Do you ever just hate dieting?



  • licorice_tea
    licorice_tea Posts: 59 Member
    I do hate cutting calories -- that is, during the time I'm losing weight I'm always a bit hungry. It's like the TV in a distant room -- not really hugely audible, but always there in the background. You can eat more protein and fiber and all those awesome things and it does help take the edge off, and some people swear up and down that they feel completely satiated at this reduced amount (which is awesome for them!) but just evolutionarily speaking if we never felt hungry when we were eating less than we burn, we would just starve accidentally. I'm at a normal body weight trying to get to a leaner (but still healthy) body weight, so for me there's just always an underlying hunger -- the sense that while you're not going nuts or starving or anything, that most of the time you really could go for a snack (with the exception of the hour after I eat a meal).

    I don't mind maintenance at all though.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Diets are just a load of pony and are designed to make money rather than anything else. The 'inventors' (or con artists as I prefer to call them) convince you that you have to eat only certain foods in order to lose weight.

    I lost weight while eating the odd pizza, burger, fried chicken..... as I stayed within the calorie allowance.

    The so called experts often talk a load of old convincing baloney just to sell stuff.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    It helps to think about why you aren't doing all that.

    If it was so great, if it would make you feel that good, why aren't you?

    Presumably because it didn't make you all that happy. And maybe there are benefits in the efforts that you're making, the good habits, the ability to say no to what you really like but know isn't good for you.

    It's frustrating, but I think it's a lot more frustrating to have regrets.

    As they say, "the pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret." and believe me, I do know that's a fact!
  • Kegha
    Kegha Posts: 37 Member
    I cannot think about a life of dieting there is a negative feeling associated to this word. I cannot say that I will never eat ice cream, or pizza, etc that would be impossible but I need to understand that eating mindlessly was my downfall.

    I prefer to think of a life that is healtier, we have the chance of living longer and I want to enjoy those years without health complication and being overweight will certainly have a price tag attached to it.

    With this mind set it is easier to face the choices I make as far as nutrition is concerned. Food now is used as fuel and some of that fuel is not the best for my long term goal, before I put it in my mouth I ask myself if it will be worthed and more often than not the answer is no. A few minutes of pleasure for years of misery taking pills, being in pain, loosing mobility when instead I could be travelling and enjoying an active life.

    yes I hate dieting but I hate sickness even more.
  • sgvdms
    sgvdms Posts: 33 Member
    I used to.
    I used to hate thinking about food all the time and limiting my calories so much because I thought it was the right thing to do, to lose quickly, seriously limiting to under 1200 calories a day and then sometimes doing an hours cardio and not eating back the calories :O. My weight dropped from 65.9kg to 57.6 from November 2012 to June 2013 but I still wasn't happy with my body so I gained it back, obviously lost too much muscle along with fat! I wasn't educating myself then btw, I know this was wrong. (I'm 5"7)

    Now I actually enjoy it, I eat like 1800-2000 cals a day and I log without even thinking about it, or don't bother when I go out for dinner or whatever, I get a kick out of making the right healthy choices I guess, which include all the foods I love!
    Now since January of this year till now, I've gone from 65.9kg to 60, so a loss of about 6kg in about the same time period as before but I have done it completely differently, just goes to show that your body needs food, and my body is so much tighter and defined than before!

    And the whole thing just fuelled my love for heavy weight lifting and I've never looked better!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I don't call it dieting. But, yes I do get sick of having to be conscious of everything I put in my mouth. Exercising, would rather not. But, i do it!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I used to.
    I used to hate thinking about food all the time and limiting my calories so much because I thought it was the right thing to do, to lose quickly, seriously limiting to under 1200 calories a day and then sometimes doing an hours cardio and not eating back the calories :O. My weight dropped from 65.9kg to 57.6 from November 2012 to June 2013 but I still wasn't happy with my body so I gained it back, obviously lost too much muscle along with fat! I wasn't educating myself then btw, I know this was wrong. (I'm 5"7)

    Now I actually enjoy it, I eat like 1800-2000 cals a day and I log without even thinking about it, or don't bother when I go out for dinner or whatever, I get a kick out of making the right healthy choices I guess, which include all the foods I love!
    Now since January of this year till now, I've gone from 65.9kg to 60, so a loss of about 6kg in about the same time period as before but I have done it completely differently, just goes to show that your body needs food, and my body is so much tighter and defined than before!

