Starting January 2011



  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Hello all.

    I'm restarting and feeling very optimistic. I discovered MFP last year and, while I used it, really felt in control of my eating and diet. Then, I slipped and just lost control. Now I'm back and really tired of losing this battle.


    I'd love to join you and inspire you and be inspired by you. Feel free to friend me since I'm always up for new friends on this journey to new possibilities.
  • Silver180
    Silver180 Posts: 294
    Starting back up again after 5 months or so of being lazy. All time high 240, got down to 210, currently 213 or so. Ideally, I'd picture myself at 180, but I need to be less lazy. So yeah, starting again in 2011 I guess.

    *Edit. Quit smoking for 2011 as well, which may make me want to eat more. We shall see...
  • Jmbd
    Jmbd Posts: 5
    I'm totally in! This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! :)

    Ahem! Intro:
    Hi, I'm Julie, I'm a final year undergrad student at Glasgow and I'm 21 years old.
    I've been signed off sick with pleurisy for the past four months and to say the constant bed rest has had a detrimental effect on my body is the understatement of the century.
    I wasn't slim anyway but I was a stone lighter before I took sick and I'm currently sitting at 180lbs.
    I start back work this Saturday and they're giving me six weeks of light work before putting me back in my regular department (lots of heavy lifting), so for the next six weeks my goal is to exercise as much as I can to build my strength back up so that I'm not the total weakling of the shop!

    Long term I'm looking to get to 140lbs, which the internet tells me is a good target for someone my height (just over 5'6"), and I'd LOVE to be nice and trimmed down for my grad ball (June) and ESPECIALLY my graduation (November).
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Starting back up again after 5 months or so of being lazy. All time high 240, got down to 210, currently 213 or so. Ideally, I'd picture myself at 180, but I need to be less lazy. So yeah, starting again in 2011 I guess.

    *Edit. Quit smoking for 2011 as well, which may make me want to eat more. We shall see...

    Quitting smoking is so worth it though! I quit over 2 1/2 years ago. Yes, I did gain weight but my lungs can now handle the workouts. good luck with quitting and please let me know if you need any encouragement :)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Well, group, I wish you all the best of luck! I hope we all have a very successful year. I am headed off to bed so I can keep my food journal closed for the day :) Good night!
  • tarakull
    Joining in...

    Once upon a time I was in shape. Then life happened... ;-) Guess we all know that feeling. There are plenty of reasons for my weight gain - I was 135 when I graduated from high school, and now 20 years and three kids later, I'm 192 (OUCH!). I don't think I'll ever get back to 135 (last time I got down to 150, from the neck down I looked great, but my face became very drawn out and everyone thought I was sick!) So for now, my goal is 160, which puts me in both the healthy weight and BMI ranges. If I hit there, I can always set a new goal!

    My muscles have become so out of shape that riding the stationary bike hurts after 5 minutes. That is unacceptable! Knowing myself, it's going to be hard not to be discouraged by that - and therefore give up. I have done weight watchers in the past, but if I'm not religious about it (and the cost adds up!), the weight comes right back. I'm hoping this is an answer for me...I have friends that have joined this, and with the support of an extended community, this could be the right time for me!

  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Tara, I can totally relate about life happening and the weight gain. When I got married 10 years ago, I was around 165 and now I am looking at a minimum of 100 pounds to lose.

    You will build up your endurance with working out, stick with it!
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome Pippa, Jessica, Karen, Lisa Marie, Cinwen23, Kimberly, dfromt2, Casey, Kay, nowornever3, Silver180, Jmbd and Tara and thank you for your introductions (I read them all). We're happy to have you join us! And hello again everyone who joined yesterday :o)

    How is everyone doing today?

    Back at the work today and as predicted, the staff kitchen was full of everyone's dessert leftovers. Talk about testing my dedication!! Thankfully in my office, the ladies I work with are looking to get healthy like me. Phew! I'm feeling really positive thanks to them and all of you. I'm determined to get this weight off!! :-D

    Week 1
    236lbs (0lbs loss) 
    Week 2


  • Lewzy
    Lewzy Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I'm Lewis. I've also just recently started losing weight. I don't feel comfortable posting my weight online (which is why I'm dieting!) but my goal is to loose 30 pounds by May/June :)
  • caroline8483
    caroline8483 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, count me in! I'm Caroline, 34, live with my fiance and have a 2 year old son. I want to lose my baby weight and feel happy in my clothes and my body rather than feeling uncomfortable and fat all the time. I don't have much time to exercise so for now it's just diet and I am hoping this site can motivate me to keep going. Started last year, lost 20lbs and lost my way. Now put 12lbs of that back on............hoping to make a few friends along the way.

    I have 25lbs to lose.

    Week 1....179.2
  • SlimNana48
    I started this site last year and have only lost about 5lbs but I refuse to give up. I want the weight off for me so I’m back for a second time. I hate feeling fat & always blotted. I hate how I look & feel in my clothes. So the only person who can make any of this turnaround is me so I’m giving it another try. I to don’t like posting my weight but if I see it, I think if I see it just maybe it will help me want to make it go down. Sooooooooooooo with that I post my starting weight.

