

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good Morning dear ladies. Hope you all are having a good day. Well we had the BIG family meeting last evening. After everyone was there they pasted out enevoples to everyone and had us open at the same time. My DGD and boyfriend are expecting a baby. And the picture was of them together with hands shaped as heart over her tummy and the words "All babies are gifts from God". So expecting GGC #4 around Christmas time.
    My fitbit told me I slept 6 hours and was up 6 times during the night. I was having terrible leg cramps. Interesting. Yesterday I wore my pedometer and the steps were very close. I do think I am getting this figured out.

    Joyce--Congrates on finding the vacation home.

    Gail--Happy vacation, hope you can relax and have fun!!

    Heather--how sad for the family and the little one. DH is lucky to have your support. Sometimes don't you just wish you could shake some sense into therm. I think about that at times when the kids are doing something I know is not going to turn out well. But they have to learn on their own, I am getting better at praying and leaving it to God. some anyway. Prayers and hugs to all of you.

    Allison--Hugs, you take care of you.

    Beth--hugs and remember One day at a time.

    Lynn--congrates on the weight loss.

    We got some rain during the night and sounds like it will be rainning the next couple days. DH wants to ride the motorcycle to Souix city Sunday for a Bikers church. That is over 100 miles so I am hoping the weather is decent. Hugs and prayers for all of you and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Joyce, glad you figured out how to post from your ipad. I love my app for logging. The pie chart is super handy for seeing how well the balance of carbs, fat, and protein, but it will not allow you to participate in the message board. I love the website for that and for showing the days in your streak. The app doesn't show that either. One word of caution: pay attention to your post or autocorrect will make you say some really weird things!

    I can do everything on my app but I CAN'T FIND THE MESSAGE BOARDS!! What's the secret?

    The message boards are not on the app. There is no secret. They are not there. The app is for logging. You can interact with your "friends", but no message boards.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DrKatiebug is correct. The app doens't give you the message boards. You have to physically go to the website on the internet. I haven't tried it yet on my phone but it worked fine on my Ipad.

    You know I think all men don't take care of themselves. My husband has had this sore tooth for quite awhile. He doesn't believe in trying to save a tooth if you need a root canal and crown. It's cheaper to get them pulled. He just gets them pulled. Now he has no teeth at all on the upper left side, just the lower gum. On the right side he has some teeth on the upper and one of those is broken. So his gum has been sore for quite aw while from the simple act of chewing. Now it is very painful, puffy, seems like there is a little bubble. When he was working, we had dental insurance through the hospital. I got my routine work done all the time. So he hasn't seen a dentist in a while. I convinced him to go ahead and call our old dentist. It was going to take 10 days to get in. Last night it was worse and I convinced him to at least call and see if he could get put on a cancellation list. They put him in this afternoon at 4!!! He will see one of the other dentists in the practice but that's OK. I think what finally convinced him was that I told him that if there is an abcess it can go into his actual jaw. So we shall see. We were going to go to Cracker Barrell tonight with friends so that is out.

    Another 'beautiful day in the neighborhood. Could you hear Mr Rodgers singing that????

    Joyce, Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Bodi isn't coming home today but he is still improving. His left leg is twitching. Meg we won't have to catheterize him but we may have to express his bladder manually. Ritter is still missing his brother very much.

    Yesterday my son in law had an emergency appendectomy so I was exhausted by the end of the day. Emotional trials can really take a toll. All is well with him and the family. I can't wait to see them all in a couple of weeks. I will go get my granddaughter fix over a weekend. It is hard to beleive that Andelane is 7 months and that Olivia is 2 and a half already. Time sure flies.

    Thank you again dear ladies for all your support.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got to spend time with hubby.With being with Violet 3 days a week and his crazy hours,was nice to connect.
    Have a good one.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone, going to bed soon; wish everyone a good night, especially those with worries.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    On my way to the hospital --daughter seems to have appendicitis! Prayers, please!
  • Amethyst125
    Amethyst125 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    New to site but feel very comfy here. You sound like lovely, caring ladies. I am from Redondo Beach CA and am 50+
    My prayers to all that are having a difficult time right now.
    Just started again to deal with my extra weight. It seemed to slowly creep back on. I previously lost 50 lbs and gained back 20 of those pounds.
    I will need support and you are all so kind and supportive to each other, hope I can provide some support too.

    Take good care and look forward to chatting with you all.

  • Amethyst125
    Amethyst125 Posts: 46 Member
    I hope your daughter is okay. Praying for you guys.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Hello to all: Oh My! It sounds like an appendicitis plague. Prayers for prompt recovery of those afflicted.

    I have just come back from horseback riding. It is beautiful here today, 78* and not a lot of wind. We had a lovely ride.

    Robin - Hope Bodi continues to improve. My standard poodle Ginger sends him well wishes.