    And the whole thing just fuelled my love for heavy weight lifting and I've never looked better!

    Looking good. keep it up. :drinker: :drinker:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I don't Niner said I reduce portions which is not the same as dieting.

    I have yet to go to bed hungry...I have yet to feel grumpy....I have yet to not have what I want when I want in a reasonable portion.

    For those who view this as a "diet" in the sense of I do this until I reach goal need to change their mind set.

    You will always have to read the lables etc or you fall back into old habits and gain the weight back...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    nope, I enjoy the foods I eat, and I eat the foods I enjoy

    Agree with this, I eat everything I want and enjoy.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I enjoy the results I am seeing, don't get me wrong, and I know it's all about being healthier...but sometimes I just hate dieting. I would love to go and grab a soda from the fridge. To get a snack without going to all the trouble of reading labels, finding portion sizes, and then weighing. To not think about and stress over every thing that goes in my mouth. To be able to cook and bake again without knowing that it will only be a temptation. To be able to eat for pleasure again. To feel satisfied every day and not go to bed hungry. Then to know I can't do anything about these things if I want any results, so then I just feel grumpy.

    I can' t be the only one who feels like this. How do you get through those times when you just don't want to diet?
    I hate it too if I had to give up what I wanted to eat. Which is why I DON'T let any clients go on a diet. I just have them reduce their portion sizes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Calorie restriction = diet! :smile:
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Like others have said, I hate not fitting in my clothes, I see friends my age with health problems,knee problems, cant run and do stuff like I can. I had rather eat also than feel pain, food distracts me and I can ignore any problems I have to deal with. I have to work those problems out and deal. It is what it is. It takes work, discipline. ick. but sure like the consequences of not being a glutton, because I have no full button.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I can understand where you are coming from OP. It wasn't fun having to reduce my portion sizes and eat healthy. I was used to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. That was fine in my 20's, but once in my 30's the pounds started to slowly creep on.

    There was no getting around it - If I wanted to change things, my eating habits would have to change.

    At first I went at it hard (my personality) and I stopped eating foods I enjoyed. That worked okay for a couple of weeks and I saw results, then I'd end up binging.

    After repeating that cycle a few times I knew I had to learn how to make substitutions and I had to learn portion control. It was really tough, but after awhile I got used to things and I didn't crave a lot of the things I did previously.

    For example, I still had pizza almost every Friday night while losing weight (and I still do!) but instead of eating 4 slices, a couple of breadsticks and large coke I now eat 2 slices (mushroom and cheese or veggie), a salad and water and I'm full and satisfied.

    Another example is that I love apple pie. Instead of buying a slice at the bakery (appx. 375 calories), I make my own simple one serving "apple crumb" using 1 small McIntosh apple that comes in at half less than half of those calories.

    The hard work and sacrifice has paid off though. I've been maintaining for over one year and words can not describe how incredible it feels. At almost 40 I'm in the best shape of my life, in perfect health and it's great being able to walk into any clothing store, buy cute things off the rack and have them fit great.

