I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    You said in one of your videos that intermittent fasting was something you found helpful. How much caloric deficiency was there in those 'fasting' days and how often did you do it?
    I don't do complete fasted days. I eat all my food in an 8 hour window. The fasting helps with convenience and satiety. If I ate the same foods in the same amount spread out over 16 hours vs 8, nothing about my results would change. I feel like I'd have a much harder time sticking to my calories though if I ate smaller meals all day long. That's all personal preference. I know others that need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep from being hungry. Also I am not strict about it at all. If there is a family gathering or special occasion where the meal will occur before my eating window, I simply eat earlier. Never let you diet dictate your life.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    You said in one of your videos that intermittent fasting was something you found helpful. How much caloric deficiency was there in those 'fasting' days and how often did you do it?
    I don't do complete fasted days. I eat all my food in an 8 hour window. The fasting helps with convenience and satiety. If I ate the same foods in the same amount spread out over 16 hours vs 8, nothing about my results would change. I feel like I'd have a much harder time sticking to my calories though if I ate smaller meals all day long. That's all personal preference. I know others that need to eat every 2-3 hours to keep from being hungry. Also I am not strict about it at all. If there is a family gathering or special occasion where the meal will occur before my eating window, I simply eat earlier. Never let you diet dictate your life.

    Thanks for the reply. Looks like I misinterpreted your comment from the video. What you said now makes much more sense.
  • dotcomee
    dotcomee Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you sir for all your posts. I know a lot of people have said it before but it's a huge inspiration to see and read about what you have done.

    There's so much contradictory information out there it's really hard to know who to trust. Everything you say makes a lot sense, especially in regards to starting weights early on (which I have been avoiding hitting really hard). It's good to hear it from somebody who has done the same thing I'm trying to do.
  • Onzerelli
    Onzerelli Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! You are such an inspiration :) I have lost 22lbs and have another 100 to go, but I'm confident I can get there! My question is this: my target calories to lose 2lbs/week is 2100 but lately I only get to about 1500 by 8pm (about half of my TDEE and 500 below my BMR) but I'm not starving so should I eat more to get closer to 2100? So far I have good energy but will super low cal (for someone of my size) be detrimental in any way? Thank you so much!
  • loserviolet
    loserviolet Posts: 15 Member
    You look amazing! congratulations!

    My biggest problem is eating things I shouldn't (more because I have IBS and am sensitive, than because of McDonalds- I can't stand fast food). Did you have that problem and (if so) how did you get over it?
  • NadiaGH
    NadiaGH Posts: 68 Member
    congrats on the success! I gotta share your story with my 6'1", 240lb husband as well! If he had abs like that, man oh man! :-X
  • Joshj29
    Joshj29 Posts: 2
    You look great! Congrats! What an inspiration!

    Someone must have asked this, but Im not going through all 18 pages, I was just wondering, how did you deal with urges to binge or cravings for junk early on? I have such a hard time stopping myself from sitting down to a bunch of sweets or other junk foods and pounding it even when im not hungry. Any advice you have would be great.
  • time4change2k14
    I just joined after learning from my doctor that I have high cholesterol, a minor heart issue and vitamin D/B12 deficiencies. I need to make changes and I've started tracking my diet, but..

    At 5'6 and 288lbs (female), I am out of breath and having back pain just lightly walking. What do you suggest as far as exercise goes? Should I just keep walking so my body can get accustomed to it or should I join a gym now? I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it.
  • carlyd333
    carlyd333 Posts: 26 Member
    Well done, you look great! :) What an inspiration! x
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Hi! You are such an inspiration :) I have lost 22lbs and have another 100 to go, but I'm confident I can get there! My question is this: my target calories to lose 2lbs/week is 2100 but lately I only get to about 1500 by 8pm (about half of my TDEE and 500 below my BMR) but I'm not starving so should I eat more to get closer to 2100? So far I have good energy but will super low cal (for someone of my size) be detrimental in any way? Thank you so much!
    I never like to eat any less then I can get away with while still hitting my goals. You will inevitably have to cut calories further as you go. When you have a long way to go you will want as much buffer room to do that as possible. If you eat 1500 calories now you will have little room to remove calories later. I would reduce calories only if I stalled on weight loss for a few weeks in a row.
    You look amazing! congratulations!

