Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member

    10 Water -Working on glass 12!

    20 Minutes Resistance Training- Haven't done this yet, but I'm going to do some "quickie" workouts (quickiechick.com)

    30 Minutes Cardio-shoveled for a half hour today.

    Under cals for the first time in a few days! Whoo. I made up for my last few days of binging by being way under, but I didn't really have the desire to eat anything else today.
  • goldilocks007
    I have been MIA since this challenge started. I am recovering from a cold that knocked me down on New Year's Eve, that progressed to bronchitis, and additionally the excess coughing triggered a flair with acid reflux.
    I weighed myself today 194 down 2 pounds. I should be happy with a loss, but I know it is due to dehydration and lack of appetite, eating soup, and saltines for about 5 days...very afraid of my weight gain that usually follows after I am sick.
    Today was the first day back to eating real food again. Way too many sweets today, way over on calories, though, I still can not resume my cardio workouts without hacking up my left lung. I did some stretching and walking today for 20 minutes. I want to make it up to 30 minutes tommorrow. I have had over 10 cups of fluid today. Tommorrow is a new day. Looks like there has been lots of success already in the challenge. Way to go everyone and keep it up:smile:
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member

    10 Water ~DONE
    20 Minutes Resistance Training (weights, pushups, etc...you choose, mix and match if you want) ~FORGOT :frown: and I was going to make a point to beccause I never do this type.
    30 Minutes Cardio ~DONE

    Under Calories ~DONE
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    I have been MIA since this challenge started. I am recovering from a cold that knocked me down on New Year's Eve, that progressed to bronchitis, and additionally the excess coughing triggered a flair with acid reflux.
    I weighed myself today 194 down 2 pounds. I should be happy with a loss, but I know it is due to dehydration and lack of appetite, eating soup, and saltines for about 5 days...very afraid of my weight gain that usually follows after I am sick.
    Today was the first day back to eating real food again. Way too many sweets today, way over on calories, though, I still can not resume my cardio workouts without hacking up my left lung. I did some stretching and walking today for 20 minutes. I want to make it up to 30 minutes tommorrow. I have had over 10 cups of fluid today. Tommorrow is a new day. Looks like there has been lots of success already in the challenge. Way to go everyone and keep it up:smile:

    Happy you're feeling better, goldilocks007.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am soooooooooooo behind on posting! I am so sorry! I think I have only posted once with my "beginning" weight. If someone could update for me that would be great.

    I started the challenge at 145.6 and now I'm at 144.6... so a pound lost since the challenge began... only 9 more to go!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    PS... I went from 166 to 146 during Posh's Christmas challenge... from the end of October to Christmas... so 20 lbs in 2 months... Stick with MFP- it works... and is still working for me!!! Good luck everyone!
  • skysilver
    Wonderful, I am in
    CW: 155lbs or 11 stones.
    Ten pounds goodbye!!!

    Thank you for this!!!
  • amygrue
    I am def in!!!!

    Current weight: 174lbs.

    Good luck y'all and thanks for the challenge !!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    10 Water ~ 13 cups
    20 Minutes Resistance Training (weights, pushups, etc...you choose, mix and match if you want) ~ 10 mins
    30 Minutes Cardio ~ 3 hrs 16 mins (2 hrs 26 min Walk & 50 mins Ten Minute Solutions: Rapid Results fat burner DVD)

    Under Calories ~ Accomplished
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    10 Water - 14 cups!
    20 Minutes Resistance Training (weights, pushups, etc...you choose, mix and match if you want) - Fail. I did not do this.
    30 Minutes Cardio - I did 30 minutes of Just Dance 2.
    Under Calories - Under by 151 calories.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member

    10 Water - not done :( - I can never get all my water in!
    20 min - pilates/yoga video
    30 Minutes Cardio - way over! - 50 min walk (to work and back), 15 min elliptical and 20 min cardio dvd :)

    Under Calories - yes!


    10 Water - again no!
    45 Minutes Cardio - 50 min walk to work and back, 20 min treadmill (training for 5k), 5 min rowing and 5 min stairmaster
    Under Calories - yes!

    Bonus: I have a husband and kids to unfortunately can't throw it out but they're getting through it and it's not passing my mouth! Yay!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Tuesday Challenge: hit all the goals for Tuesday. Yay! Had to go to bed early though to keep from eating in the evening!


