Have you ever cried during a workout?



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yes, twice, but for different reasons. The first time was right after I quit in a bellydance class. I couldn't get the moves right and I was embarassed. The second time was the first time I did the No More Trouble Zones DVD. I only got about 20 minutes in and I couldn't finish because I was in such pain. I realized later it was because I didn't drink enough water & didn't have enough energy. I skipped to the stretches and cried all throughout. I was hurting BAD.
  • tjislovinglife
    tjislovinglife Posts: 101 Member
    Yes I always wanted to do a half marathon and found myself at the finish line cring from tears of joy
  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    completed a 3.4k walk all uphill, before 6.10am the other morning in order to see the sunrise from the top of a mountain. I really did not think I could do it. What my partner did not tell me was that at the top of the walking track there was about 200 steps carved into rock that I needed to climb up to reach the top, the sight of them brought on a great deal of tears. I am however very proud to say that I finished the walk in just under 1hr 15mins, might have taken me awhile but I did it. Plus I then had to walk back down as well.
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    I cried after doing the 30 day shred also. But I felt like I released alot of stress. The next time I did it I didn't so i think it our way for our body to release all of our pent up energy
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Actually, yes. Early on during my first round of Insanity. I don't remember which workout I had just finished, but when it was over I put my head in my towel to wipe off sweat & I started to cry. I didn't even feel it coming on. On a different note, I also threw up a little in my mouth once during the Insanity ab workout!! Sooooo gross I know. Insanity makes me do crazy things I guess.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Now, I don't feel like an idiot.

    This is why I workout at home, INSIDE, where no one sees me!! I've cried due to the emotions of being able to finish a workout I thought I'd never do. I've cried wishing my parents could see what I'm accomplishing now...they'd be so shocked! And, because I workout at home, I watch tv when I do the treadmill or bike...those damn ASPCA commercials with all those poor animals!! I swear they purposely time it for me to see them!

    Oh, I've also cursed Jillian, as well. I was so ready to kill that witch when I started 30 DS!! It's a wonder I didn't break the tv or pitch the DVD! haha

    For those reasons, I don't even dare venture to go to a gym. So, major kudos to those of you who are much braver than I am!!

    Btw, those of you who use the bikes...how do you do it?! Every time I end that one, it looks like I've peed myself!! I'd be mortified if I was in a gym!! lol
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Yes I always wanted to do a half marathon and found myself at the finish line cring from tears of joy

    i have my first half marathon next month...this will be me!!! I bet it felt so awesome!
  • thatklutzychick
    thatklutzychick Posts: 13 Member
    I cried after I finished my first tri in October.

    The previous December, I vowed to lose 45 pounds. Once I hit that goal in July, I wanted to pick a new goal and settled on the sprint triathlon. I can't tell you how many times I felt like the fat, uncoordinated kid in school. I can't recall exactly how many times I was picked last for sports, but when I think about it, the pain still feels fresh.

    As on the last half mile of the tri, all I could think about were all the people who doubted me or made fun of me over the years. My parents, sister, aunt, uncle and cousins were all at the finish line cheering for me as I came in. When I turned the last corner and saw them standing there I thought about how they'd seen me transform from this awkward chubby kid into a motivated woman who they could be proud of.

    The tears started flowing as I put my foot directly down on the timing mat. I claimed it was sweat running down my face and kept smiling despite how overcome with emotion I was. It was easily the proudest moment of my life so far.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Yes! It was on my third day of Jillian's shape up series. I cried and just felt so disgusted about myself. That was when I finally broke down and realized I just let myself go and I need to fix it.

    That was the day I decide to screw Jillian and go Insane!!! LOL I had the "Go Hard or Go Home" thinking. (I do like Jillian but she didn't motivate me as much as Shaun T does). I also wanted faster results and it worked. lol

    Now I just curse, grunt, moan, or yell hahahahahaha I have my windows open when I workout so I wonder what the neighbors think. I also have to have the TV loud
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    As Tom Hanks said in that movie, "There is no crying in baseball"..

