Breast feeding

Hello all

My name is Denise and my third child is now 3mth and I am looking to start getting back into shape and lose some of this baby weight. I have a BMI of 24 and I have about 1 stone to lose.

My daughter is exclusively breast feed and I have her with me all day she doesn't take. Bottle (how did I let that window pass). I figure that 1/2 lb is a realistic weekly goal. But really just don't want to gain anymore weight. - which is what I normally do at this stage.

Would love to make friends/ get advice/ support from other mfp'ers who are in a similar position or have gone through this.

Thanks Denise


  • kristinhills90
    kristinhills90 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm currently breastfeeding my 19 month old. Feel free to add me!
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    My no 5 just turned one year. I lost more than 30lbs since her birth. I still breastfeed but I do no count it because I have no clue how much she still nurses. Maybe 20% of her diet? Or maybe 50%? Sometimes I give myself a 150cal treat and don't count it because of my nursing bonus. However, if I accounted nursing as 300cal (what they suggest), I would not have lost any weight…I do not know where my body takes it from, but the stories about women losing the babyweight without effort just by breastfeeding simply aren't true for me. (I ate normally betwen child 1 and 2 - did not lose a single pound despite nursing… AND packed on even more in the following pregnancy.)
    Anyways, I am now back to normal. Only working on the last 5 punds to not feel self conscious in a bikini :smokin:
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    I went through it with two children. With the first, I was much younger and the weight came off with little to no effort. With my second, it's been much tougher! I originally started with the goal of losing 1 lb per week, but it was tough because i didn't want my supply to dwindle because of not getting enough calories in my body. It's tricky because, as the pp stated, you don't know exactly how many calories you are burning from bf. At full bf status, when I was exclusively bf her, I figured I was burning up to 500 extra cal a day. As she began solids, I figured it was around 300. I stayed active and kept eating what my body needed, and was able to lose 1 lb a week. As she gradually weaned, I had to watch it more carefully because I wasn't burning as much from bf. Anyway, my point is, yes, it's possible, and yes, you can do it! Feel free to fr or pm me if you'd like to chat more about it! :)
  • Greenpigs7
    Greenpigs7 Posts: 1
    Hi all. I am a new mom. My baby is breast feeding as well. She is two months. I was 190 when I gave birth and between the initial weight that I lost and the work I've been putting in, I am down to 162. I am 5'2 so i think I am supposed to be around 130, at least, that is where I want to be. I cut out processed food. and I even cut out my coffee but that's only because I will drink way too much if I have it. Instead I drink a lot of water/tea and seltzer water. My biggest problem is that I resist exercise. I started the 200 squat challenge and I work at an ice cream store(challenging but I won't give in), so I move around a lot. but that is my only source of exercise. I was hoping to find out what other mommies have found helpful. and I don't believe the whole 300 extra calories thing either. I started gaining weight back after giving birth from doing that.
  • wnglng
    wnglng Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm also a BFing mom! I have 3 boys, 4 y.o., 2 y.o. and now a 2 month old. Looking to lose 10-15 pounds of baby weight! I lost the weight after each son without calorie counting etc, but this go-round, since it'll be our last child, I really want to get into shape and be a fit mama. Especially since the summer months are rolling around and since I'm living in Hawaii, want to be confident in my bathing suit. Would love support and friends! Last time I did this was about 8 years ago for my wedding. I was successful in getting down to my highschool weight!!! I'm not expecting that this time around, but do want to at least get to my prepregnancy weight. What is everyone eating to stay healthy and full with a hectic schedule being a mommy?! (I also work full time too).
  • wnglng
    wnglng Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all. I am a new mom. My baby is breast feeding as well. She is two months. I was 190 when I gave birth and between the initial weight that I lost and the work I've been putting in, I am down to 162. I am 5'2 so i think I am supposed to be around 130, at least, that is where I want to be. I cut out processed food. and I even cut out my coffee but that's only because I will drink way too much if I have it. Instead I drink a lot of water/tea and seltzer water. My biggest problem is that I resist exercise. I started the 200 squat challenge and I work at an ice cream store(challenging but I won't give in), so I move around a lot. but that is my only source of exercise. I was hoping to find out what other mommies have found helpful. and I don't believe the whole 300 extra calories thing either. I started gaining weight back after giving birth from doing that.