    10 Water -did this already
    20 Minutes Resistance Training (weights, pushups, etc...you choose, mix and match if you want)-did a 53 minute cardio sculpt class. It's so fun but can be soooo hard. We do light weights but tons of reps (for example, today we did 100 shoulder raises with 3 lb. weights-my shoulders are crying!) and while we are doing the weights we are doing squats, lunges, and leg lifts. I'm not gonna be able to take the stairs tomorrow. I usually do this class on Mondays and Wednesdays but haven't been in over a month because of my son's surgery and Christmas break.
    30 Minutes Cardio-then I went and did a 45 minute spin class!

    Under Calories (I hope to be, I burned a ton of caloires and I don't eat all my exercise caloires back, but we are having ribs for dinner)

    Posh, thanks for taking care of us!

    Ok girl..... That's it... You are officially MY HERO!! I'm tired and SORE just reading all that you did! Whew... ouch.... Going to the restroom is going to hurt tomorrow!! lol.. I always hated trying to sit down on the toilet after such hard workouts. I would almost just fall onto it!

    I AM sore today! My legs are good, but boy my butt hurts and my shoulders are killing me. So all good! finished under calories for the day but I'm a starvin' marvin today so it's gonna be tough.

    Thursday Challenge:
    Water-no where close, need to up this big time (I've had plenty of coffee though-stuck at a meeting for 3 friggin hours!)
    45 Minutes Cardio-done, got in 47 minutes before the meeting -30 minutes elliptical and 17 on the stairmaster (the gym was PACKED-it was raining here this morning and all those New Year's resolution folks had to go somewhere thus the stairmaster)
    under calories-don't know yet. I have 1689 to play with today but like I said, I'm hungry!

    Bonus: not yet, but the only stuff yet is stuff I don't like so even if I don't get to it yet, no worries on that front. Have a good day everybody! And we had to do takeout Tuesday night because of a school meeting so no going out tonight. We'll have grilled chicken and sauteed squash (can you hear my kids whining yet???) and by the time the 15 year old gets home from a 3 hour swim practice, he has zero desire to go anywhere. Maybe we'll play Jeopardy on the wii though.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    mark 1:happy: pound off for me please! on my way to better days!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I confess I haven't been keeping up with the mini daily challenges. i really must up my water intake! So today Thursday, i am going to guzzle away. logged 55 minutes of cardio today! Cookies and candy are all out of the house! The cheese, chips and crackers, slowly but surely are going away. Happy to say, I'm doing very well with them. I know what a serving is now, and I take only half! I know those lays potato chips aren't the best choice for me, but learning to cut my portions down is a very good step in the right way, and I'm staying under my calories!
  • kleeper80
    kleeper80 Posts: 69 Member

    10 Water - Done!
    20 Minutes Resistance Training (weights, pushups, etc...you choose, mix and match if you want) - I did 20 minutes of circuit training which included resistance, so I'm counting it!~ :-)
    30 Minutes Cardio - I did 20 minutes of Zumba, so No. :-(

    Under Calories - Yes!
  • skysilver
    Thursdays challenge;

    Water -only 4 glasses

    Cardio- 50 Min Wii bowling

    Under calories. :happy:

    I also lost one pound since joining yesterday so yippee!!

    Wishing us all good luck :flowerforyou:

    SW : 155 lbs or 11 stone
    CW : 154 lbs
  • Mgrady00
    Mgrady00 Posts: 11 Member
    I have to confess to Im having a hard time keeping up with the daily challenges myself. But today I have drank about 7 glasses of water so far. This morning I did a thirty min workout on my Wii Jillian Michaels game. And I did a ten min run. So far Im doing fine on my food journal for the day. I did measure today and I have lost 2 1/2 inches in my belly!!! Ive lost two pounds so far, 8 to go so excited to make this challenge. WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!!!!!
  • Sunny_Skies
    Would it be too late for me to join this now? I just got an account today and I'm planning on weighing in on Mondays, so this would be a perfect way to make me accountable for not sticking to my plan on weekends...

    SW=123 lbs
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    What a long day, i ache from yesterdays workout. I was going to do some more this evening but i need sleep. My motivation is lacking tonight but i think i have stayed under my cal goal
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member

    10 Water Done
    45 Minutes Cardio Done 45 mintues walk/sculpt video
    Under Calories yep

    Bonus: Didn't bring any home, but I made a diet coke choco cake tonight lol TOM craving, will throw it out in the AM though