MFP Guilt

MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
Has anyone else been on here for a while with no friends, just enjoying the site for the logging aspects but then gaining friends and suddenly beginning to question eating habits? Like gee, I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.


  • _Lovely77_
    _Lovely77_ Posts: 993 Member
    That's why you make your diary private. Or, you can be like the majority of MFP and don't care what others see in your diary. I guess just as long as it's a treat and not a day to day thing, people on here understand. Unless, you eat like a whole tub of it lol
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    A whole tub of cookie dough? Really? Someone needs to figure out how to make cookie dough out of protein powder. Hmmmm cookies. We are talking chocolate chips here, right? Not some lesser cookie masquerading as the real thing? I think I need cookies now.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    ... I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    Isn't that the point though? If you're here to lose weight shouldn't you be learning new habits and ways to prevent your hard earned losses from coming back? Making your diary available to your friends and being honest in your logging is a great way to do that. If you have good friends then they'll call you out on it just as they'll support you by congratulating you when you have good entries. If you know someone is going to say something then you're less likely to eat that tube of dough. I won't take on friends that have private diaries. I can't really help them along if they won't show me what they're doing. I used to, but most of them fell off the wagon (quit MFP) due to lack of progress.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member

    OP - Yes, I have logged items on my diary and been called out on it. My FL is awesome!! :laugh:
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    protein powder should never contaminate cookie dough.

    eat what you want and log it.

    I am pretty sure my friends worry about my liver.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    ... I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    Isn't that the point though? If you're here to lose weight shouldn't you be learning new habits and ways to prevent your hard earned losses from coming back? Making your diary available to your friends and being honest in your logging is a great way to do that. If you have good friends then they'll call you out on it just as they'll support you by congratulating you when you have good entries. If you know someone is going to say something then you're less likely to eat that tube of dough. I won't take on friends that have private diaries. I can't really help them along if they won't show me what they're doing. I used to, but most of them fell off the wagon (quit MFP) due to lack of progress.

    Hmmm, this sort of sanctimonious unsolicited 'helping' is something most people could do without.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Hmmm, this sort of sanctimonious unsolicited 'helping' is something most people could do without.

    It's all on a voluntary basis. I don't see how there's anything sanctimonious about it. I have one friend that just spent two days in the hospital from crisis level high blood pressure. Today I had to point out that they were misreading the nutrition label on one of their logged items and that the item they logged was being measured in grams not milligrams. They took 3000 mg shot of sodium in one meal. They had no idea. Some people need that person to look over entries. Sorry that you think that's somehow offensive.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    ... I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    Isn't that the point though? If you're here to lose weight shouldn't you be learning new habits and ways to prevent your hard earned losses from coming back? Making your diary available to your friends and being honest in your logging is a great way to do that. If you have good friends then they'll call you out on it just as they'll support you by congratulating you when you have good entries. If you know someone is going to say something then you're less likely to eat that tube of dough. I won't take on friends that have private diaries. I can't really help them along if they won't show me what they're doing. I used to, but most of them fell off the wagon (quit MFP) due to lack of progress.

    Hmmm, this sort of sanctimonious unsolicited 'helping' is something most people could do without.

    There is nothing sanctimonious about it. If people don't want people to look at their food diary they have the option of keeping it private. If your diary is open to the public or your friend list there is a chance that someone may look at it and, yes, comment about some of your choices.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    This is why my diary is public, I need the accountability. Everything is logged, the good, the bad and the downright ugly! I have friends who are perfect with their meal plans and they are an inspiration to me and I'm probably an example of how not to behave to them :laugh:
    If you think people will judge you, and you find that uncomfortable, then make your diary private. Otherwise just share the experience!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I've definitely had the guilt. I feel like I have one of the worst diaries on my friend list, and half my friends are pregnant so that's saying a lot. But I meet my goals and we encourage each other :)
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I prefer to keep my diary private. I just don't think what I choose to eat is anyone else's business, and since I don't need help making good food choices or staying under goal, there's really no need to share. But if I do decide to treat myself with something yummy, I have no problem telling my fl. You know, to make them jealous. :tongue:
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I have ice cream/candies/chips (or any arrangement of these) every day. None of my friends seems to mind or call me out on it. Great supportive bunch! Don't worry too much about it. I have my diary open for everyone, including the not so supportive forum members. If cookie dough is what works for you, then cookie dough it shall be!

