
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Ladies
    Just thought I'll share the link to my blog. Suggestions and insights are "Welcome"
    Got to run
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone and special thoughts to those worrying.

    Going to get my taxes done (my tax guy always files for an extension and then we do the taxes later when it's not so busy), and I hope to go to the gym this afternoon.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    It is 2 a.m. here and she is in surgery. If we had not been friends with her doctor, I swear we'd still be sitting in the waiting room! Katherine still had her cell number from back when she babysat the doctor's kids. After two hours of waiting(after the doctor had notified the ER that we were on the way) I finally used the cell number and called. The doctor called the ER again and things began to move after that. She kept texting Katherine to see if her orders were being followed and, when they weren't, the doctor would call again. I didn't want to do that on multiple levels but our hospital's ER has a terrible reputation for allowing patients to wait until they are so critical that they have to be life flighted out. Since the diagnosis had been made and just needed confirmation by CT scan, it seemed ridiculous to wait until it ruptured to get anything done. Then she got bumped in the surgery queue by an emergency c-section. Arrrgh! Hopefully, it will all turn out okay. Thanks for listening to me vent. Oh, and I get to sit here with the ex...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Carol - sending your daughter good wishes! You will have to catch up on that sleep later!:sad:

    Joyce - my DH had to go to the dentist yesterday to replace a filling. Sooooooo expensive! It is a complete scandal. DH has a partial bridge that he is happy with. When my dentist says I need a crown for this or that tooth I just say I can't afford it and she should fill it as best she can. It usually lasts a reasonable time. I am NOT paying out all that money. It especially hurts over here in Britain where health care is free. :sad:

    The Prozac lady - sorry forgotten your name - my DH is on something similar and it has transformed his life. You have to tske it for at least a month before you feel the benefits so get started! In the very short time you can feel worse, but that passes.

    Vicki - I hope your granddaughter 's baby is good news!:heart: Of course a baby is always wonderful, but I wasn't sure of her situation or age. Anyway, best wishes to you all.:flowerforyou:

    Robin - Hope things continue to improve for Bodi and your family's health. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the new lady. You sound nice and chatty so keep coming back! You can chat all you like here!:tongue::wink:

    Anamika - I commented on your blog, but thought I would share a book I am reading called The Beck Diet Solution by Judith Beck. It's a CBT solution to the way we think about food. I bought it because it was only 99p on Kindle! ! ! ! What's to lose? ! ? ! My lovely DDIL is a CBT practitioner and has written several self help books. She has been asked to do another one called This book will make you thin. :noway: :grumble: :noway: She refused to use that title and now she is writing This Book Will Make You Feel Beautiful. As we all say, it's all in the mind.:happy:

    I accomplished one and a half of my admin tasks yesterday and will get another half done today. The one I am putting off is the Visa Waiver application for my NYC visit. Must pull myself together.:laugh:

    Good news - I have lost one of my two holiday pounds! ! ! Happy dance! ! ! ! !:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I have upped my calorie burn to 534 a day. Got a grip on the food. One more to go to get back to fighting weight.:bigsmile: Then I have decided I can afford to lose a few more pounds to improve my love handles!:laugh: So I will just carry on carrying on.:smile:

    The cauliflower and pea frittata I cooked last night was fabulous, with chiili sauce of course,:laugh: and DH is having leftovers today for lunch. 350 cals. I am having a lentil and tomato curry I cooked for myself yesterday to use up some overripe tomatoes. 300 cals. Baked fish in pesto crust tonight with our home grown broad beans.:love:

    Bye for now. Love to all, Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Wow, lots of "stuff" going on, sending healing thoughts to all who are in pain:flowerforyou: !

    Robin:smile: glad Bodi is doing better, hope he'll be getting to come home soon!

    Vicki:smile: congrats on the new upcoming great grandchild:love: !!!! I'm still looking for a foam broom, believe me with this remodeling my floors need one, I saw one on Amazon but it was out of stock, just haven't had time to go to Walmart and look for one, maybe I can do that this weekend! Have fun on your ride!

    Bonnie:smile: keeping your family in my prayers:flowerforyou: !

    Carol:smile: hope your daughter is doing fine now:flowerforyou: ! I have a couple of Dr. friends and the last time my daughter was in the ER from a horrible car crash, I called one and he came to the ER, he's a gastroenterologist, but he had the Drs. and the nurses hopping and we were in and out in less than 2 hours. I just don't understand the ERs, you're there for an emergency and they take so long, and they advertise "waiting time, less than 20 minutes", what a joke:angry: !