    My biggest problem is eating things I shouldn't (more because I have IBS and am sensitive, than because of McDonalds- I can't stand fast food). Did you have that problem and (if so) how did you get over it?
    For the most part I am fortunate enough to not have any dietary intolerances. I am a big advocate of eating what I want within moderation so I don't really consider there to be any food I "shouldn't eat". Sorry if that isn't much help but I don't really have any experience with needing to totally avoid any particular food.
    You look great! Congrats! What an inspiration!

    Someone must have asked this, but Im not going through all 18 pages, I was just wondering, how did you deal with urges to binge or cravings for junk early on? I have such a hard time stopping myself from sitting down to a bunch of sweets or other junk foods and pounding it even when im not hungry. Any advice you have would be great.
    I was certainly a binge eater before I lost all my weight. Not on any particular food but food in general. Buffet's were my favorite place in the world. It would not be uncommon for me to be in an "all you can eat" setting 5 or more times a week. I simply had to eliminate that completely. I just didn't go to buffets. To this day I still cannot go to a buffet without binge eating. Unless it is a super special occasion (vacation, birthday, etc) I just won't go to them. I went from 5 times a week to less then 5 times a year.

    If you find yourself starting to binge eat my advice is usually to just stop the binge as soon as you realize it's happening. It's the mentality of "I've already messed up so I might as well mess up big time" that gets you into trouble. The key is to focus on your goals. You are never pleased with yourself after a binge. It nearly always comes along with guilt and regret. Meeting your goals usually comes along with feelings of accomplishment and self pride. In the long run, the temporary feeling of pleasure you get from eating that something doesn't even come close to being as satisfying as accomplishing your goals. Binge on accomplishment!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I just joined after learning from my doctor that I have high cholesterol, a minor heart issue and vitamin D/B12 deficiencies. I need to make changes and I've started tracking my diet, but..

    At 5'6 and 288lbs (female), I am out of breath and having back pain just lightly walking. What do you suggest as far as exercise goes? Should I just keep walking so my body can get accustomed to it or should I join a gym now? I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it.
    Take baby steps. Walk up to the point of where you begin to feel bad then stop. Over time you should be able to go further. You can lose weight with no additional exercise if your diet is on point. Exercise helps and is important for other reasons though. As time goes on and as your weight decreases you can add to your exercise little by little. This would seem the safest way to approach things. Also, with any heart condition, ask your doctor about what physical activity is safe for you.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    I was certainly a binge eater before I lost all my weight. Not on any particular food but food in general. Buffet's were my favorite place in the world. It would not be uncommon for me to be in an "all you can eat" setting 5 or more times a week. I simply had to eliminate that completely. I just didn't go to buffets. To this day I still cannot go to a buffet without binge eating. Unless it is a super special occasion (vacation, birthday, etc) I just won't go to them. I went from 5 times a week to less then 5 times a year.

