Looking for people who need to lose 50 to 150 pounds



  • Count me in. I have lost 28 and I have at least 111 to go.
  • I'm in. love the idea of celebrating every 10 lbs.
  • I need the encouragement, willpower and advice. I start off doing pretty well and then my emotions get the best of me. I need to lose 70-100 lbs, but honestly I would be elated to lose even 5lbs right now! I feel like I am stuck and getting mired deeper and deeper every day with every bite of food I take. The sad thing is I know how to eat right, how to exercise but just don't have that gung-ho get-up-and go mind set anymore...HELP!!!:sad:
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    I'd love to participate. Still have 60 pounds to go!
  • wakingdreamer
    wakingdreamer Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in! How do I join such a group? I have 107.5 lbs to go.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    You can count me in too! I still have at least 150 pounds to go! (I started this at over 400 pounds) This would be a great group to have!! Hope we can get it up and running soon!! :)
  • amy0212
    amy0212 Posts: 1 Member
    Im in ! I have already lost 45lbs, wld love to lose 100 more. I think that support, encouragment and the same goals r crucial to getting to r goals.:smile:
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I just turned 49 and I don't want to go into 50...well....50 pounds overweight!
  • ktbrocky
    ktbrocky Posts: 1 Member
    Let's all stick together and support eachother. I am in!
  • I am new to the site and am planning on losing about 100 lbs. I definitely would appreciate being a part of a group. Please keep me posted.

    Thanks :)
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Hey! I have about 50 more lbs to lose. Keep me posted I'd join the group! :)
  • Milynne
    Milynne Posts: 95 Member
    I'm right there with all of ya'll!

    Started at 225..down to 208, so plenty more to go!!!

    My goal weight would be about 150ish...so I have about 58 more pounds to go.

    I am aiming for my first goal hit by Jan. 1 - 25 pounds down..almost there! I want to start 2014 with a positive!
  • Lkkiser3
    Lkkiser3 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all - well, my experience has been unless there is an emotional component that deals with the why of overeating, nothing will change. There are a lot of resources, and if folks are interested, we could pick one and meet weekly to simply explore the why and begin that healing.

    If we're eating to cover up childhood abuse, a diet is like changing the deck chairs on the Titanic...it's going to sink.

    I totally agree with what you have said. I am an emotional eater, and because I have soo much going on in my head emotionally I get sidetracked. I make excuses, and I don't completely devote myself to this lifestyle the way I want.

    I have 100lbs to lose. I think it would be very encouraging to celebrate every 10 lbs. When I step on the scale I don't get excited about 10 lbs so maybe it will help having others cheer us on.
  • So... when does the group start? (kinda new to the board... well.. a new regular user.)
  • Tops group available in every community. Look in your local phonebook or online.
    Cheap to join, alot of fun and so supportive. You feel so good being with people who
    understand you. They chear you on and become a family. You also support the people in your group.I love the discipline of weighing in each week. Keeps me on track. Feel like a million bucks when the meeting is done and excited to loose more. Encouragement from the group is priceless. Recommend it to anyone for support if nothing else. Not a money making group and we're all over weight. No diet program....just regular people trying to loose weight
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I want to lose at least 60lbs. I'd love tobe part of this group, anyone, feel free to add me.
  • Live_To_Win
    Live_To_Win Posts: 340 Member
    I am looking at 85 as a starting number but that may very well change. Anyone here can add me. I log daily and have a very supportive group of friend
  • KarenE86
    KarenE86 Posts: 75 Member
    My goal is to lose 60 lbs. It sounds like a large number and overwhelming when thinking about the overall goal. For now I'm trying to concentrate on small goals so I don't get frustrated with the promise.
  • newtothishelp
    newtothishelp Posts: 50 Member
    Meeeeeeeeeeeeee, I have 110.5lbs to lose. Have lost 15, so now need to lose less than 100