Question for petite women dieters

I am a very petite woman (under 5 feet tall with a small frame). I know the standard recommendation is to never go under 1200 calories but in the past, I have found that I do not lose much when I eat that many calories. Do any other petite ladies go under 1200? I know it's a fine line between getting low enough to lose but also not feeling deprived... I just think 1200 is too much for me.


  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    As long as you don't go hungry, then eating less than 1200 calories is perfectly fine. Your body is very vocal and will let you know if it is not getting enough to eat. Good Luck!
  • kalebsmama07
    same thing for me.....
  • chelsiburnett
    I hardly ever get to the full 1200 calories...if I eat nothing but healthy food it takes quite a bit to get to 1200 calories!! I understand!! I am 5' 3" and I can't eat more than that or I gain weight...but everyone is different.
  • rawdefault
    I'm 5'2 and aim for about 1000 - 1100 cals a day. Don't feel 'bad' for eating less - each body is different. Some people need less because of size, activity level, what type of foods they eat, and even how effectively they metabolise/take nutrients from their food.
    I get a bit incensed when I read posts like "under 1200 is anorexic" or even this, from a post I read last night: "1200 is what the body needs to sustain life..anything less causes the body to go go into starvation mode and begin to shut down "
    Not everyone needs the same amount, and it's great that you recognise when you're eating too much :)
    Stay in tune with your body!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Thank you for starting this post. I'm 5'3" and also find it difficult to lose when I eat 1200 calories. It's nice to know I'm not alone!
    I have a question for you all. Do you eat or ignore the calories you earn from working out? I'm having a hard time finding the right balance. Thanks so much for any ideas!
  • rawdefault
    I ignore them - although if I was to do a tougher workout and felt tired, I would allow myself something nutritious to refuel :)
  • lindastanley82
    lindastanley82 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with the others - don't worry about getting to 1200 calories every day. You'll get a feel for how much to eat every day. Whether it's a good idea or not, I weigh myself every morning. Sometimes it's surprising how what you eat the day before can cause your weight to fluctuate up or down. Being short, every extra pound shows up right around my middle!
  • bikiniquest
    bikiniquest Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for everyone's comments. It makes me feel better that there are women out there eating less than 1200 calories and still having success. In the past, I have had a tendency to go too low with my number of calories-which always works but eventually I break and binge. I want to avoid this but still lose... Would you say you all mostly stay around 1000 calories?
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Being short, every extra pound shows up right around my middle!

  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    YES. I am 4'10.5". I used to eat between 1300 and 1700 calories, and was about 115 lbs and had plenty of fat (especially around the middle, thighs, upper arms, etc)

    I now eat around 1000-1100, am not hungry at the end of the day, and am steadily losing weight. I'm down to 109 right now, goal is between 90 and 105, depending on how I look and feel, and muscle.
  • redheadlynn
    redheadlynn Posts: 28 Member
    I agree with the others - don't worry about getting to 1200 calories every day. You'll get a feel for how much to eat every day. Whether it's a good idea or not, I weigh myself every morning. Sometimes it's surprising how what you eat the day before can cause your weight to fluctuate up or down. Being short, every extra pound shows up right around my middle!

    It's just irritating that MFP has to yell at us for going into starvation mode... Like I have said elsewhere, I wear GIRL'S shoes. Do people REALLY think us shorter peeps should eat as much as an "average" adult, when our size is clearly below average? :P That's like telling a tall model that their minimum caloric intake should be 1200.... it's not. Neither is ours, unless maybe we are exercising like mad people.

    It seems once women get to be more around 5'3" or taller (or have larger builds), they need to eat the 1,200+.

    It's kind of like when people look at me and go, "You wear a size 0?! That's tiny!" and I have to reply, "Maybe for you, and maybe if clothing was actually sized like it used to be...wanna see my fat rolls?" :D
  • Marieeve1976
    I'm so happy I found this topic! I was wondering if that 1200 cal threshold was for everyone... I'm 5 feet tall, 35 years old, 127 lbs, just had my second child (in November) and can't seem to lose weight when I eat 1200 a day during the week and allow a bit more during the week-end, I keep on losing and gaining the same 3 lbs over and over since January...

    I decided I don't care what people may think when i say my goal weight is 105 lbs because it is healthy at our size! Also, I have to assume my food choices and eating behavior when in public.... if I order a salad while everyone is eating junk, or if I leave half my plate, it's what I have to do to lose weight and feel and look better - I'm not anorexic - I just can't eat as much as a "normal size" person, it's unfair since I LOVE FOOD - but I have to choose between feeling good 15 minutes while eating french fries and junk OR feel energized and confident ALL THE TIME and I'v made my choice!

  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm 5' 2 and a half. Started MFP about three weeks ago at 120, weighed in at the beginning of the week at 115 and I've lost an inch. My next goal is 110. I work out hard twice a day and eat anywhere between 1850 to over 2000 calories on some days. My NET is as close to my goal of 1250 as I can get.
  • Artist51
    Artist51 Posts: 8 Member
    Im only 4 feet 8 inches in my cotton socks as we say Im 51 next month
    I take a size 2 (childrens) shoes
    im 3 stone over weight and only joined MFP a few weeks ago
    but the help and support is tremendious
    i have made some lovely new & supportive friends
    found a new way of eating.
    and enjoying it
    It was a very slow start i have lost 1kg its not muchbut its a start

    I try to keep to 1.200 calories because of the medication some days the MFP tells me i will lose weight
    on what im eating somes days it say i will gain weight
    As long as you are not hungry & i now have Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
    and 3 or so snack's
    I have been told little & often is better

    PS getting clothes to fit is a nightmare especally trousers
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I think that it's all okay as long as you stay above around ~1100 cals. The problem with being short is that there isn't really much leeway for eating - that's why exercise is important. The more you work out, the more you can eat just because of net calories. The more you exercise, the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism becomes and the more you can eat. My friend eats around 1500cals a day and is 5" exactly. She's losing at a really decent rate and doesn't exactly weigh a great deal either (she started at 122lbs and is now 116lbs). I think that if you're having to go under 1000cals, you should really be looking at your exercise levels instead of dropping your calories. It's better for you :)

    I'm 5'2.25" and I can maintain on 1700calories so I could probably lose on ~1200 calories if I wanted to (not even taking into account exercise).
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Another petite dieter here and yes, I am routinely below 1200 calories. I also do NOT "eat back" my exercise calories burned.
    I wholeheartedly agree that we need MUCH less than an "average" woman.

    Let's keep this thread going, OK?
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    I am 5 feet even and am losing slowly but steadily on 1200-1300 cal/day. I try to stay at 1200 but don't often achieve it. I usually lose about 1/2 to 1 pound per week. This is fine with me. I started at 185 pounds and am aiming at 135 pounds . Have lost 14 so far, starting at the end of January I am doing very little exercise right now, but will be starting soon.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    As long as you don't go hungry, then eating less than 1200 calories is perfectly fine. Your body is very vocal and will let you know if it is not getting enough to eat. Good Luck!

    100% agree...
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    cant relate to this topic at 6.4 285 :(
  • wises5
    wises5 Posts: 53
    agree 4 foot 9.5...but i'm having a really hard time losing my last 5 pounds :/ i was 122/123 i wanna get to 105