    Anamika:smile: I've not read the blog yet, but I will:happy: ! Enjoy your yoga week!!!

    Heather:smile: Congrats on getting a holiday pound off:bigsmile: !!!

    Tile is going up in my kitchen and it looks wonderful:love: !!!! My deck is almost finished and it's so beautiful, I'm looking forward to setting out there with my coffee watching the sunrise:love: ! Painters will be here next week, things are moving along nicely! Now if I can only get rid of all the dust in the house:grumble: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:glasses:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Exercise is out of the way. Lots on my plate today but did want to check in. We have been so busy with the wedding prep I just haven't had the time to be regular here. Trying to watch what I eat and make sure I get my exercise in w/ strength training videos.

    And another bridal shower to go to this weekend. My cousins son & my DD are getting married on the same day. Her wedding is in the morning and theirs in the evening.

    Better get going on errands

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Sunny here and beautiful! Yesterday saw almost 90, but the humidity hasn't set in yet so not as bad as it will become later in the summer. A bit cooler today. My iris are over, peonies still blooming; I do think of Barbie when I look at them because of hers! It's funny, several of you cross my mind daily when individual reminders from what you have posted over time trigger thoughts, for instance, I can't see a sailboat w/o thinking of Katla, the local golfers bring Sue to mind, ...........and the list goes on!

    Carol............Sending healing thoughts for your DD...........hope all goes as well as possible. Good thing you had a contact who knew how to get them moving!!! Deep breaths and counting for you!!! After my DD's own incident 2 weeks ago, I know exactly how you are feeling right now.

    Anamika............You really "nailed" it when you said that the worry never ends.

    Vicki............Lovely way to tell you about the new baby on the way! Congrats!

    Bonnie............My thoughts are with you too in this difficult time.

    Robin..........I showed DD the pic of you and Bodi; she just melted in ooohhhs and ahhhhsss.........continued thoughts for his recovery.

    Dee Dee.........That "waiting time"line for ERs is a joke. Glad to hear your reno is moving along and you are happy with it.

    Heather..........That frittata---like all your food
    sounds fabulous. Hoping for the best for your DHs nephew and your own son; it's so difficult to watch them go through these things. About alll we can do is let them know we are here to listen and help hash it out if asked.

    Update..........Those who remember my friend Gwen and her seemingly dememted behavior............I am soooooooo happy to report that she is finally herself again!!!! The problem was related a drug
    Amiodarone, Cordarone.........an irregular heart rhythm regulator. FYI..........this drug was made in Europe and used over there and has come to be used here w/o going through FDA testing and approval procedures we have in place because, according to what I've read, the manufacturer threatened to pull it from the US market unless immediate approval was given for it's use. "Although amiodarone has many side effects, some of which are severe and potentially fatal, it has been successful in treating many arrhythmias where other antiarrhythmic drugs have been unsuccessful."..........this is from MedicineNet.com.............so, buyer (or user) beware. ALL drugs have side effects which affect a certain number of people, we all know this, but, after seeing what Gwen went through, and seeing her regulated with another longstanding safer ( for her) drug.............this would be my very last choice (as the review seems to recommend) for anyone I know. But, people don't generally know this and drs. certainly don't let you know either; I had to dig for the info and even her cardiologist wouldn't stop it, it was her family dr. who finally made the change.

    Off my soapbox,
  • est4
    est4 Posts: 2

    I know your post is a week plus old but some board walks now made of synthetic wood- a resin mix made from recycled milk bottles. Cool stuff. My husband was one of the initial developers years ago. Sarah in Chicago.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    Yanniejannie - excellent news on those meds.:drinker: Good family doctor and good for you for sticking with it. We are all a bunch of chemicals!:laugh: :wink: :tongue:

    I forgot to update on my window repair saga - talk about sticking with it! ! ! ! ! :noway: :grumble: :explode: :noway:
    Yesterday the complaints woman actually RANG me to tell me she is seriously on the case. I will believe it when I see it! :angry: None of her inhouse emails were answered and the paperwork for the repair was missing.:grumble: Today I received in the post one of their stupid glossy magazines in which there is an article apologising for the dire state of the repairs situation. SERVICE PROMISE AND REPAIR INDICATOR - 38%.:grumble: % SATISFIED WITH COMPLAINT HANDLING - 36% :explode:
    I have never ever seen such low marks.
    So, I am still plugging away.:sad:

    It is seriously raining here and I have to go to the post office to hand in the forms for my granddaughter's premium bonds.:cry: Also to pick up dry cleaning and go to the pharmacy. Wet, wet, WET! ! ! ! ! :sad: Not looking brilliant for our long weekend, but I am grateful for the rain for the garden.:drinker: Tomorrow we visit the home of the people who rented us the house in France to give back the key and say hello.:smile:

    Love again, Heather in absolutely sodden Hampshire UK
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 499 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    It is a beautiful morning in Oklahoma. Hubby and I have been redoing our flower beds and are almost done. Good thing gardening burns a lot of calories, he wanted to order pizza last night. I stayed within my calories and my weight is the same. :smile:

    Carol, thinking of you and your DD.:heart:

    Robin, so glad Bodi is getting better each day.:flowerforyou:

    Jan, that is awesome news about Gwen. So happy for you.:smile:

    DeeDee, yay! Everything sounds wonderful on your renovations!:smile::love:

    Bonnie, hugs for you.:heart:

    Heather, congrats on your lost pound!:flowerforyou:

    Vicki, congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome all new ladies.:flowerforyou:

    Hugs to all,

    Cindy in OK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Love the joke today! Attitude is sooo important.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Sorry your DH is having dental problems. It sounds like you’re on the right track.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda: I struggle with my daughter’s move to CO, too. I understand how you feel about having yours so far away. I think mine would like to be closer, but she has a great job there and the job market here is not strong. :grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I haven’t directed my friend here yet because we ran out of time, but I plan to send her a link today.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You can’t take away past mistakes, but you can build new respect. We had a tough time when our kids were teens but have much better relationships with both of them now. (Not perfect, but better.) I don’t think we are stuck with the past but it has taken time to grow into better relationships.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: Thanks for sharing the link to your blog.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: What is CBT?:huh: :flowerforyou:

    Carol & DeeDee: ER’s have to take everybody and are filled with people in crisis day in and day out. Some times are worse. Try to avoid having an emergency during a full moon. As if there is a choice. :grumble: DH broke his arm a few years ago and we called the paramedics. All of the Portland area hospitals were “code red,” meaning they were overfull and couldn’t handle another patient, or they were a traffic jam away. We ended up going to Longview, WA. They were busy, too, but not at the code red level.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m glad your friend has discovered the cause of her mental issues. Medications are powerful and sometimes have unwanted side effects. Seems like that one should be replaced.:flowerforyou:

    This is Memorial Day Weekend, when we remember the services of those who have been in the Armed Forces. Yesterday we took flowers to the cemetery and I stopped by to “visit” several relatives. I couldn’t find the grave of one of my favorite aunties. I’ll have to contact the cemetery and ask for a map to find her for the next time we go. My dad had an American flag at his marker and I appreciate those who put it there to honor those who have served in the armed forces. His service was during WWII in the Solomon Islands. He was on a ship that was attacked by Kamikaze planes, and was also in an area where flamethrowers were used. He had occasional nightmares for the rest of his life. Back then no one was treated for PTSD, which was not an identified or named problem. I’ll be “wearing” my poppy for the weekend to show my gratitude and respect.

    Have a great weekend.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning and happy day to all. Sending prayers to all who need some healing, physical or emotional. High fives and hugs all around. I won't be here much today; I need to get some serious work done on the little test bank and then we're out to dinner with friends. Love you all, Meg from Omaha where it's so nice I want to be outside instead of in here!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good morning to all,

    Just wanted to check in before I get caught up in the overwhelming list of "things to do", that I've cut down to a few of the most important.

    I've been reading, am more or less up on everyone's happenings and, more than once, started to type but my attention span, focus, emotions, etc. have all been out of wack. I'm sure it's all part of the grieving process and I'm just trying to stay focused on what I have to do.

    I am beyond frustrated and broken spirited with all my hard work and so little results but know what I'm up against and will continue to keep fighting. I went to Zumba this morning again in lieu of T25 and am planning a 10 mile bike ride (prepping for a 25 mile ride next weekend) after lunch and before I get Aaron from school.

    Haven't really been logging much this week but have been on track with my eating.

    My mom's work friends are coming on Sunday with an Angel statue they had made for the garden. I'm going to make a fresh pot of sauce, meatballs, etc. and do my usual Italian Sunday thing. Need to work on clearing out the weeds tomorrow so it will look semi-presentable for the new statue/photos, etc.

    Aaron's birthday party is next weekend and I'm behind on that also:ohwell: I only have a couple of official RSVP's from the kids in his class he invited but he keeps telling me several more kids said they're coming. Not really sure how to prepare and hope to hear from more parents this weekend.