    I have to work tomorrow and of course the holiday weekend is supposed to be stormy but I have lots to do inside so we will see. I need to get another tomato plant as mine succumbed to the cold about a week ago.

    Thanks to whoever mentioned hanging things with Command strips. I had never used them before. They are awesome.

    Healing angels to those who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    not even going to log today,ate so much junk along with fruit and things, but mostly was a lump on a log.... get my butt in gear tomorrow:embarassed:
    texted my DGD dad and he is upset about the girls changing planes.. I booked the flights so that they change planes at a smaller airport, that they get to get on first thing, and the gates are close to each other. booked it later so that both of them could get them to the airport.. and I will be at the other end to pick them up...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Fingers crossed for those with appendix issues. Mine burst when I was 15. No fun.

    The joke they sent me today was the same as one a few weeks ago. So, I plucked one off the internet:


    After Brian proposed to Jill, his father took him to one side. “Son, when I first got married to your mother, the first thing I did when we got home was take off my pants. I gave them to your mother and told her to try them on, which she did. They were huge on her and she said that she couldn’t wear them because they were too large. I said to her, 'Of course they are too big for you, I wear the pants in this family and I always will.' Ever since that day, son, we have never had a single problem." Brian took his dad’s advice and did the same thing to his wife on his wedding night. Then, Jill took off her panties and gave them to Brian. “Try these on,” she said. Brian went along with it and tried them on, but they were far too small. “What’s the point of this? I can’t get into your panties,” said Brian. “Exactly,” Jill replied, “and if you don’t change your attitude, you never will!”


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wow, is appendicitis going around??? My oldest had that when she was a young teenager. By the time they got in it had ruptured. That was back 'in the days' when you actually stayed in the hospital for recovery instead of having your family do it. She was a good patient, constantly up walking 'because her Mom the nurse told her to'. The nurses loved her. She had to miss going to North Carolina for youth camp but because we had already paid her cost another girl was able to take her place and just pay us. This young lady accepted Jesus in her heart while there so I feel God's hand was in it some how. Funny how He works some times.

    Hubbie didn't have to have anything done to him at the dentist office but it is abscessed. He got a powerful antibiotic and they will make an appointment to see an oral surgeon to have the tooth removed. He said that with the Aspirin and the Effient he is required to take a full year after his stents that were put in after this last episode of angina in February that he would rather it be done in a surgeon''s office that could deal with any potential bleeding. Then 3 weeks after that they will start the process in getting him fit with a partial. he said tooth implants cost $4-5000 a piece! Thank you, we'll go with the partial plate since there are numerous teeth missing.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello ladies, just checking in, I was supposed to get my windshield replaced today, somehow I got a crack
    in It. They were supposed to be here around 3:30 and we ended up having a thunderstorm come thru and
    he had to cancel. Now they want to come on Saturday between 12 and 4, that means I have to stay home
    until they come then I have to wait for 45 min to drive it.
    I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today and he put me on Prozac to help me deal with my
    daughter and grandson moving to Colorado. I hope I won't need it. But I'm already struggling with my
    eating and I want to shut down and pray they won't leave. Sorry for the whining
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, the dogs and I go to bed around 7:30 every night so waking up early is easy for us.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I normally record all my favorite shows on my DVR and watch them at a time that’s convenient, but the finals of DWTS was something that I wanted to see right away….also I wanted to know who won before going to line dance on Wednesday morning because I knew that everyone would be talking about it (and I was right----there was a lot of talk about it and if I hadn’t watched the night before, it would have ruined the experience). I went to bed even earlier last night and now I’m back to normal.

    :flowerforyou: Robin, thanks for the update on Bodi----glad the news keeps getting better

    I woke up very rested this morning and was able to walk the dogs so much that I had 15,000 steps by the time I got home. I went to line dance class where we danced a lot of my favorite dances. When I got home, Jake suggested going out to lunch (he’d been at his grass cutting job all morning) so we went to the Mexican restaurant that has spinach tamales and a salsa bar so you can have all the pico de gallo you want to put on them. It was impossible to log the food so I just “quick added” calories and didn’t worry about it today.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: ...30,000 steps today----3 minute plank
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi all. After our hair dying conversation, here I am with dye on and 20 minutes to go! Today was really rainy and windy in the morning and beautiful with sunshine this afternoon. Very quiet day; I worked on the new test bank ( I think I waited a little too late to start it!), did the grocery shopping, and picked up the kid from hs. That’s just fine with me!

    Michele: your baking always sounds so good; do you want to adopt me? I just had a birthday, so you won’t have to make my cake for nearly another year!

    Sylvia: please pass the bon bons…I have none here! I wish fruit didn’t have so many carbs…that’s the one thing I have had to cut down on that I wish I could still eat all I want.