  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Hello, my name's Christina and I have a 15 month old son (Max), a 6 year old step son (Sebastian) and a naturally skinny husband (we'll just call him lucky b****rd). I joined in Aug 2010 and have lost 46lbs and just have about 10 to go. I'm hitting the hardest part for me which is maintaining my weight after my big drop. Over my 31 years I have fluctuated 40-50 lbs within a couple of years about 3 times. My closet has sizes from 8 to 22 (thanks Max!) and no matter how well I do, I have a nagging fear that the weight will pile back on and I'll have to go through this, AGAIN. So for 2011 I want to lose 10 lbs and not fluctuate more than a few lbs either way by EOY. Oh yeah, and I have to quit smoking too- that's like a double challenge!
  • mayana2002
    I am! I just started this Monday! Add me! Lets do it together! :)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    I'm in too. I'm Claire. I joined MFP about a year ago and lost about 13lbs. I have put them all back on now :mad: The end of last year was a toughy for me with a family bereavement, illness and just general yuckiness. Excuses I know but I am back on track now :smile:

    Started on Monday and my aim is to lose what I have put on and overall to get to about 140lbs. Also to get back the gym and to the exercise classes I took part in. I feel so much better when I exercise. Maybe not so much when I am doing it but afterwards I feel great! I plan this week to exercise 5 out of 7 days. So far have done 2 and have Body Attack & Body Conditioning Thursday & Friday. I'll post my weight every Monday.
    Good Luck everyone :heart:

    3rd Jan - 159
  • Jmbd
    Jmbd Posts: 5
    Hi Claire! Just wondering, how tall are you? I'm also aiming to get to 140lbs and I'm 5'6/5'7ishI think, although I've got a fair bit more weight to lose than you do.
    Hi Ladies.

    I'm in too. I'm Claire. I joined MFP about a year ago and lost about 13lbs. I have put them all back on now :mad: The end of last year was a toughy for me with a family bereavement, illness and just general yuckiness. Excuses I know but I am back on track now :smile:

    Started on Monday and my aim is to lose what I have put on and overall to get to about 140lbs. Also to get back the gym and to the exercise classes I took part in. I feel so much better when I exercise. Maybe not so much when I am doing it but afterwards I feel great! I plan this week to exercise 5 out of 7 days. So far have done 2 and have Body Attack & Body Conditioning Thursday & Friday. I'll post my weight every Monday.
    Good Luck everyone :heart:

    3rd Jan - 159
  • lilyreki
    Hello! I weighed 130 in 2007, now I weigh 174. I have a 2 year old daughter, which is what caused the weight gain. I had gained 60 pounds when I was pregnant. I would love to get back down to 130, even though when I was that weight, I didn't think I was skinny, but looking back at it, I think I was skinny. I feel so self-conscious now and hate it. I'm hoping this is the year for me to go back to "normal"

    Nice to meet you all!
  • krsslim
    krsslim Posts: 191
    What is it about marriage? I put on about 100 lbs in the 8 years I've been married.

    Maybe it's that our spouses are so willing to accept us. . . which is great, and I wouldn't trade it, but I'd love to be slender enough that my hubby "loves me for my body"! hehehe

    Here's to all of us wives kicking our "hubby chubby"!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    LOL! hubby chubby that is great.

    I am know right before our wedding I was working out and in the best shape i had ever been in, then I got lazy. Sometimes I wish my husband would have gotten on my case about it just so I did something about it before it got this far. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and wouldn't trade him for anything and am thankful he isn't mean and hateful towards me about it. I just don't feel attractive at all and hate that for him and myself. He is in the military and is in pretty good shape so that doesn't help either. Sorry for the whine :(
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Claire! Just wondering, how tall are you? I'm also aiming to get to 140lbs and I'm 5'6/5'7ishI think, although I've got a fair bit more weight to lose than you do.
    Hi Ladies.

    I'm in too. I'm Claire. I joined MFP about a year ago and lost about 13lbs. I have put them all back on now :mad: The end of last year was a toughy for me with a family bereavement, illness and just general yuckiness. Excuses I know but I am back on track now :smile:

    Started on Monday and my aim is to lose what I have put on and overall to get to about 140lbs. Also to get back the gym and to the exercise classes I took part in. I feel so much better when I exercise. Maybe not so much when I am doing it but afterwards I feel great! I plan this week to exercise 5 out of 7 days. So far have done 2 and have Body Attack & Body Conditioning Thursday & Friday. I'll post my weight every Monday.
    Good Luck everyone :heart:

    3rd Jan - 159

    Whoops. Hi Jmbd. I am 5ft 7ish.

  • Wendles0380
    Hi, I'm here just to get some more support really, I work better when I have other people to report back to. I've never been a skinny girl but I've never struggled with weight as much as I have this past 18 months (I put 46lbs on!). I started healthy eating and exercise a couple of months ago, then a chest infection an Xmas happened! I have a weigh in with my dietitian on Tuesday and am dreading it. I want to lose about 50-60lbs by mid July (only about 2lbs a week) and have never felt so determined and motivated, to do anything and I want it to stay that way, so support is very useful and helps with the emotional side as well. I know its gonna be hard work but I am excited about the challenge x