    Have to run so I can get my stuff done and save time for the bike ride.

    Will try to check in again tonight.

    xo-Gloria in sunny and just warm enough Metro Detroit
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF!!Hubby bought a lawn mower a few weeks ago,went to use it and it wouldn`t work,put in gas,no go.:sad: :sad:
    So I wake up to see my neighbor,on her riding lawn mower,cutting our grass.How nice,hubby will be pleased.:drinker: :drinker:
    Meeting with my knitting group for a lunch for our last meeting til the fall.:drinker: :drinker:
    Hugs to all who need them:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Happy Friday!! :drinker: I have my short shift (only 8 hours) today and off the next three days. Not alot of plans as DH works Saturday and Monday. If weather permits going on bike ride to Sioux City on Sunday to a bikers church outing. About 150 miles each way so hope the weather is nice. Going to a co-workers house after work this afternoon she wants to color my hair. She is picking out the color. I just tell myself if I do not like it, it will grow out and I am in need of a change.:tongue:


    Joyce--glad DH is getting his teeth taken care of. I know I had mine pulled about 7 years ago and I wear dentures and most the time with no problems. Only with losing weight they have gotten to big, not going to replace them until I hit goal as they cost alot. But must say they look so much better then my own teeth did. When I heard how they put the implants in I said no way and after I learned the cost I thought are you crazy??? DH has a partial and he grinds his teeth and it broke so now he just goes without.


    Sylvia--Thanks for the joke. They make me smile and my day better.:laugh:

    Carol--prayers and hugs for you and DD. Glad to hear the doctor went the extra steps

    Heather--I am trying to stay postive about the new baby. This is the DGD that got hurt at work last Memorial weekend and had several surgerys this past year on her hand. Acouple months ago her boyfriend found out he had a son. The girl had told him it was not his after they broke up and then she lost her job and had to apply for welfare. I understand several guys were called in and tested and Kyle is the father. Proud of both of them as they stepped up and now have joint custody. He is cute and will be a year old Monday. So pray all works out for them. God is in control!! Congrates on the weight loss.

    Cindy--Take care of you at this time and hope the wedding is all DD hopes for.:flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie--Fantastic news about Gwen.:flowerforyou: Side effects from drugs makes a person wounder which is worse, the illness or side effects. She is so lucky to have you for a friend looking out for her.

    Well ladies enjoy your day and hope you are getting some of this beautiful weather.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Grandmallie – One of my girlfriends was divorced and had two small children. She lives in MD and their dad lives in MA. Once a month they would fly to MA for a weekend visit. The airlines were very good about making sure a flight attendant was with them at all times. She would see them off at the gate, they would be first on the plane and once it landed, the flight attendant would walk them off to meet their dad. This was before 9-11 when you could go to the gate but now you can’t. The first time she had to leave them at security she was nervous but they had someone meet them at security to take them to their gate. Maybe you can ask the airline to have someone escort them to their connecting gate. Maybe this will help their dad be less nervous about them having to do a connection. Just a thought.

    Brenda – I’m sorry you DD and GS is moving. I can imagine that would be hard when you’re used to being close to them. Like someone mentioned, Skype is a great way to stay in touch. My DH’s daughter and family are now stationed in Kansas so we use that a lot. They have 4 young girls and we had never met the last two before we had a chance to visit. Using skype helped all of the kids recognize us when we showed up and they felt like they already knew us. They had lived away from us since they were born so we never really had a chance to get close to any of them. We use it a lot and they love to show us what they learned in dance class or their new dresses, etc. When their dad was deployed for over a year, he left 2 weeks after his last daughter was born, he was able to skype daily so he was able to talk to them about their day at school, help with homework, and say good-night before bed. When he got back, there weren’t any awkward moments because to them he was there every day. The baby knew his voice and wasn’t upset when he held her.

    Carol in NC – How is your daughter doing? :flowerforyou:

    Robin- prayers for Bodi. Hope he’s able to come home soon. :heart:

    Joyce – congratulations on getting your vacation home arranged. I like the West coast of Florida as the water is the Gulf of Mexico so there are no big waves and the water tends to be warmer than the ocean. My parents moved to Fort Myers when my dad retired and as a non-swimmer I loved the gulf. :drinker:

    Yanniejannie – so happy to hear about Gwen and her improved mental situation. Crazy that none of the doctors would consider the side effect of the medicine as a cause. So far my DH and I have been lucky that we don’t need to take medicine on a daily basis.

