Do you ever just hate dieting?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    judging by yesterday... your diet needs to change

    you had roast beef as a snack
    stop using so much oil and butter in everything
    no cheese
    no cookies
    idk why your "good coffee" is about 215 calories you might as well go to Starbucks

    other then all that your breakfast food and lunches seem to be on point
    and your dinners
    it just seems you throw in random items like butter and snacking on roast beef seems unnecessary
    maybe snack on carrots or another fruit? or rice cakes?

    Really? none of this is correct.

    Protien based snacks are great, oil and butter are good for you esp olive oil and you need fat in your diet. Cheese wth...I eat cheese everyday and enjoy it, cookies why not?

    Just because you are losing weight doesn't mean you have to get rid of the food you love that is why a lot fail and regain.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Yes I hate dieting. And yes I hate it even when it's a lifestyle change. And yes I hate it even when things fit my macros. Yeah I can have cake or a hamburger or drinks as part of my diet, but I want multiple drinks and cakes and hamburgers. I want to go on a cheese rampage every day. I want to eat piles of lasagna and loads of chicken paprikas. I want to eat brunches and then be able to go and have a huge dinner seven hours later. I want mega meatballs, apple pies, and barbecue sandwiches. I want to eat like I ate when I was in Vegas. I want to eat all day every day, and no matter how you look at dieting, whether it's staying under a certain amount of calories, a "lifestyle change," staying in your macros, etc., the truth is for me if I consumed all the food I wanted I would be like those people on the 600 pound life. I just absolutely love food. It tastes so good.

    Oooh edited to add I want to eat whole pizzas for lunch and hot dogs for lunch dessert, with a post lunch pre pre dinner strawberry cheesecake snack. I'd throw some avocados and bananas in there too.

    This is totally me!!!!
    Although I ate a lot on my "date night" on Saturday and I realized that I would have felt much betteer the next day had I exercised portion control.
    Maybe my stomach is shrinking?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well, we have different body types for one....

    But start running a lot and lifting weights, and that would require more calories.....
    Bout all I can offer as a suggestion.

    um....maybe I need to lift more and run more...because I do both and still find the amount that makes me lose is very little...I really have to starve myself to see scale moving a tiny bit...

    Are you taking measurements elsewhere? Try measuring your hips, waist, arms, neck, and legs with a tape measure. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean progress isn't being made :-)

    nothing...maybe a quarter inch here or there...but that's normal marginal mistakes, isn't it?
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    judging by yesterday... your diet needs to change

    you had roast beef as a snack
    stop using so much oil and butter in everything
    no cheese
    no cookies
    idk why your "good coffee" is about 215 calories you might as well go to Starbucks

    other then all that your breakfast food and lunches seem to be on point
    and your dinners
    it just seems you throw in random items like butter and snacking on roast beef seems unnecessary
    maybe snack on carrots or another fruit? or rice cakes?

    Really? none of this is correct.

    Protien based snacks are great, oil and butter are good for you esp olive oil and you need fat in your diet. Cheese wth...I eat cheese everyday and enjoy it, cookies why not?

    Just because you are losing weight doesn't mean you have to get rid of the food you love that is why a lot fail and regain.

    what works for you doesn't work for others
    I don't see roast beef as a snack sorry
    and just loading your day with pizza cheese and cookies seems ridiculous if you are trying to lose weight and wondering why you aren't losing anything
    also to spend about 500 calories alone on breakfast and never working out is also ridiculous
    you don't think so then that's you but that's what I think whether that's wrong in your eyes or not

    and I'm done with this post since b/c i voiced my opinion everyone wants to jump down my throat
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    I have a very low calorie goal for the day in order to lose any weight - but I set myself up for success early in the day by mentally planning what I am going to eat the rest of the day so that I can have a 'treat' if I want it. I keep good snacks on hand ( I love Kind bars) just in case I am starving between meals. Lately, my 'treat' consists of a square of Dove dark chocolate, eaten and enjoyed slowly.

    It's not easy - but it's worth it. This morning on the way to work I REALLY wanted to stop in to McDonalds for an egg white delight. I had all but convinced myself that it was a healthy-ish use of my calories but then I reminded myself that I was only craving it in that moment - I won't feel deprived tomorrow if I skipped the drive thru today. And I would be super disappointed in the effect it had on my weight loss.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    lol @ anyone that says they like dieting...

    trying to eat under 3200Cals extremely hard!!!!

    umm...this isn't really helping...
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    judging by yesterday... your diet needs to change

    you had roast beef as a snack
    stop using so much oil and butter in everything
    no cheese
    no cookies
    idk why your "good coffee" is about 215 calories you might as well go to Starbucks

    other then all that your breakfast food and lunches seem to be on point
    and your dinners
    it just seems you throw in random items like butter and snacking on roast beef seems unnecessary
    maybe snack on carrots or another fruit? or rice cakes?

    So your solution to me hating my diet, is to restrict my food choice further and deny myself appropriate portions of foods I enjoy?

    If you read my diary, you should have seen my food note. I ate "supper' at 3pm yesterday because I did not have anything but a smoothie at lunch time. Then I ate my "snack" at 6pm - when really it was my third meal, or supper.

    As for butter? I hardly think that 10g is "too much". And I didn't throw it in haphazardly, I used it to one, sautee my veggies in, and two, as part of the base for my cheese steak like meal. Butter and oils are not taboo, they are good for you in moderation. And yes, I ate a double serving of cheese - 60g total for my whole day - because I was so hungry.

