Can you lose 20-23 pounds in 3 months?



  • loseweightfast339
    It makes me sad that the OP is only quoting and responding to posts that agree with her despite the good advice given by others. Two pounds a week is too much for the amount of weight you have to lose OP. Like another poster said, you may make it work for a couple of weeks or a month but you WILL plateau and your rate of weight loss WILL slow down. Focus on a pound a week and next time, plan ahead a little better and start six months before your event.
    I wasn't doing it deliberately and now thanks to many responses i understand what you're saying- I only quoted once to find out how she was so successful and another to agree that just saying I wont be able to do it isn't helpful without back up.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    OP, is there a certain reason you are trying to lose 20-23 pounds in 3 months?

    I like an earlier poster's suggestion to focus on strength training and toning more than a number on the scale.

    Anyhow, just curious to know why you have this specific amount of weight loss in mind?

    I have an event I would like to be in better shape for in late August

    Then your best bet is to eat at a slight deficit (no more than 1 lb per week goal), incorporate heavy lifting 3 x per week, and cardio 2x per week. That way you will lose fat and tighten up your body, meaning you will be a smaller size even if the scale number isn't what you had in mind. If you want to create a huge deficit and lose quickly, I certainly can't stop you, but you're not going to like the results. You'll be thinner, but flabby, or "skinny fat" as it is known around here.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    OP, is there a certain reason you are trying to lose 20-23 pounds in 3 months?

    I like an earlier poster's suggestion to focus on strength training and toning more than a number on the scale.

    Anyhow, just curious to know why you have this specific amount of weight loss in mind?

    I have an event I would like to be in better shape for in late August

    Is it more a specific size you are after? Because losing 15 for example but really focusing on the toning through more strength training may be just what you are looking for/need to meet that.
  • loseweightfast339
    Really I'm just looking to mainly shred the fat from my body because I am not toned at all
  • BourgeoiseX
    BourgeoiseX Posts: 23 Member
    Same goal here except that I'm an inch taller (5"10 @ 170). I hope to go down 20lbs by July 13 for an event. think it's do-able. Let's see how this goes.
  • loseweightfast339
    Same goal here except that I'm an inch taller (5"10 @ 170). I hope to go down 20lbs by July 13 for an event. think it's do-able. Let's see how this goes.
    Many people think it isnt possible which it might not be but we'll try our hardest!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Also- she didn't state that she wanted to do it "fast" she just asked if it was possible to lose 20 lbs in 3 months. Yes, it is. Will everyone be able to? No, but if she is staying within a healthy means and limits than there is nothing wrong with a 2lb per week loss.
    Given that her user name is LOSE WEIGHT FAST and her goal...I'm going with: she wants to lose weight fast.
  • mfarrington312
    Ive lost 23 pounds in just under 3 months... I am 5'5" and started at 170 but now i'm down to 147. I eat 1200-1500 calories a day and work out 5-6 times a week both weights and cardio. I think a lot has to do with the fact that i completely eliminated soda, and all the sugary drinks. I just eat a big lunch and little meals throughout the day.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    First off people saying losing 20-23 lbs in 3 months as fast? That is an average 2 lbs per week is completely healthy!

    I started on here at 155 and I am 5'7.5- I lost 20 lbs in 3 months, and the last 5-8 lbs took me almost 6 months after that.

    I did it with regular exercise and watching my calories. I didn't starve myself, I very much adopted the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) and ate what I liked in moderation.

    Also- she didn't state that she wanted to do it "fast" she just asked if it was possible to lose 20 lbs in 3 months. Yes, it is. Will everyone be able to? No, but if she is staying within a healthy means and limits than there is nothing wrong with a 2lb per week loss.

    2 lbs per week is healthy if you have 75 lbs or more to lose. It's not healthy the less you have to lose, because you would have to have to continue a 1000 calorie deficit per day even as your TDEE is dropping with your weight loss. It runs the risk of putting you into calorie intakes below 1200, which is why you often see the following recommended on MFP:

    More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week
    40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week
    10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week
    Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week


    If the OP even has a chance at losing 2 pounds per week at the weight she is at now, she will have to nail her food intake almost perfectly every single day for 3 months. My concern with this is that by leaving no room for error it's easy to get discouraged and either give up OR go the opposite direction and start starving towards the end. It's an unrealistic, unhealthy goal.

    It's much better to develop healthy habits that fit into your lifestyle and lose the weight at a reasonable speed for your weight, which is about 1 pound a week.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Really I'm just looking to mainly shred the fat from my body because I am not toned at all

    Eat at a slight calorie deficit, start exercising if you haven't already. A combination of strength training and cardio works for most people.