    Gail: hooray for vacation!

    Gloria; loose pants are a great nsv!

    Heather; children have such a way of finding drama don’t they? It’s hard to get out of such habits.

    Andrea: gardening is great exercise! Welcome aboard

    Beth: sounds like you need hugs!

    Katla: you are such a role model for using exercise to fend off stress! I like the truvia pretty well in most things but I think you’re right about the dressing. Boy what we do to healthy vegetables!

    Lynn: congrats on the weight loss. I love the egg white delight at mcdonalds!

    Bonnie: sending warm thoughts and peace to you and your family during this difficult time

    Carol: I sure hope you feel better and sleep better soon!...later…it’s an appendicitis outbreak! Sending prayers!

    Grandma/Vicki! Congratulations!

    Joyce: ouch! For your hubby’s tooth!

    Robin: holy cow what a roller coaster! That would just exhaust me. Take care of yourself. Benny Beagle sends another shout out to his buddy Bodi! Sending prayers for your whole family!

    Barbara; welcome to our group!

    Sue ; all my friends love those command strips and I have never gotten one of them to stay up! I stay way below the weight limit and clean the wall etc, etc, etc…all to no avail!

    Sylvia: OMG I spit my water out. That way hilarious!!!!!

    Brenda take care of you and take the Prozac! You can always come off later. But if you need it it won’t help while it’s in your bottle.

    OK gals, time to rinse the hair dye off! Take care, Meg from lovely Omaha
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr of Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a workout on the treadmill, not sure yet just which one.

    Then cut up the fudge that I made for Denise. Question for any cook/baker - to make the fudge you have to use confectioner's sugar and then you add chocolate to it. Is there any way to get the confectioner's sugar to be chocolate colored? It took a LOT to mix the white confectioners sugar into the chocolate, maybe it would be better if somehow I could make the sugar chocolate colored.

    Syliva - I'm looking forward, too, to the wonderful fruits and veges at the farmer's market this summer

    Gail - enjoy your vacation and when you get back, be sure to give DETAILS

    Heather - so sorry your son is suffering right now, hope it doesn't last too long. What a shame about dh's nephew

    Was feeling a bit sad about Bryan yesterday. Had a small binge, not much, tho.

    jacqueline - congrats on getting certified. I really, really wish they'd get someone certified to do aqua zumba. I know one gal wants to, and she can teach early in the a.m. which is a good time for me. Wonder how much it would cost to get her certified? You got me to check on when my CPR certification expires. Fortunately, it isn't until next year. I always liked Body Pump classes. One of the Y's down here has what they call CardioPump and I go to the extremepump class which is the closest we can get to a Body Pump class.

    andrea - welcome! If you have any questions about MFP, just ask away and someone will most likely be able to answer it for you

    katla - I'm sure you directed your friend towards this thread. Hope to see her. Glad you had such a good time at your lunch

    Lynn - congrats on the great loss. That's interesting about the McD's calories. I'll keep that in mind

    Bonnie - sending good thoughts your way

    Carol in NC - hope you get your sleep pretty soon. Oops - looks like you won't right now, not with dd. You're in my thoughts

    Vicki - I told you it was good news!!!! So happy for you all

    Joyce - sure hope hubby is OK, Vince is just the opposite, the tiniest little bit of pain and he's at the MD office.

    Vince made a towel rack for out by the pool today.

    Robin - glad Bodi is doing better bur sorry he isn't comiong home just yet. So sorry to hear about SIL

    barbara - welcome to a great group

    Better run, I can't get over how late it is.

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Bumping for later. I've been MIA for over a week, but good to be back. :glasses:

    Colorado Foothills
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Best wishes to all those who are suffering illness.
    Hope you all recover soon.
    Heather we never can stop worrying about our kids, no? ( I mean all our kids, nephews, nieces and grandchildren)
    Anamika from a very hot Mumbai
    Tomorrow I am off for a week of Yoga so will miss all of you. Hope to learn lots!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, when Charlie had shingles on his face I think he took Tylenol one time. He just doesn't have pain. Glad that he didn't have to have anything done today but it made us miss out on a dinner date with our best friends. We will reschedule

    I have already got one email about an activity my daughter has found in Panama City, It's a boat tour aruond Shell Island, swimming with dolphins, $17/adult. That's not bad but they have to remember that we pay for the house, every meal while we are out. We will go grocery shopping when we get down there and probably pay for all of that also. They buy their own suveniers. I did let the girls know about this cost expenditure that we will have to put out for their Dad's dental work. I hope they realize that we don't have a money tree in our back yard. I know some day it will require a talk but sometimes I think Charlie would sacrifice for us so we could give to them. I think it all stems in what he didn't give them wehn they were little, time, attention and sometimes respect. You just can't buy that back.

    Joyce, Indiana