    Lucy – sorry to hear about the incident with Milo. Not sure what the law is in your area but if the man came onto your property uninvited and Milo bit him while still on your property I don’t see how he could sue and win. We have strict leash laws and if the dog runs off your property and bites someone than you’re at fault but not sure how it would play out if the dog never left your property. Hope the man is reasonable about it and doesn’t try to sue. :flowerforyou:

    Rita – Hi, I’ve been lurking a lot lately too. I do read most every day but usually at work so I can only sneak onto the site for a few minutes at a time. The office is quiet today with everyone off for the holiday so I have a bit more freedom.

    JB: Praying for Mariah and her family. Added her to our prayer list at church.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies :flowerforyou:

    We have had some nice weather here lately so was able to get some flowers planted and yard trimmed up. I took Tuesday off work and DH and I took our kayaks out for the first time this year. We tried a new place and ended up going about 7 miles. Hands and arms felt it the next day!

    We will be heading to Montana for our vacation on June 6. We are flying to Spokane, WA with a stop at CO. We will rent a car at Spokane and drive to MT. We are going to visit Glacier National Park and hopefully take a day to go Canada to a town called Waterton. From there you can take a boat trip that goes back into the U. S. to the North side of the Park. I think it takes about 2 or so hours and heard the scenery is beautiful. For those that live in the colder parts of the U.S., any suggestions on what to bring for clothing? We’ve read the town we are staying in, Whitefish, can get to 80 during the day and 40 at night but once you go to the Park it is much colder. Trying to figure out what to pack is a challenge as one heavy coat can fill up a suitcase! Hate to pack it but also don’t want to be cold all of the time we’re hiking. Guessing many layers may be the way to go. I always seem to pack way too much and never use about 1/2. Any advice is appreciated.

    Oh, a while back someone said they were close or at their driver’s license weight. Well, that got me curious so just for grins I pulled mine out to see what I listed. I burst out laughing at what I had put down. No way was I even close to that…may never be that low again. I had to have been off by at least 40-50 pounds. :noway: I wonder if anyone at the DMV ever looks at the weight listed and questions it?

    Ok, way too long, so I’m closing this now :smile:
    Tina from MD
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi, I have been long lost for quite a few months, buried under work, but happy to see the thread alive and thriving!
    It continues to be cold in the most southern part of Canada here.....and winterkill is evident on plants.

    Climate change is here, and it is a threat to us! I just wish my own gov would get their head out of the sand.

    Hope all is well, I really missed being part of the community, although it is triple the size of the original group I joined
    two years ago!

    Still, saw my first pic of Barbiecat, and it is lovely!

    Have a great day everyone....as Barbie and several A's say, one day at a time. The consciousness of what I have been eating has returned, and I find it very useful....way to go MFP!

    BJ, SWOnt.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Oh, a while back someone said they were close or at their driver’s license weight. Well, that got me curious so just for grins I pulled mine out to see what I listed. I burst out laughing at what I had put down. No way was I even close to that…may never be that low again. I had to have been off by at least 40-50 pounds. :noway: I wonder if anyone at the DMV ever looks at the weight listed and questions it?

    Ok, way too long, so I’m closing this now :smile:
    Tina from MD

    You made me curious, and my musings made me laugh. My drivers license has been off for years. My drivers license is now reporting me 40 pounds heavier than I am. At the time I gave them my weight I "underestimated" by about 30 pounds.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Any exciting plans for the long weekend?

    The grandkids last day of school was today, so I picked them up from school (they let out at noon) and we all met grandpa for ice cream. Then they went to the garden center with me to pick up a couple more plants for my garden and I dropped them off at home. At the garden center they were a little miffed because they wanted me to buy a $10 planter of daisies for them to take to their mom and I said no. I told them I didn't know if their mom even wanted them, but truly, I just wasn't going to spend $10 on her. I'm a petty, petty person.

    Then I came to the studio to do some drafting work before I run to WalMart for cereal. Not too exciting.

    Here's the joke for today:


    For a couple of years I’ve been blaming it on lack of sleep and too much pressure from my job, but now I found out the real reason: I’m tired because I’m overworked.

    The population of this country is 237 million. 104 million are retired. That leaves 133 million to do the work.

    There are 85 million in school, which leaves 48 million to do the work.

    Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government, leaving 19 million to do the work.

    2.8 million are in the Armed Forces, which leaves 16.2 million to do the work.

    Take from the total the 14,800,000 people who work for State and City Governments and that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

    At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals, leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

    Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And you’re sitting at your computer reading jokes!


    Have a great weekend!