    Now that I'm a busy mom, I dont have time to go to the gym to work out like I used to. I just started doing pilates and yoga on line (youtube) at home. it's tough b/c the kids always want to get involved and make it hard for me to concentrate when the exercise is hard, but I'm finding that 30 minutes of this is much better than nothing (which is what I was doing before).
  • mialonghorn
    mialonghorn Posts: 23
    I'm a new mom. I was a little heavy when I got pregnant with my 1st and ballooned up to 167lbs and I'm only 5'2. I got down to 135 breastfeeding but now I'm back to 145. I gained 8lbs in my first trimester with my second pregnancy but just lost the baby. Now I'm determined to get healthy before we try again. Please help me stay motivated!
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    i nurse my 2 year old still. he nurses a few time a day and at night still. i didnt have it in me to try weight loss when he was exclusively nursing. i have lost 50 lbs and boobs shrank quite a bit but it did not affect milk production. i wonder how many calories i burn nursing too. i say we nurse 5-6 times in 24 hour period. the key is drink a lot of water.
  • zeenatadam
    zeenatadam Posts: 1

    My second child is 10 weeks old, and I started calorie counting 4 days ago. With the first child the pregnancy weight came off within 6 weeks, but then I gained tons of weight through the 14 months of breastfeeding - told myself to eat with hunger and breastfeeding needed lots of extra calories. I've since learnt that this is not true. You often feel hungry from feeling tired and stressed out which leads to comfort eating. And the extra calories you need for milk production isn't all that much. So this time around I decided to be careful, and also to loose that extra weight from first breastfeeding (rather than first pregnancy). I eat 1800 calories a day (I read somewhere that this is the minimum required for breastfeeding) and I exercise on a stationary bike for 20 mins. I eat oats and drinks lots of water. So far, it hasn't affected my breastmilk supply and its a bit early to tell about the weight. If it stagnates, I will gradually cut down the calories keeping an eye on the milk production (if only there was a built in volume gauge!). I've got 10 kilograms to loose, and aim for 0.5 kilo a week. If anyone has low calorie, high protein, hunger resolving snack recipes (that can be pre-prepared), I would love to know. Snacks let me down everyday.
  • ChrystalF
    ChrystalF Posts: 42 Member
    I have an 8 month old that I am bf-ing. I decided yesterday I need to track my calories as like pp have said I was comfort eating a lot. I have about 15 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight but my goal is 132 which means I would have to lose 23 lbs. I have done it once before when I was getting married I started at this same weight and got down to 130, that was eating 1200 calories a day and doing 30 day shred workouts daily. My lo isn't all that into solids yet so I don't want my supply to dwindle so I am aiming to eat 1700 calories a day total. Any advise on calorie intake? Please add me as a friend if you like :-)
  • ChrystalF
    ChrystalF Posts: 42 Member
    oh just read zeenatadam's response, I guess I will do 1800 a day :-)

