workout at the park - FAIL



  • AnthonyThrashD
    I can't get the youtube link to work. I'm computer challenged. Does it have a regular title I can look up?
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    I was coming home from a walk a few years ago and was waiting to cross at some lights. it was at a spot where the 1/2 marathon for the MB Marathon was going by. a woman ran by and I swear she was 80. I have never felt more lazy. didn't hurt physically but my pride sure got kicked down a couple of notches
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I haven't had any embarrassing moments YET! But I love working out at our local park.... step ups, push ups, tri-dips, etc. but I do have a 90lbs yellow lab so I'm just waiting for that moment when I'm about to step-up and a squirrel catches his eye we will go!

    Your story sounds painful tho! Try keeping the ego in check.... :wink:
  • tk2222
    tk2222 Posts: 199 Member
    I once had an underwire snap during a yoga class. It took me a strangely long time to work out that a piece of metal was digging itself into my skin while I did candle stands...
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    Tony, watched your video. Thank goodness you had your attack dog with you!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am at the park power walking at sunrise 6am this morning like most mornings. I am alone until about 6:45 most days. Well this morning I am walking and singing my heart out with my ear plugs in and I did not realize a gentleman walking his dog. When I did notice him I shut up and nodded my head and said good morning. He had this big smile on his face and said something. I removed my ear plugs and asked him to repeat himself and he asked me "what are you listening to? You my dear have yourself a good time walking don't you?" I smiled and told him that I sure do and I would pipe down and be on my way. He chuckled and said "sing on my is good for the soul."
  • Bridget65202
    I decided to stop by the park for some inline skating before heading home from work. Tripped, fell and slid chest-first down the asphalt trail, then got up to find that every single button had been torn from my shirt. My bra, though intact, was not a sports bra, and certainly not meant for public viewing. I had to skate about a mile, past several astonished family units out for some air, in order to get back to my car.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I got a severely sprained ankle from being thrown off a golf cart once. In a parking lot.

    Fun public knee dislocation stories:
    I was spotting someone on a challenge course when she fell off the wire, landed on me, and dislocated my kneecap.

    I've dislocated kneecaps while simply walking in parking lots or on sidewalks. That's always fun. I say I tripped over a leaf... :P

    Was out for a walk with my former roommate and her dog, when her dog saw another dog and decided to take off. Problem was, she went behind me before running straight, her leash got wrapped around my leg, and took me down. 8 weeks of PT for that one :grumble:
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    When I was a kid I was playing hopscotch with a friend outside. I fell over and broke my foot. I remember crawling up the steps, into the house, and then up more steps to get my mom, who was asleep (she worked nights) Her first question, and the one I've never been able to answer: "How the HECK did you manage this?"

    More recently I decided to take advantage of the nice spring weather and go for a walk in our local park. Allergies and asthma got the better of me and at one point I was sort of hunched over trying to catch my breath. There was a large group of people in the park shelter next to the path I was on, just staring at me. Probably wondering if I was going to die. I was less than half a mile away from my starting point when I gave up and went home. Normally I do 2-4 miles.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    Not in a park, but where I live sidewalks are rare, so you're allowed to walk on the 2 feet of property at the curb. I was walking my then 4 month old puppy, when I stepped into a hole that wasn't visible through the overgrown grass in it. Went down like a fallen tree!!! Seriously sprained and twisted my ankle, but was all alone. I totally started crying and my poor puppy thought we were playing a game so I got some nibbles and licks on my face and ears. I picked myself up and hobbled my embarrassed butt (and bleeding knee) the 1/4 mile back home.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm so impressed you were able to build a suitable shelter with a 3.5 inch pocket knife! LOL! :laugh:
  • AnthonyThrashD
    I'm so impressed you were able to build a suitable shelter with a 3.5 inch pocket knife! LOL! :laugh:

    It was all I could do in a rush, I didn't have time to add the most essential resource of any home...WIFI! :D
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Some years back I was walking my two large dogs in the park.
    I was pretty out of shape at this time, and wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings.
    Someone let their dog off leash and my dogs took off after it.
    I was slammed chest first into a metal trash can bolted into the ground, got the wind knocked out of me and was dragged several feet. My over sized sweats got pulled down around my ankles. No underwear.
    It wasn't a great day.
  • AnthonyThrashD
    Some years back I was walking my two large dogs in the park.
    I was pretty out of shape at this time, and wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings.
    Someone let their dog off leash and my dogs took off after it.
    I was slammed chest first into a metal trash can bolted into the ground, got the wind knocked out of me and was dragged several feet. My over sized sweats got pulled down around my ankles. No underwear.
    It wasn't a great day.

    Commando dog walking, that's how I roll too!
  • alevelali27
    THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR STORIES! This was incredibly fun to read! And I also felt all the collective pain of outdoor workout fails of the past.. Nice to know I'm not the only one who's gone through it ;)

    My shin is healing up nicely, though still quite swollen. Of course, I've been hitting myself RIGHT at that spot all week, as usually happens when you get bruised... Will not give up on outdoor workouts, though! Maybe will try going earlier when there's no one around and will refrain from trying things that I CLEARLY cannot do.. LOL
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I missed the catch on the last rep of a clap pullup set and landed flat on my butt when working in the park once. Hands caught me enough that there was no damage, except to my ego.
  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    Oh man, I have some good ones.
    Once, I was teaching a horseback riding lesson and attempting to demonstrate to my student why she shouldn't pinch with her knee and point her toes way out- point being that it's unnatural and immobilizing. While walking around like a disabled goose proving my point, I tripped and dislocated my knee. Heard a lovely rip and a pop and was not getting back up. A fellow instructor had to pop it back in place for me in front of 5 horrified 12 year olds. You better believe my point was made though. Same group of students, later the same summer, got stepped on by a horse(arm and chest) three times. Camera Flash+ Spooky horse+ lazy instructor= bad news bears. It's a miracle anyone let me teach their children.

    I also fell 6 times on my first bike ride with clip in pedals. Like, every intersection, my brother would hear me curse and I'd be down before he could even turn around. At one intersection (in a mercifully bike friendly town) a guy screamed across the intersection "It's okay honey, we've all done it!"

    Final addition: just last week I was cruising along doing sprints on our local bike trail when my mini pump managed to dislodge itself from it's very secure holding spot and wedge itself between my road bike's frame and the spokes of my back wheel, taking me from about 22 mph to 0 in 2 seconds flat. I somehow managed to not fall and rip open my face that time, but I scared the bejeezus out of an old woman walking her dog. Managed to get the mini pump loose and not break any spokes after only 15 minutes of frustrated cursing.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    Sometimes I take my kettle bells outside and practice juggling - I don`t always catch after the release and flip ....
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    I used to work as a tour guide at a natural history museum and fossil site. One day, I was taking a group to the dig pits. Some cobblestones on the path from the museum to the fossil site had worked loose from the ground and were wobbly. I stopped and turned to face the group so I could warn them to be careful since some of the stones were wobbly. We were getting ready to head down a slope.

    I turned to continue walking. My footing slipped, and I tumbled down the slope. Next thing I know, I'm laying face down at the bottom of the slope with the wind knocked out of me. I can hear voices asking me if I'm okay. I caught my breath, laughed, and said it was a demonstration trying to regain my composure. They told me I landed pretty hard. I had some scrapes and bruises, but continued the tour. I started feeling the soreness by the time that tour finished. I think the group was more worried than I was. Several of them kept asking me if I was sure I was fine. I reassured them that it was mostly my pride that was hurt by the fall.