires me to live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, as I am a software developer so I need to sit at a computer and write code 5-8 hours 5 days a week, of this, I have no control over.

my pic is recent if that helps...

any and all advice or help regarding this regimen would be greatly appreciated!!! THANKS GUYS!!


  • NewME9006
    NewME9006 Posts: 27
    Wow, it sounds like you really have it together. Lol I'm just starting out too; but have not actually mapped out every single thing I'm going to do or eat. It looks great. Again, I can't really give you advice but you seem determined enough. Good luck to you! :smile:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    No offense, but I think I would rather be fat than eat such a boring diet day in and day out.

    At the very least, it looks like you need to include more veggies to get all your micronutrients in. They can be very low cal veggies like summer squash, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, etc, in as many colors as you can manage.

    Also, herbs/spices add very few calories and can make a huge difference in your fish, chicken, and even rice. I definitely would advise investing in some interesting herb and spice mixes. It can help make a boring diet much more exciting.
  • h22sr20396ss
    No offense, but I think I would rather be fat than eat such a boring diet day in and day out.

    I (for sure) wouldn't lol!
    At the very least, it looks like you need to include more veggies to get all your micronutrients in. They can be very low cal veggies like summer squash, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, etc, in as many colors as you can manage.

    this is great advice! I will start getting more volume and variations of veggies
    Also, herbs/spices add very few calories and can make a huge difference in your fish, chicken, and even rice. I definitely would advise investing in some interesting herb and spice mixes. It can help make a boring diet much more exciting.

    The reason I don't use any spices is the artificial flavors, chemicals, and mostly the sodium, I try to stay as natural and as organic as possible, and I try to stay under 300mg of sodium a day
  • klymt918
    klymt918 Posts: 15 Member
    Your body needs sodium for general body is not recommended that you go under 1500 mg a day.

    How long have you been doing this for?? It does not seem like a viable plan...I have followed almost an identical diet on many occasions without success, because it causes you to feel deprived and your chances of binge eating are high. Have you tried counting macros or IIFYM??
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    just eat(at a deficit) and lift
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    If you are going to change your username and post the EXACT same thing you did, yesterday or the day before, in which you got very sound advice, I'm gonna assume you didn't like it because people told you it was unhealthy, then maybe you should seriously consider changing your profile pic as well :wink:
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member

    This is your recent photo and you have 111lbs to lose? Are you sure?

    Eat whatever you like, as long as it's at a deficit, and do some resistance training and you'll be fine. You don't need to make a bunch of rules to eat by.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    I think you're going to get burn out fast, and very very bored with what your eating.

    No rest days?
    90+ minutes a day 7 days a week?

    It doesn't matter if you eat 5 minutes before you go to sleep, as long as you're not over your calories, you won't gain weight.

    idk man, losing weight is a simple as eating a little less, moving a little more.

    You sound like you're over-complicating this, and setting yourself up for failure.

    But Good Luck!
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    If you are going to change your username and post the EXACT same thing you did, yesterday or the day before, in which you got very sound advice, I'm gonna assume you didn't like it because people told you it was unhealthy, then maybe you should seriously consider changing your profile pic as well :wink:

  • kellyweyd
    kellyweyd Posts: 1
    Don't be afraid of fat. You need some fat for your brain and many functions in the body. Great meal plan but add in some butter and coconut oil.
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Nevermind. Gif won't work.
  • h22sr20396ss
    If you are going to change your username and post the EXACT same thing you did, yesterday or the day before, in which you got very sound advice, I'm gonna assume you didn't like it because people told you it was unhealthy, then maybe you should seriously consider changing your profile pic as well :wink:

    I didn't change my username, I created a new account because I couldn't remember my password for my other one. And it is not NEARLY the same as the thread I created yesterday, lol.... yesterday, my entire post revolved around "how to lose 100 pounds in 6 you will notice, I completely cut that out of this thread (based on the much appreciated advice from the community. I no longer have a date goal, I just do the best I can and enjoy the weight that comes off when it comes off.
  • k1ttyk1tty
    k1ttyk1tty Posts: 86 Member

    The reason I don't use any spices is the artificial flavors, chemicals, and mostly the sodium, I try to stay as natural and as organic as possible, and I try to stay under 300mg of sodium a day

    .......What. You mean seasoning. Seasoning is a mix of spices, sugar and salt. Spices are just natural things grounded down.

    plural noun: spices
    an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavor food, e.g., cloves, pepper, or mace.

    Most spices have little to know calories and add a LOT of flavor. You can even go for two and add herbs for their nutrients, also a low calorie add in. At most, you'll be looking at 5-10 calories for a mixture of added spices and herbs. It's not bad when you can change the kind of meal to what you're hungry for that day.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Your meals are going to get very boring very quick...thus falling off the wagon. Why dont you just figure out your calories through MFP and eat anything you want to as long as it fits in your calorie goal?
  • h22sr20396ss

    This is your recent photo and you have 111lbs to lose? Are you sure?

    Eat whatever you like, as long as it's at a deficit, and do some resistance training and you'll be fine. You don't need to make a bunch of rules to eat by.

    That's why, at the beginning of the post, I specified that I don't know exactly how much weight I have to lose, that number is just based on my current weight minus my suggested healthy weight provided by webMD based on my height and age. Whenever anyone asks my weight I always have to hop in the scale to prove it lol... I do know that I have a considerable amount of lean muscle (even at 309 pounds I have ab and pec definition that is visible through my fat haha... and I have a large frame in general..wide shoulders, the whole nine yards
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you can consistently remember your username... can accomplish *anything*...

    (...and yeah, that means something coming from me.)

    Best of luck.

    I'm curious though...what is your current and goal weight? I'm having trouble making the numbers work (assuming that's a current picture of you).
  • h22sr20396ss

    The reason I don't use any spices is the artificial flavors, chemicals, and mostly the sodium, I try to stay as natural and as organic as possible, and I try to stay under 300mg of sodium a day

    .......What. You mean seasoning. Seasoning is a mix of spices, sugar and salt. Spices are just natural things grounded down.

    plural noun: spices
    an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavor food, e.g., cloves, pepper, or mace.

    Most spices have little to know calories and add a LOT of flavor. You can even go for two and add herbs for their nutrients, also a low calorie add in. At most, you'll be looking at 5-10 calories for a mixture of added spices and herbs. It's not bad when you can change the kind of meal to what you're hungry for that day.

    In a perfect world...that would be true, spices should be all natural as they are derived from herbs from the earth...but once big big business gets ahold of it, they pack it with all kinds of bad-for-you stuff that I avoid. If I could find organic spices, I'd be all for it.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    If you are going to change your username and post the EXACT same thing you did, yesterday or the day before, in which you got very sound advice, I'm gonna assume you didn't like it because people told you it was unhealthy, then maybe you should seriously consider changing your profile pic as well :wink:

    I didn't change my username, I created a new account because I couldn't remember my password for my other one.

    There is a forgot password link....
  • h22sr20396ss
    If you can consistently remember your username... can accomplish *anything*...

    (...and yeah, that means something coming from me.)

    Best of luck.

    I'm curious though...what is your current and goal weight? I'm having trouble making the numbers work (assuming that's a current picture of you).

    hey, thanks for the wishes :) My current weight is 304 (even in real life I have to hop on the scale to prove it, I know it's weird) it's because of my muscle mass combined with the fat, I have an enormous frame. And my goal weight is 199 (I think) I say, I don't know what my goal weight should be until I get all this fat off and am able to really see how much of my weight is lean muscle and how much is fat.