How do you deal with get togethers?



  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm actually in the middle of arranging a pool day/game night with a couple friend of ours. My guess is that there will be nothing healthy about the snacks or meals we eat that day. Luckily, I always eat more calories on weekends as long as my weekly average is under goal. I may still go over in calories, but it's all good. I'll just enjoy myself, try not to go too crazy, log it, and move on.
  • tectactoe
    tectactoe Posts: 73 Member
    cheat day, back on track the next day.

    one day will not kill your progress.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Pre-plan the best you can.

    Eat less calories the rest of the week so you can splurge on the get together.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    Go, enjoy yourself, log as closely as you are able, don't weigh for two days, discover you've lost two pounds.

    That's how it works for me, at least.

    Not only did one day not make you fat, it can actually be a boost for you losing weight.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I've started going by my weekly totals instead of daily. You could always cut back a little on the day(s) before/after and enjoy all of the goodies in moderation.

    I've found that I don't need to COMPLETELY splurge in order to feel full and satisfied anymore. For example, I went to happy hour last night with friends. I had two beers and some pork BBQ tacos (yum!). I scaled back my portions throughout the rest of the day and ate a little under my goal on Monday. I am still on track for the week. :) I have found that I am more likely to stick with my calorie goal in general, if I allow myself to enjoy some delicious food and/or drinks, especially at social events.

    ETA: I know some people are more strict than I am, and they'll only eat foods that they can log completely accurately. In my happy hour scenario, or something like the get-together that you mention, I just log as accurately as I can. There is often a wide range of calories associated with a given item (e.g. a hamburger). I usually select something more towards the high end (though not the most extreme) and move on :)
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I have get togethers with my friend once a week (or more), as well. Luckily, my gf and I are both fitness/health minded, so we usually graze on yummy stuff and/or JUST consume the healthy stuff. We always seem to have cake or some sort of dessert around and with that, we just eat a very small piece.

    I think just being PRESENT and aware of how you're eating, how much you've eaten and WHY ARE YOU STILL EATING is important. Once you get 'content' and satisfied, move on to playing a game and not making it about the food anymore.
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    Pre-plan the best you can.

    Eat less calories the rest of the week so you can splurge on the get together.

    pretty much. Plan around this day.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I fast that day until the get together.

    That way I can eat the good stuff and usually still not go over my allotment for the day.

  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Make smart food choices earlier in the day and try your best to squeeze in a workout and then just enjoy yourself. Eat mindfully (not loading up on high-calorie foods and stopping when you're full), but don't deprive yourself. Even if you do go a little over your calories for the day, chances are you'll be able to make some minor adjustments and still stick to your weekly goal.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    I personally try to bank 100 cals or so per day for the days before. (I can do this because I'm still on a 1400 cal allowance). Not sure if it would work for you.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Offer to take something delicious and healthy that you can enjoy. Make that thing 80% of your meal. Let the other 20% be a small portion of everything else. :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Log as closely as you can, eat smaller portions of the things you enjoy.

    I agree with this, and I think you have been given a lot of great advice already. I usually look at any situation like this from the standpoint of "what's worth it?" and indulge in the 1-2 things that I really, truly enjoy the taste of...and avoid things I don't. I also have a light breakfast and lunch in preparation for a bigger evening meal than normal and/or alcohol.

    I personally would NOT eat before attending, though. I'm sure that works out for some people but it just would not work out well for me, because even if I ate a healthy meal beforehand and managed to avoid all of the food there I would wind up feeling odd or resentful and I wouldn't enjoy that at all!

    The advice about making some healthier options is great, especially since this is an every week thing and not a one time occurrence or holiday meal. My husband and I go to my mom's house for dinner once a week and that's what we do. She bakes yummy desserts and we always indulge in a small serving (or two) but we purposely avoid some of the richer, saltier, high fat stuff that she makes by taking miniscule portions or skipping it...and bringing along veggies and other stuff to round out the meals.

    Good luck!
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Are you super close with these people? Be up front with them. Let them know that you are trying to change your eating habits to help you lose weight (for heaven's sake, don't say that you are trying to eat healthy or you run the risk of offending your friends) and that it would really help you to know what everyone will be bringing in advance so you can plan accordingly. Then log your day as best you can. Maybe you could even be a catalyst to turn these gatherings around a little bit so that the food is planned differently; maybe agree to try different recipes each week and assign dishes that way.
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    Are you super close with these people? Be up front with them. Let them know that you are trying to change your eating habits to help you lose weight (for heaven's sake, don't say that you are trying to eat healthy or you run the risk of offending your friends) and that it would really help you to know what everyone will be bringing in advance so you can plan accordingly. Then log your day as best you can. Maybe you could even be a catalyst to turn these gatherings around a little bit so that the food is planned differently; maybe agree to try different recipes each week and assign dishes that way.

    Yes. Do you have an email list for your group that gets together? Maybe you could suggest that everyone emails what dish they are bringing the day before, and you'll be able to plan for it better.

    Also, can you have the gathering at your house sometimes so you have access to all your healthy foods?
  • katef66
    katef66 Posts: 7 Member
    Kristen, I treat Thursday night dinners as my cheat meal when I go. I have one each week. I keep the portions in mind and eat mostly veggies and I don't feel guilty about it.

    Kate! (for some reason I totally spaced you were on MFP)

    That's a really good idea. So, you have one cheat meal per week. Is that difficult? Or not so much with your schedule?

    I have one each schedule doesn't mess it up too's usually on Tuesdays or Thursdays depending on my rotation. It's actually easier for me to stay on track on work days because I have to bring all of my food for the day with me because my shift is 12 hours long. But since I stay on track I really, really look forward to my cheat meal and it helps me focus on eating right in the meantime!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Couple methods you can try:

    1. Eating less that day and being aware of what you eat at the get together.
    2. Plan for additional exercise.
    3. Make up the deficit throughout the week.
    4. All of the above.