    Don't try and over do it. If you're sick and the doctor prescribes one pill a day for a month, would you double up on them to speed up recovery? No. You'd probably end up in the hospital with organ failure.

    Small changes can yield big results.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Really I'm just looking to mainly shred the fat from my body because I am not toned at all

    Eat at a slight calorie deficit, start exercising if you haven't already. A combination of strength training and cardio works for most people.

    Don't try and over do it. If you're sick and the doctor prescribes one pill a day for a month, would you double up on them to speed up recovery? No. You'd probably end up in the hospital with organ failure.

    Small changes can yield big results.

    I love the way you phrased this. :flowerforyou:
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    I hate it when people say x weight is too skinny. I am 5'9" and under 140. I have muscle on my body. I have tiny bones and a small frame.

    At your size 20 pounds in 3 months is a bit too aggressive. Increase your activity and eat at a 500 calorie deficit. Stay consistent and you should lose 12ish pounds which if you gain some muscle will make a big difference in how you look.
  • loseweightfast339

    Also- she didn't state that she wanted to do it "fast" she just asked if it was possible to lose 20 lbs in 3 months. Yes, it is. Will everyone be able to? No, but if she is staying within a healthy means and limits than there is nothing wrong with a 2lb per week loss.
    Given that her user name is LOSE WEIGHT FAST and her goal...I'm going with: she wants to lose weight fast.
    I actually just changed it to that because my old name was my full name and I didnt want co workers to see this...
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    But since you are in a rush, it is likely you won't do it or if you do, you won't keep it off.

    That's the general "statistic" with the population who wants to rush to lose in a short amount of time.

    That's not being negative of mean, it's just the way things seem.

    This is wrong. It's nothing more than a popular dieting myth.

    The statistics in general show that most people regain their weight, regardless of the rate of loss.

    So sorry, the slow losers statistically have just as much chance at regaining their weight as the fast losers.

    People who parrot the notion that slow and steady wins the race, and somehow gives human beings a significant chance to keep weight off, are telling themselves a sweet, happy lie.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    But since you are in a rush, it is likely you won't do it or if you do, you won't keep it off.

    That's the general "statistic" with the population who wants to rush to lose in a short amount of time.

    That's not being negative of mean, it's just the way things seem.

    This is wrong. It's nothing more than a popular dieting myth.

    The statistics in general show that most people regain their weight, regardless of the rate of loss.

    So sorry, the slow losers statistically have just as much chance at regaining their weight as the fast losers.

    People who parrot the notion that slow and steady wins the race, and somehow gives human beings a significant chance to keep weight off, are telling themselves a sweet, happy lie.

    I think the notion is true, at least in the microcosm that is MFP. Those who make drastic, unsustainable changes tend to fall off compared to those who do smaller changes and reasonable deficits. Perhaps I should put up a poll :wink:
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I'm 5'9" and was very close to the same starting weight as you and lost 21 pounds in 2 months, so I'd say it's absolutely possible.

    Edited to add, I do not starve myself or exercise till I'm blue in the face. I have about 1600 cals per day on average and do an hour of walking or walk/run everyday.

    You did it, but did you start with 160lbs as well?

    I would suggest you to start by shred some fat, instead of aiming for specific weight.
    You could try the 30 DS from Jillian, but commit to it every day. At the beginning it will hurt, a lot, but after D3 it becomes easier.
    I'm doing it all over again, and I am currently in D3. I already lost 1,5lbs and my waist went from 32.3in to 29.5 in!!! :laugh:
  • loseweightfast339
    But since you are in a rush, it is likely you won't do it or if you do, you won't keep it off.

    That's the general "statistic" with the population who wants to rush to lose in a short amount of time.

    That's not being negative of mean, it's just the way things seem.

    This is wrong. It's nothing more than a popular dieting myth.

    The statistics in general show that most people regain their weight, regardless of the rate of loss.

    So sorry, the slow losers statistically have just as much chance at regaining their weight as the fast losers.

    People who parrot the notion that slow and steady wins the race, and somehow gives human beings a significant chance to keep weight off, are telling themselves a sweet, happy lie.

    I think the notion is true, at least in the microcosm that is MFP. Those who make drastic, unsustainable changes tend to fall off compared to those who do smaller changes and reasonable deficits. Perhaps I should put up a poll :wink:

    Please do put up a poll :)
  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    Yes. I lost about 30 pounds in 5 weeks.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Yes. I lost about 30 pounds in 5 weeks.
    Unless you started at 400+ I'm not sure that's something to be proud of.

    I agree - 6lbs a week is not healthy