    Low calorie, high protein snacks I like are an apple with peanut butter (can't have too much pb though), plain greek yogurt with some berries, or cottage cheese with fruit. I had gestational diabetes so was always looking for low sugar high protein snacks, I really should just eat like I did when pregnant and I would probably lose weight no problem haha
  • amongstthewildflowers
    amongstthewildflowers Posts: 89 Member
    hI, I am currently not breast feeding but I did nurse my almost three year old daughter for over two years. If you need any extra support or encouragement please feel free to add me!
  • Mzcotton78
    Mzcotton78 Posts: 11
    I wish myfitnesspal would allow us to deduct calories lost from breast feeding. Most women lose an additional 500 calories a day from breast feeding.
  • tinkbaby101
    tinkbaby101 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm still breastfeeding my 2 1/2 year old son! Though he only nurses 4ish times a day, I'm sure that counts for something, right? I've gotten so I don't even log it on MFP or make accommodations for it. Hopefully not logging it doesn't sabotage my efforts. I also nursed my daughter for 13 months. Anywho, definitely feel free to add me!
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    I didn't think anyone had posted on this link! I'm so delighted to get this info. I'm really struggling to get motivated so I appreciate the input. Hopefully this will help me get my head in gear. Just finding the constant tiredness a challenge. D
  • denise007
    denise007 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you for your reply. I found with my first 2 I put on weight after my first 2 whilst breastfeeding even though I lost some initially just finding that I am exhausted at the moment and craving sugar. Your advice is really useful. D
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me as a friend too, I am EBF my 5 1/2 month old son (although we did start weaning about 3 days ago so in a week or so he might start to swallow some real food, lol!).

    You can add your breastfeeding calories as a food (search for nursing or breastfeeding - they are a negative amount). I count -350 cals a day for nursing as I found 500 too many (I wasn't losing) but on 350 it seems to be working out.

    I am managing to lose between 1/2 and 1lb a week, which is slow but steady and I am happy with it. I tend to use my nursing calories as my treat allowance, as I too am really craving sugar, but I think that is because of the nursing, so am allowing myself some treats. And of course due to tiredness - the days I am most tired I definitely need more sugar.

    I am not able to get to a gym, but am walking a lot, I do a pilates class and I am doing the 30DayShred again (although not nearly as regularly as I like). I went for my first run since being pregnant at the weekend.

    It's so hard when you are tired, getting the balance. a bit of exercise does help but it can be hard to motivate yourself!

    Anyway, feel free to add me :)
  • Always_Belle
    Always_Belle Posts: 73 Member
    My three are no longer nursing (thank goodness..hard to explain at almost 16 yo, almost 12 yo, and 10 yo) but I vividly recall being at your stage. I think that 1/2 lb a week is very doable. I recommend yoga (my favorite exercise) as it is a gentle workout (that can be intense, depending on the type) and importantly will keep you very aware of your body during this stage.
  • CanderWilver
    CanderWilver Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm nursing my 9 month old twins and also my 3yr old (although that's down to 1-2 times a day now) and I managed to GAIN weight since they were born! I figured since exclusive breastfeeding supposedly burned 500cals a day that I could times that by 2 and eat an extra 1000! That did not work out too well for me and I gained 10 lbs after they were born. Since the beginning of May I have been doing Shaklee and am down 6 lbs with no noticeable affect on my milk supply. I still have about 25lbs of baby weight to lose (and then maybe a tiny bit more).
    I find when I'm tired or stressed or the kids are being extra difficult I want to stuff my face with carbs and sugar. Now that I am aware of that it kind of keeps me in check. When I'm feeling like that, I'll grab a small handful of almonds and a big glass of water and that usually helps perk me up a bit. And now that the weather is nicer, I'm outside (and away from the fridge) a lot more.
  • lad323
    lad323 Posts: 82 Member
    First CONGRATULATIONS on a new healthy baby. I am weaning my now 1 year old right now. I am back at my pre-pregnancy weight.

    I just bumped up my calories by about 300 for a total of 2000 calories a day but if I was really hungry or really tired I would go over and not think twice about it. All Moms know some days are harder than others.

    I still have a hard time getting away to get in a great workout so I just strap him in the baby carrier or throw him in a stroller and walk while my oldest walk/runs/bikes. Even walking around the outside of the playground while the oldest plays will help. This winter when the weather was bad I would just strap him on while shopping and try to walk around the store as much as possible. Carrying an extra 10 lbs (now 20+) really makes anything a workout. Just do your best and I am sure you will see results.