What time do you weigh yourself...



  • farrellz
    farrellz Posts: 23 Member
    Every morning at 6am, after my 2 mile jog, after I pee, in my gym shorts, before I shower.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).


    However, I also weigh *after* my shower, because I'm fascinated (and confused) by the differences in both weight and BF% sometimes.

    Bonus, my scale is wifi connected, so it automatically posts to my wall...well, only when it's less than the day before since MFP seems to think that you only want to post days that your lose to your wall ignoring the reality that even in a perfect weight loss environment, there are days where the scale will be a little higher than the day before. Actually, scratch "even in" and substitute "especially in" because if you're at an appropriate calorie deficit, there will be a lot of these daily bumps up. By not sharing those, it gives an unrealistic expectation to others of what *real*, *sustainable* weight loss looks like.

    TL;DR - Hey, MFP! Give us an option to automatically share all of our weight changes if we want.

  • tristan299
    tristan299 Posts: 2,537 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).

    Yepp, same here.

    I'm glad other people do this too.

    Me too. Soon as I get out of bed, daily weigh in. Sometimes I like to weigh myself before i go to sleep so I can see how the day has gone. Always a bonus when you wake up to find you have lost weight whilst sleeping.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    I like to weigh in as soon as I get out of bed, after using the toilet and before I put anything into my mouth.
    However, I also weigh *after* my shower, because I'm fascinated (and confused) by the differences in both weight and BF% sometimes.

    Really? Does weight go up?
  • Scheezo
    Scheezo Posts: 13
    This is different for everyone and has to do with your circadian rhythm. For me it's some time between 10:30 am and 11 am that I weigh the least. Any time before that and I'll be up at least a pound or two.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I like to weigh in as soon as I get out of bed, after using the toilet and before I put anything into my mouth.
    However, I also weigh *after* my shower, because I'm fascinated (and confused) by the differences in both weight and BF% sometimes.

    Really? Does weight go up?

    Sometimes. Sometimes it goes down. Sometimes one goes up and the other goes down.

    Maybe it's a dehydration thing...or maybe the humidity of the shower affects the measurement. Who knows. I just know that I find it interesting, so I weigh twice each morning.
  • Nexgear
    Nexgear Posts: 16
    I just started working with an online trainer and he told me to weigh myself in the morning right after I get up before eating or drinking anything. Makes sense to me. They want to get an average week to week under same conditions.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    In the morning after I use the bathroom, in my undies and before breakfast (food or drink).
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).

    Same, except I wear boxers and a T. Wouldn't want to scar/scare anybody. ;)

    It's really the only time, given you're not supposed to eat or drink within 4 hours of weighing, or exercise within twelve hours, and should have an empty bladder if you're measuring your body fat %!
  • odd_even
    odd_even Posts: 6
    In the morning after I use the bathroom, in my undies and before breakfast (food or drink).
    Always this. Oddly 99% of the time, I'm already fully dressed for the day when I decide I need to weigh.
  • Egracewriter
    Daily in the morning :)
  • hennaj22
    hennaj22 Posts: 30 Member

  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    1 ) ****
    2) Shower
    3) Shave
    4) Weigh In
    5) Get dressed
    6) Coffee
    7) Drive to Work
    8) More coffee
    9) Breakfast
    10) More coffee

  • silvanak123
    silvanak123 Posts: 1 Member
    In the morning.
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    In the morning...before & after I poop, to see the difference
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Daily, morning, naked after peeing :) that way I can be consistent and also tell if something I ate had too much sodium or if anything I ate impacted the scales
  • erikajean8
    erikajean8 Posts: 3 Member
    Once a week Around 7:30 am when I get to work. We have one of those health
    scales that does you blood pressure, weight etc. I make sure I have used the bathroom... and I eat breaksfast right after I weigh in and before I start my day at 8:00.
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 664 Member
    I weigh every Fri. morning first thing... before I consume anything.... probably not a good true weight, buit psychologically it motivates me as I start the next week...
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    First thing in the morning. And then later when a) I'm awake b) can read the scale and c) can remember what numbers mean.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).

    Same, except I wear boxers and a T. Wouldn't want to scar/scare anybody. ;)

    It's really the only time, given you're not supposed to eat or drink within 4 hours of weighing, or exercise within twelve hours, and should have an empty bladder if you're measuring your body fat %!

    I guess this depends how seriously you take it all.

    I weigh aprox weekly (sometimes Sat, or Sun, or when I remember) after tea, in my nightie.
    I dont bother counting how many hours since I have eaten or excersised - I expect fluctuations so little fluctuations caused by variations in these things don't matter - as long as the number is within my acceptable range then it is ok