    This applies to working out too :)

    LOL!!! Great post!!!
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I sometimes cry when running - I occasionally get this weird wave of emotion, its not because I'm hurting or anything (although I've cried from that too). Whenever I've run a race I've always cried on crossing the finish line - I think it must be some sort of response to the release of adrenaline or something! It's happened every time - 5k to half marathon! When my boss decided he was going to pace me during the half marathon I ran last year I had to warn him during the last mile that I might cry on crossing the line, and that there was nothing wrong it just happens! I crossed the line, I cried, and bless him, my boss was not at all phased and gave me a massive hug!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I sometimes cry when running - I occasionally get this weird wave of emotion, its not because I'm hurting or anything (although I've cried from that too). Whenever I've run a race I've always cried on crossing the finish line - I think it must be some sort of response to the release of adrenaline or something! It's happened every time - 5k to half marathon! When my boss decided he was going to pace me during the half marathon I ran last year I had to warn him during the last mile that I might cry on crossing the line, and that there was nothing wrong it just happens! I crossed the line, I cried, and bless him, my boss was not at all phased and gave me a massive hug!

    Geesh, great. I'll be a mess after my first 5K in February.
  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    I did my first day of JM's 30 Day Shred and about half way through circuit 2, I started balling. I'm not sure why. I just felt this wave of emotion. I've never wanted something so bad (getting healthy) and it just somehow hit me like a wrecking ball. I finished the workout, even though it about killed me- I finished the work out.
    I'm just wondering if anybody else has had this happen?

    You won't believe me, but I started bawling during that same workout. I don't know why! I was overwhelmed with wanting it SO BAD, and knowing that I have to bust my butt to do it. It was in the middle of the workout - I just broke down - and I kept going. It was like facing myself head on. No one else. Just me against me. And it was quite an experience. So you are not alone at all!!!

    Congrats on doing the workout. Keep going! It's so worth it!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Oh definitely. I cried the first time I ran 30 minutes on the treadmill without stopping, and one time while on the elliptical, I it hit me that I had hit a 70 lb loss that very morning. It didn't dawn on me until then.
  • monkey18
    Great story you made me smile!! thank you
  • leslieheb
    leslieheb Posts: 45 Member
    I am a huge biggest looser fan.. I like watching what they do and the advice and know that I am not alone in this journey.. But there are countless shows where the contestants break down and cry... most of us are the way we are because of something.. And on the show we see that.. When the trainers pull one of them aside and they talk about what has gone on in their life to make them reach the point where they are at now and what they are going to do to get out of it and prevent it from happening again.. weight loss is a battle everyday because it is something that never goes away.... someone who is addicted to drugs don't need drugs to survive but we all need food to survive so we are faced with t his challenge every day and at least 3 times a day if not more... I am so happy for you and you finishing and hope that your journey continues to be a success.
  • fasttrack27
    I cried after I finished my first tri in October.

    The previous December, I vowed to lose 45 pounds. Once I hit that goal in July, I wanted to pick a new goal and settled on the sprint triathlon. I can't tell you how many times I felt like the fat, uncoordinated kid in school. I can't recall exactly how many times I was picked last for sports, but when I think about it, the pain still feels fresh.

    As on the last half mile of the tri, all I could think about were all the people who doubted me or made fun of me over the years. My parents, sister, aunt, uncle and cousins were all at the finish line cheering for me as I came in. When I turned the last corner and saw them standing there I thought about how they'd seen me transform from this awkward chubby kid into a motivated woman who they could be proud of.

    The tears started flowing as I put my foot directly down on the timing mat. I claimed it was sweat running down my face and kept smiling despite how overcome with emotion I was. It was easily the proudest moment of my life so far.

    Awesome and inspiring! Thanks for sharing those thoughts!!
    No, I never have cried but I do feel like spewing profanities at a certain instructor. I'm not sure she's actually all human...but she's darn good at what she does which is why there is literaly a waiting line to get in her classes!