    And you refer to my "good coffee" being 215 calories. I had "good coffee" in the morning - a tassimo caramel macchiato, and the calories are correct at 100. Not sure where you got the 215 from?
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    judging by yesterday... your diet needs to change

    you had roast beef as a snack
    stop using so much oil and butter in everything
    no cheese
    no cookies
    idk why your "good coffee" is about 215 calories you might as well go to Starbucks

    other then all that your breakfast food and lunches seem to be on point
    and your dinners
    it just seems you throw in random items like butter and snacking on roast beef seems unnecessary
    maybe snack on carrots or another fruit? or rice cakes?

    Really? none of this is correct.

    Protien based snacks are great, oil and butter are good for you esp olive oil and you need fat in your diet. Cheese wth...I eat cheese everyday and enjoy it, cookies why not?

    Just because you are losing weight doesn't mean you have to get rid of the food you love that is why a lot fail and regain.

    what works for you doesn't work for others
    I don't see roast beef as a snack sorry
    and just loading your day with pizza cheese and cookies seems ridiculous if you are trying to lose weight and wondering why you aren't losing anything
    also to spend about 500 calories alone on breakfast and never working out is also ridiculous
    you don't think so then that's you but that's what I think whether that's wrong in your eyes or not

    and I'm done with this post since b/c i voiced my opinion everyone wants to jump down my throat

    If you are referring to me, I hardly call two servings of cheese "loading my day" and ONE cookie is not ridiculous. Never once did I wonder why I wasn't losing weight, in fact I said I was quite happy with my loss and specifically said I was not complaining about that at all.

    As for never working out, did you ever think about why I don't work out, before you inferred I was "ridiculous"? Or did you just assume, incorrectly, that it was a choice I made because I simply didn't want to? Or maybe I do work out, but choose not to log it? Please make sure you have all the information before you judge others.
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Regardless of our number of calories it is easier so days and hArder on other days. I understand and I feel like that when I see my family eating ice cream cake candy and knowing I won't. I say won't and not can't because I ultimately choose what I eat. I can eat whatever I want. I keep reminding myself that I choose to eat this way. Today had a mini binge. Ate two bakery donuts and candy popcorn. Okay though because it was a rare treat and I worked hard at the gym. Hopefully it gets better. I am always hungry. I eat all the time.
  • sino19
    sino19 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes I hate dieting. And yes I hate it even when it's a lifestyle change. And yes I hate it even when things fit my macros. Yeah I can have cake or a hamburger or drinks as part of my diet, but I want multiple drinks and cakes and hamburgers. I want to go on a cheese rampage every day. I want to eat piles of lasagna and loads of chicken paprikas. I want to eat brunches and then be able to go and have a huge dinner seven hours later. I want mega meatballs, apple pies, and barbecue sandwiches. I want to eat like I ate when I was in Vegas. I want to eat all day every day, and no matter how you look at dieting, whether it's staying under a certain amount of calories, a "lifestyle change," staying in your macros, etc., the truth is for me if I consumed all the food I wanted I would be like those people on the 600 pound life. I just absolutely love food. It tastes so good.

    Oooh edited to add I want to eat whole pizzas for lunch and hot dogs for lunch dessert, with a post lunch pre pre dinner strawberry cheesecake snack. I'd throw some avocados and bananas in there too.

  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Yes I hate dieting. And yes I hate it even when it's a lifestyle change. And yes I hate it even when things fit my macros. Yeah I can have cake or a hamburger or drinks as part of my diet, but I want multiple drinks and cakes and hamburgers. I want to go on a cheese rampage every day. I want to eat piles of lasagna and loads of chicken paprikas. I want to eat brunches and then be able to go and have a huge dinner seven hours later. I want mega meatballs, apple pies, and barbecue sandwiches. I want to eat like I ate when I was in Vegas. I want to eat all day every day, and no matter how you look at dieting, whether it's staying under a certain amount of calories, a "lifestyle change," staying in your macros, etc., the truth is for me if I consumed all the food I wanted I would be like those people on the 600 pound life. I just absolutely love food. It tastes so good.

    Oooh edited to add I want to eat whole pizzas for lunch and hot dogs for lunch dessert, with a post lunch pre pre dinner strawberry cheesecake snack. I'd throw some avocados and bananas in there too.

    This is totally me!!!!
    Although I ate a lot on my "date night" on Saturday and I realized that I would have felt much betteer the next day had I exercised portion control.
    Maybe my stomach is shrinking?

    Add for me too!
    I'm also on 1200 net now that I'm closer to my goal I'm really feeling it. These are days I really wish I had my boyfriend's metabolism. I'd love to be able to cut at 2400, but unfortunately I'm a small female who is very close to goal and I'm stuck eating 1800. I want the foodz!!!
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Best Thing ever!!! Lol!
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    I hated it for the first few weeks and I realized just how much sugar and salt I was consuming was putting my body in to a withdrawal like state where I was cranky and always wanting junk. After some time and some back and forth with foods, my taste buds have changed. I crave hummus and cucumber now and pitas with feta and chicken and a ton of veggies.

    My sweet tooth has also gotten more sophisticated where I don't like the cheap junk so much anymore and lean more towards the higher quality much less often than the bad quality stuff.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Yup, I always hate it. I hate counting calories.

    The only thing I love is exercise. But exercise doesn't negate eating too many calories (so I've learned over the past several years of exercising WHILE gaining weight)

    I try to make sure to do enjoyable things on the weekends, like drink a bottle of wine, and make sure it fits in my calories, so that I'm not totally tortured while doing this weight loss thing.