    Maybe you can take things slow and cut back things a little one by one. I don't think you don't have to completely cut things out to lose weight.
  • Mrsbeale11
    Mrsbeale11 Posts: 126 Member
    I've set my calories to 1850 on sedentary level so I'm only about 150 less from my current maintenance and have started working out 5 times a week (2 cardio days, 3 strength training days with a bit of cardio).
    I've picked one day at the weekend where I'll eat at maintenance and eat the foods I want (pizza, cake, takeaway, wine)
    I'll still log but I don't care on that day if I have barley any protein and my sugar and carb intake is well over, I call it social day :0) it helps me get through this. I'm looking to drop 50lbs in 12 months. So a 4 pound a month... in about 6 weeks I'll re evaluate if I'm losing more than 4lbs I'll up my calories some more... This time round I'm not treating weightloss as a race, you have to look at the bigger picture eventually you'll be able to judge things without a scale and if you pick a day where you can relax from dieting it'll help mentally to stick at this xx
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm not big on dieting either, LOL. But what I am doing now I don't consider to be "dieting"...I tell myself I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. It's just that the days of wolfing down unknown quantities of possibly delicious foods are gone for me. Does this bother me? Well, not so far it doesn't (I'm new to this)...but for example, I enjoyed pizza night with my husband last night as I usually do (Sunday night is our "date night" and we love pizza) and I didn't feel restricted at all, in the sense of being on a diet. I just made sure to eat a nice salad before digging into the pizza...and after that I found that two big slices of the pizza definitely were all I needed or wanted. It was great. And it was even greater knowing that I wasn't going to have a "food hangover" the next morning. I like finding ways to continue to eat the things I like...I'm able to make them fit into my new eating habits easily, thus far anyway. Maybe you are being too strict with yourself?

    yeah but you probably consumed about 1000 calories doing that..
    350 - per slice of pizza = 700
    probably around 300 for your salad at the most

    that just sounds like a waste of calories to me
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    I currently don't exercise at all, so that would definitely help. :)

    This will solve a lot for you.

    I pretty much do cardio so I can eat more.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Well, we have different body types for one....

    But start running a lot and lifting weights, and that would require more calories.....
    Bout all I can offer as a suggestion.

    um....maybe I need to lift more and run more...because I do both and still find the amount that makes me lose is very little...I really have to starve myself to see scale moving a tiny bit...

    Are you taking measurements elsewhere? Try measuring your hips, waist, arms, neck, and legs with a tape measure. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean progress isn't being made :-)
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    To weigh in (no pun intended) on the lifting discussion: I lift 3-4 times a week and am currently eating anywhere between 1900-3000 calories a day (my higher calorie days usually fall on weekends) and have yet to gain. I've stalled on a few losses by week, but I am steadily getting smaller and lighter. I am 5'4", 150 lbs for reference. Losing weight doesn't have to mean being dissatisfied with the amount of food you are allowed.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    judging by yesterday... your diet needs to change

    you had roast beef as a snack
    stop using so much oil and butter in everything
    no cheese
    no cookies
    idk why your "good coffee" is about 215 calories you might as well go to Starbucks

    other then all that your breakfast food and lunches seem to be on point
    and your dinners
    it just seems you throw in random items like butter and snacking on roast beef seems unnecessary
    maybe snack on carrots or another fruit? or rice cakes?
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm not big on dieting either, LOL. But what I am doing now I don't consider to be "dieting"...I tell myself I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. It's just that the days of wolfing down unknown quantities of possibly delicious foods are gone for me. Does this bother me? Well, not so far it doesn't (I'm new to this)...but for example, I enjoyed pizza night with my husband last night as I usually do (Sunday night is our "date night" and we love pizza) and I didn't feel restricted at all, in the sense of being on a diet. I just made sure to eat a nice salad before digging into the pizza...and after that I found that two big slices of the pizza definitely were all I needed or wanted. It was great. And it was even greater knowing that I wasn't going to have a "food hangover" the next morning. I like finding ways to continue to eat the things I like...I'm able to make them fit into my new eating habits easily, thus far anyway. Maybe you are being too strict with yourself?

    yeah but you probably consumed about 1000 calories doing that..
    350 - per slice of pizza = 700
    probably around 300 for your salad at the most

    that just sounds like a waste of calories to me

    A lot of people plan their days ahead of time. I'm sure she knows just what she's going to do when eating pizza and plans accordingly. It might be a waste of calories to you, but it sounds like a well-planned night out to me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate it too, and my goal is 1800. Honestly.. that's why I have cheat days (well, cheat meals, but in the end it ends up being a cheat day as I end up over my goal by a lot even because of one meal). Sometimes I just want to eat what I want, even if it's not possible to fit it in my day, you know? (I typically try and fit my treats in my day, but let's be honest, it's not always possible).

    And I exercise 1.5 hour a day or something so I can eat more...