Is Diet Coke bad for you?



  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    I've been told it causes cellulite ( any carbonated drinks in general. )
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Aspartame (the primary sweetener in diet pop) was declared safe for consumption. Anecdotal evidence aside, that alone should tell you it's fine.

    The only real side-effect is that it apparently makes some people more hungry, I've never experienced that but if you have maybe you should stay away from it.

    I would definitely recommend water over any beverage, but diet coke is my #2 choice for sure.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Gosh I used to be Diet Coke queen! I even lost weight drinking it. But I had to stop because of acid reflux. I had pains right where my esophagus and stomach meet which was attributed to my coke addiction. I have a hard time drinking it now because it's sweet and I'm not used to it anymore. I think to myself "I can't believe I used to drink this instead of water all day!". But hey I say if you enjoy a couple in moderation and it doesn't bother you- why not? Nothing like a coke and cheeseburger! Nom.
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I mean, a simple google search is going to tell you all the negative facts about diet coke (and any soda for that matter!) Researching it will only make you realize what a nasty beverage it is.

    A simple google search will tell you negative "facts" about almost any food or drink. The internet doesn't always tell the whole truth...

    Allow me to rephrase: soda is okay in moderation. But okay doesn't make it a good thing. It has zero health benefits.

    It provides satisfaction and may improve diet adherence in some people. This is a benefit.

    Personally, speaking for myself only, it has REALLY improved diet adherence.
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    Coke gives me terrible heartburn, does anyone else find this?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It will give you cancer...if you are a rat.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    It will give you cancer...if you are a rat.

    and you consume it in gigantic proportions
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    I heard it messes with your insulin/ blood sugars or something, I can't remember the details so take this with a pinch of aspartame, but your body thinks something sweet has landed so produces insulin but then there is no sugar so your body gets all out of whack and it results in weight gain.

    No idea if that's true. Feel free to correct me.
  • binniesmart
    binniesmart Posts: 74
    I heard it messes with your insulin/ blood sugars or something, I can't remember the details so take this with a pinch of aspartame, but your body thinks something sweet has landed so produces insulin but then there is no sugar so your body gets all out of whack and it results in weight gain.

    No idea if that's true. Feel free to correct me.

    I think this makes physiological sense. The way I know it, is that the bulk of sweetened liquid and gas in your stomach makes your body think there's food to arrive in your stomach so sends insulin to deal with the anticipated blood sugar spike, which then doesn't happen, so you go a little hypoglycaemic and want to eat! That's my experience of Diet coke/artificial sweeteners.

    I started a similar thread ages ago and have quit diet coke properly as of last Wednesday. I think it makes a difference to my already afflicted blood sugar control in a bad way. Also, I didn't see the point in spending money on organic produce and well sourced meat only to eat it with a glassful of manufactured rubbish. Time will tell if I stay on the wagon. I'm sure I'll crave the odd Diet coke, but that will probably be with a cheat meal and I won't keep it in the house any more.

    Also though, I agree, there are worse things out there that will do you harm and this is probably a drop int he ocean...
  • My mum always bangs on about how it's bad for my bones. As well as the fact it's got aspartame in it, which is supposedly poisonous in large doses. So just don't go OTT in how much you drink
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I heard it messes with your insulin/ blood sugars or something, I can't remember the details so take this with a pinch of aspartame, but your body thinks something sweet has landed so produces insulin but then there is no sugar so your body gets all out of whack and it results in weight gain.

    No idea if that's true. Feel free to correct me.

    not true.

    Insulin inhibits fat oxidisation yes. But that is an acute response.

    If you have a 24hr (or longer) net energy deficit then you lose some weight.

    I do not believe, diet drinks increase appetite. All the studies I seen on that have been correlational. It actually sounds like an excuse to me.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    I have not drank coke in years or any other processed drinks. It was over 10 years ago I even stopped gatoraid as I read it was bad for you. I was water, coffee, tea only (for the most part cream in coffee but small amounts etc). I was on a raw food diet for about 6months a few years back as well. I was a granola type of girl you could say. Even though I smoked cigarette I was all natural all healthy (right I know whatever smoking tops it all). I quit the smoking habit but picked up some odd eating habits. I love love love diet coke now but am wondering if it's that bad?
    Opinions welcomed as this is kinda hard to get true facts one study says it's fine the next it's toxic.

    Rather than researching diet coke, it may help to research the ingredients. There are many reliable sites (american journal of medicine, for one ) and then decide if you want to put it in your body.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    I don't know if is bad for you, nothing is really proven.

    But what I know is that water is better... so that's what I drink.

    I still drink sodas once or twice a month if I feel like it.
  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    It isn't bad for you. I quit drinking it because I was diagnosed with insulin resistance so I cut out most sweet things. I only cut it out so I wouldn't be exposed to something really sweet that continued to make me want really sweet things. If drinking it though helps you with sticking to your diet then drink it.

    There is zero evidence in humans that aspartame is bad for you. Drink away if you like.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    It's great for cleaning toilets!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I heard it messes with your insulin/ blood sugars or something, I can't remember the details so take this with a pinch of aspartame, but your body thinks something sweet has landed so produces insulin but then there is no sugar so your body gets all out of whack and it results in weight gain.

    No idea if that's true. Feel free to correct me.

    not true.

    Insulin inhibits fat oxidisation yes. But that is an acute response.

    If you have a 24hr (or longer) net energy deficit then you lose some weight.

    I do not believe, diet drinks increase appetite. All the studies I seen on that have been correlational. It actually sounds like an excuse to me.

    I believe I've seen some research (I'd have to revisit this) in which hunger levels increase and in most they don't. Using some sort of process where individuals rate hunger on a scale. The interesting piece was that even in the few instances where hunger increased, total energy intake did not increase.

    EDIT: One example -
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    It's great for cleaning toilets!

    So is water!!

    should I stop drinking water?
  • jwf069
    jwf069 Posts: 1
    Yes it is really bad...I'm trying to give it up! It increases your chance of kidney stones.
  • lorrennon
    lorrennon Posts: 43
    Anything that tastes THAT nasty must be good for you. Why else would anyone drink it?!? Give me the real thing.