    I think whatever works for whoever. If I attempted to cut out or limit foods, I'm in for a grand binge. My diary is perfect for ME so I don't really care what others may have to say a bout it.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Has anyone else been on here for a while with no friends, just enjoying the site for the logging aspects but then gaining friends and suddenly beginning to question eating habits? Like gee, I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    I have never had this feeling in my life.

    For the record, I think cookie dough is awesome.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    I think what youre saying is the social "pressure" of having a public or semi public diary, i don't generally check on my friends diaries, but every once in a while , mainly for people i know personally , otherwise i would never comment on it , but my thought is , that if it works and helps you , then great
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    ... I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    Isn't that the point though? If you're here to lose weight shouldn't you be learning new habits and ways to prevent your hard earned losses from coming back? Making your diary available to your friends and being honest in your logging is a great way to do that. If you have good friends then they'll call you out on it just as they'll support you by congratulating you when you have good entries. If you know someone is going to say something then you're less likely to eat that tube of dough. I won't take on friends that have private diaries. I can't really help them along if they won't show me what they're doing. I used to, but most of them fell off the wagon (quit MFP) due to lack of progress.

  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    Okay well my original post was a bit tongue in cheek. Although I do feel that at times my diary reads a little like a 12 year old who's parents have gone on vacation.

    I don't always feel guilty or worry too much. By the same token, I do agree that for some people this is a beneficial pressure. Some people have really great will power and some people don't.
  • loisdsnow
    loisdsnow Posts: 12 Member
    I got on this site about a year ago. I don't have a lot of friends on here but that might well be my own fault. But after a year of being a "prodigal child" I have come back and this is my day 17. I have the knowledge of how to eat "right" but my emotions have long dictated what goes in my mouth and I am a recovering carboholic. I love sweets and breads. As of now, I have not being eating as much carbs (simple carbs) and feeling much better for it. I don't have any aspirations to be as skinny as I once was. My goal is to lose a lot of weight and help my old body to run more efficiently. I fight with my body some days for craving more food that I truly need. My splurges are not binges as they have been in the past. And when it comes to many things in my life, I am not demanding perfection. I take everything one day at a time and every day can be better than the last. Needless to say, I do a lot of self-talk. So to you and everyone, just keep your eyes on your reasonable goals. We can do it!!!!
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm on the other end of this. I have some days where I can get quite a few calories and other days I'm so busy I'm lucky if I got a full meal and while I don't think people would call me out on eating cookie dough they would certainly tell me I'm too low in cals and sometimes it's just life and this happens. So I just ended up making my diary private. So while people may not call me out for eating a whole bunch of cookies and going over my cals they will certainly call me out if I'm under. Not sure how that works :indifferent:
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Has anyone else been on here for a while with no friends, just enjoying the site for the logging aspects but then gaining friends and suddenly beginning to question eating habits? Like gee, I'd really like to eat this tube of raw cookie dough but I don't want people seeing it in my food journal. Awkward.

    I thought about this seriously, and after much consideration, this is what I came up with.
    Eating some cookie dough = yummy goodness in my mouth. #win
    Eating a tube of cookie dough = wtf was I thinking?

    In your scenario, I think the 'diary logging/caring that people might see and/or say' aspect saved you from making the mistake of eating a whole tube of cookie dough, which generally, just sounds like a bad idea.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I think it depends on your goals and your personality. At one point, i was on here to lose 10 pounds. Since pretty much losing that, I reframed my weight loss goals. Now, I'm not really here for weight loss. I'm mostly here for fitness and my friends and my friends know my habits by now. They also know I work my *kitten* off at the gym.

    Funny, I have had friends in the past who used to scrutinize my diary. I defriended them....almost immediately.