    It's nice to hear this story and know that you have struggles too. I kept thinking you were perfect. Yes, I have a soft spot for Chinese buffets which are notorious for very fatty, salty and sugary food.
  • Joshj29
    Joshj29 Posts: 2
    Thanks! But like how do you deal with cravings (or at least how did you do it in the beginning) when sitting at a table loaded with food while everyone is pigging and you cant eat most of what's there?
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Wow. You look amazing.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I am subscribed to you on youtube, I like your videos. What made you decide to start a youtube channel?
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    Good job brah! I too watch the Jason videos everyday. lol
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Thanks! But like how do you deal with cravings (or at least how did you do it in the beginning) when sitting at a table loaded with food while everyone is pigging and you cant eat most of what's there?
    When I eat with friends I simply eat what everyone else eats in moderation. If my friends are having me over and I know the menu will consist of pizza, wings, and beer, I'll have a meal before I go over then have 1 piece of pizza and 1 beer. It's just about weighing how good eating food feels to how good accomplishing you goals feels. One of those things is a short lived feeling of pleasure while the other is a long lasting feeling of accomplishment. You have to choose which of those 2 feelings is worth it to you.
    I am subscribed to you on youtube, I like your videos. What made you decide to start a youtube channel?
    The original reason for starting my YouTube page (youtube.com/feedingfitness for those of you who are interested) was because people both online and IRL kept asking me the same questions over and over. I decided making videos was an easier way to explain things to people. I could simply point them to the videos. People watched them and requested topics and next thing you know I've got 100 videos and 1000 subscribers. As long as people keep watching, I'll keep making them.
  • healthkick88
    healthkick88 Posts: 2 Member
    Another personal one - if you don't mind answering :)

    Has your new look and lifestyle affected your closest friendships - good and bad?
    Do you think some of your male friends resent you because they miss having a 'fat friend'?
    And, have you run into an ex or someone who rejected you romantically, what was their reaction to you?
    Well done!
  • anushkilla
    anushkilla Posts: 2
    I went through all the 18 pages and didn't saw the question I want to ask...

    How bad is it to eat the same everyday? I've been on my diet for 10 days and I have for breakfast always the same thing... Toast with peanut butter (no sugar added), diced raw apple and honey, (around 272 cal). I love it!

    Sometimes I'm like a little kid who enjoys certain food "seasonally" and right now I'm on that lol. Next time is going to be with goat cheese lol.

    You are truly an inspiration and thanks for taking time to answer. Thank you in advance :)
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Another personal one - if you don't mind answering :)

    Has your new look and lifestyle affected your closest friendships - good and bad?
    Do you think some of your male friends resent you because they miss having a 'fat friend'?
    And, have you run into an ex or someone who rejected you romantically, what was their reaction to you?
    Well done!
    Friends can take your extreme weight loss a number of different ways. I wouldn't say it actually caused me to lose any friends. Some of them became motivated or joined in. Some of them were genuinely happy for me. Some might have resented me to a degree, but people who resent others for achievement aren't the best kind of friends anyways. I had many instances where women who probably never thought of me in a romantic/sexual manner before my weight loss all of a sudden become extremely interested in me. I wouldn't say they were shallow for only showing interest after my change in appearance because my attitude also changed just as much as my looks. I feel that women are, above all other things, attracted to confidence. I can safely say my confidence level is ten fold what it was prior to losing the weight. I think that fact actually outweighs any boost to appearance.
    I went through all the 18 pages and didn't saw the question I want to ask...

    How bad is it to eat the same everyday? I've been on my diet for 10 days and I have for breakfast always the same thing... Toast with peanut butter (no sugar added), diced raw apple and honey, (around 272 cal). I love it!

    Sometimes I'm like a little kid who enjoys certain food "seasonally" and right now I'm on that lol. Next time is going to be with goat cheese lol.

    You are truly an inspiration and thanks for taking time to answer. Thank you in advance :)
    You can be repetitive in your eating if you want too. I go through phases. I am currently in a potato phase. Take a peek and my diary and potatoes occur almost every day. Chicken breast shows up more often then not as well. I will sometimes just copy and paste a whole day if it sounds appealing to me. I generally do that if I'm working 2 12's in a row plus going to the gym in between. So long as your diet is balanced that's okay. But that is a far cry from eating the exact same foods, 7 days a week for months on end. That is going to get incredibly boring and could become unhealthy.I tend to be more repetitive when in a fat loss phase. When I have lots more calories to work with when I am bulking, my diet is much more varied.
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