The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    That your boobs will change, and not always in the direction you prefer
  • drummygurl
    drummygurl Posts: 19 Member
    Love this and everyone's inputs. I can relate to so many. Saving for later when I'm feeling down about my weight or lack of exercise or something else one day.
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    Bookmarking for future reference.
  • PinchofGlitter
    PinchofGlitter Posts: 67 Member
    That everyone will start treating you differently, better... And it'll feel good only until you start to think about why and ask yourself what they honestly used to think of you... :frown:
  • mikebooker1
    mikebooker1 Posts: 148 Member
    I learned that I had to research putting together a well balance prepared meal. Impulse eating was all I did. I still get to eat but I've swapped out processed, trans fatty, greasy, sugary, empty calories for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. I feel so much better throughout the day.
  • demonsheep
    demonsheep Posts: 69 Member
    That everyone's skeleton and frame size are different.
  • Tamzy00
    Tamzy00 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm just starting to learn that it's a lot easier to approach weight loss from a very scientific "if I do x, y will happen" approach than the old emotional approach I've unfortunately used in the past. The farther removed I can get from the process emotionally speaking, the easier it is for me to not get bummed out and keep going no matter what each individual day brings.

    Totally agree with this! For me, the more I don't think about it and just distance myself mentally from the process, the easier it is. I don't have cravings, I don't care what others eat around me, I'm not even tempted. Its been 2 whole months - the longest I've ever maintained a diet - and I'm still going strong!
  • Clovergirl143
    Clovergirl143 Posts: 61 Member
    For me, it was that being successful can sometimes be scary. Almost every time I lose 10 pounds, I go back up. Being heavy my whole life means I don't know any other way and that's terrifying!

    OMGosh THIS! It took me over three months to finally break the 350 barrier...Every time I would get close (within one week's normal loss away) I would gain and go back up. I was ecstatic when I finally went under 350. Now I'm stuck at 340 (even though I already went under, it just went back over). I've always been overweight. The only time I was even close to 'normal' was when I was 7 and I was sick (we're talking barely being able to keep down water, chicken soup, crackers, and popcicles during the day, and then being up all night long puking it back up) for months on end. It's been somewhat scary to think that I just *might* not be obese or overweight forever...Much more so than I originally thought.

    How EMOTIONAL the journey has been...I'd venture to say that it's more emotional that physical. And the constant roller coaster of up/down scale or measurements is frustrating. Even though it's trending downwards, it still is emotionally exhausting.

    That I could actually LIKE exercise. I used to hate the very idea of moving or sweating. Now I love that endorphin high, but even that is sometimes not enough to make me get off my butt to go workout.

    How frustrating it is when you KNOW you should/shouldn't do something, and you do/don't do it anyway!

    The three types of people's reactions to my weight loss and shrinking size: 1) Genuine (if not misguided) compliments (ie Oh you look so skinny in that! It's such a slimming color), 2) Back-handed compliments (ie thinly veiled insults such as 'Oh you will be such a catch when you lose the weight'), 3) Cold shoulder (ie refusing to even acknowledge that I exist and/or that I've dropped 4 dress sizes).

    How everyone and their third cousin twice removed, once they find out that I'm trying to lose weight, has advice on how I should go about losing. What to eat, how much to eat, what supplements/shakes/whatever else, when to sleep, how much to sleep, weird folk remedies (not kidding on this one).

    How jealousy can begin to tear two people apart to the point that one will try to discourage the other from doing things they know they need to do. (Purposefully vague...)

    New foods that I previously 'didn't like' are now my favorites! (Bell peppers!)
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.
    This^^^ I am the smallest I've been in 8 years and I still see the double chin in the mirror even though it's not really there anymore.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Before MFP, nobody told me that the non-scale victories could be as rewarding and worth celebrating more than the number on the scale. I'm a sucker for a good NSV. :laugh:
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    That I don't have to be a cardio bunny.

    That I don't have to eat my lettuce and be sad.

    That there is no magical formula of no carbs and micro greens that I have to eat.

    That pills are all a scam. So is "diet food" and 100 cal. packs.

    That I can move my body around doing things I enjoy, and eat all the foods I love, and lose weight. All I had to do was move more (and more often) and eat to live, instead of overstuffing myself like I was trying to win a contest.

    :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    That everyone will start treating you differently, better... And it'll feel good only until you start to think about why and ask yourself what they honestly used to think of you... :frown:

    It really does make me ask myself that sometimes .. lol

    And it's not even just people that know you. Strangers, too.

    When I was overweight, I could be standing at the road, waiting to cross for thirty minutes. Now, someone is always bound to let me cross after just a few. Waiters, cashiers, peers in class... It really does make you wonder. The irony is, if people were nicer before, my confidence would have been higher before and the weight loss journey would have been smoother. No one tells you this, definitely.

    No one tells you how hard it is to adjust to your new size. When you gain weight, it feels as though it happens slowly. When you lose it... even if it happens slowly, it feels like it *doesn't* (argh, so many words forgotten in this post) takes forever. So when you get to maintaining, you will often feel pleasantly surprised by your reflection.
  • FraggleRockerFitnessLover
    For me it's day by day, meal by meal, seeing results takes forever....
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    That everyone will start treating you differently, better... And it'll feel good only until you start to think about why and ask yourself what they honestly used to think of you... :frown:

    This. Also, some of these people can be very cruel to fat people. I've heard plenty of complaining and mean comments from fat people about thin people and thin people about fat people since I've been on both sides, but some of the most cruel things I've witnessed have been from people who've lost a lot of weight and suddenly hate all fat people for not doing the same.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.
  • dancingmuffin
    dancingmuffin Posts: 70 Member
    that you can actually get tired of people noticeing your weight loss
  • hooterklb
    hooterklb Posts: 27
    That one could have so much energy from eating less food, than one has ever attempted their entire life.
    That one can be so committed to a lifestyle in so short a time
    That what counts is never giving up, no matter how many times one tried in the past, because one day, one solitary, blissful day..something might just click.

    This! It really IS that easy.. and it DOES click when you figure out how easy it is and that you've failed over and over because you were not making it easy!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    That eating food when you are hungry tastes So Good! I went months never really being hungry because I ate all the time.

    It feels really good not to have a stomach ache from overeating.

    Some people who want you to lose weight also try to sabotage by constantly offering snacks. Does not make sense.

    It's harder to go out with girl friends for dinner and drinks if one of the friends is overweight.

    Lastly.. So obvious but it really finally sunk in.. This is for life and for my health. Not a short term thing to get into smaller clothes.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    that what you think you will look like at a certian weight very rarely happens even if you've been that weight before...

    I am smaller than my prepregnancy weight and I know I've had a baby but I don't remember my hips being this small even then....

    Our body changes a lot carrying excess weight around...

    ETA: oh and I am bigger than I was in High school and in a smaller size (I can fit into my prom dress with room) 20 years losing weight at this age has been a benefit as I did it correctly this time and lost more fat than I did muscle.
  • momiji166
    momiji166 Posts: 32
    That you can drop a dress size after loosing 5lbs when you incorporate exercise and not just diet.

    That to succeed I need to focus on my needs and not everyone elses.

    That I can do things that I never thought I would ever be capable of.

    That having achy muscles gives me great satisfaction.

    That time and perseverance is the key and not faddy diets.