How much water do your drink daily?

Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
myself I am trying to limit the diet coke and drink more water, trying for 1L of water daily

how about everyone else?


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I've never had a problem with my water, in fact I've been tested for diabetes because I drink so much. 5-6 750ml bottles each day at work plus 4-5 cups of herbal tea, then another 2 litres of soda water with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice at home... I think I down about 7L a day.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I keep a 500ml bottle with me at all times, and I'll go through 2-3 of those per day.
  • awinner_au
    awinner_au Posts: 249 Member
    2x 750 ml bottles, 3 cups of coffee and on workout days what i drink during the workout , which is 2-3 600ml bottles.
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    2.5 L of water, 2 cups of green tea, 1 cup of coffee.
  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    wow 7L???
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I've never had a problem with my water, in fact I've been tested for diabetes because I drink so much. 5-6 750ml bottles each day at work plus 4-5 cups of herbal tea, then another 2 litres of soda water with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice at home... I think I down about 7L a day.

    Colour me impressed!! Wow!

    I drink about 2x750ml at work then about the same at home
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    I used to suffer terribly from kidney stones. At one point the urologist told me to drink 4 litres of water day day. The habit of drinking loads of water has stuck and I'll drink about 6 pints a day, which I just found out is nearly 3,5 litres.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Sorry, managed to double post.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    4-5 litres a day
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    I drink 750ml of water daily + 2 coffee's with mostly water, and a little bit of milk. And have 200ml of cordial with dinner. Have pretty much tried to cut out all fizzy drink.
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    About 4-5 litres a day
  • yorkshiregoal
    yorkshiregoal Posts: 41 Member
    About 3 - 4 L per day, plus usually 1 or 2 herbal teas :)
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    Not nearly enough, I've always struggled to drink water as I just don't like it, plus I hate tea and coffee so I don't take in water that way. I'm almost always dehydrated. I can manage maybe 2 medium-sized glasses a day. I know it's really bad, I'm trying hard to force myself to drink more, it's a constant battle for me though. I still drink fruit juice (mainly fresh orange) and sugar-free soda, but I'm also trying to cut down on that, so taking in more water is more essential now. I know it doesn't exactly have much of a taste, but what it does have, I can't stand, and unless it's very cold it almost makes me gag.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Give or take about 3 liters a day...
  • ThisCharmingFellow
    ThisCharmingFellow Posts: 132 Member
    Probably about 1.5l-2l of water a day, in addition to anywhere between 3 and 8 cups of tea.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    Not enough and I definitely know that! I'm just not a water person :sad:
  • belleamore1234
    belleamore1234 Posts: 105 Member
    myself I am trying to limit the diet coke and drink more water, trying for 1L of water daily

    how about everyone else?

    You need to drink ALOT more than 1 litre of water a day!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I drink 4-5 16.9 oz bottles of water a day, so 67-85 oz., 8-10 cups, or 2-2.5 liters. I could probably drink more, but I pee enough as it is.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    A LOT!!!!!