


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    "MFP is too hard to use." That's right, the ridiculously easy to use website not automatically logging food for you as soon as it hits your lips is the reason you can't lose weight.

    "I can't eat 1200 calories." Yes you can, or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. My two-year-old can eat 1200 calories. My dog can eat 1200 calories.

    "I know doing this is unhealthy, but I really need to lose weight fast." No. Just no.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    "I only eat like one meal a day I don't understand why I'm not losing weight" Shall we get into what this one meal consists of, also portions?
    And that it lasts for five hours? :laugh:
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Oh, I almost forgot.

    Friend: "HAHA you count calories HAHA. That doesn't work! You need to eat only THESE foods, at THESE times, in THESE quantities. Using all this fitness jargon like macros and LBM won't make you thin! Doing exactly what I've told you will make you thin."

    Me: "Then why are you still fat?"

    Friend: "Oh, that's just how I'm built."
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    "I'm a picky eater...."
    "I have texture issues..."
    "I love food" - I HATE THAT ONE>>>>as if they are the only person on the planet that has taste buds!
    "I'm lazy!" by far the worst one. I have no response to that one.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I need motivation! Sure thing, allow me to wave my enchanted wand of motivation. :laugh:

    Dude, that one burns my biscuits!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    "I'm addicted to sugar! Sugar is as addictive as heroin." Okay. Go tell that to a heroin addict and see what they say. I'll wait.

    Oh, don't get me started.....
  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    A recent favorite from a yo yo dieter "I'm droping the weight on this diet so I don't need to work out, it doesn't do any good anyway" Um really?!?!
  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    I don't know if this fits but I was at a party and a few of the women there were on the heavy side and extremely apple shaped and they began discussing how they park in the spots reserved for expectant mothers because they can get away with it. It left me speechless....
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    "I have a large bone structure"
    "Everyone in my family is fat"

    Not an excuse necessarily but when people say something like "everyone is beautiful"- says the 5'5 320 pound woman
  • forkofpower
    forkofpower Posts: 171 Member
    "Skinny people are unhealthy!"

    "I'm just naturally large. My body just wants to settle at 300 pounds. It's a healthy weight for me."
  • MLouis1
    MLouis1 Posts: 108 Member
    I just saw the movie Chef and I have to have a Cubano sandwich!
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I don't have the motivation to log everything. Too much work.
    Too tired or not enough energy to exercise.

    Both were me. Absolutely amazing how much energy I gained when I developed the discipline to log everything and the weight started coming off. Now, I have people ask where I get my energy from.

    On a side note, had a kid only slightly older than my 20 year old twins flirt with me yesterday, Hubby was jealous (Seriously?!) but, it did wonders for my self confidence!
  • raisealittlehell
    raisealittlehell Posts: 341 Member
    " I am exercising and eating right and not loosing"

    (looks at diary) Sorry cleaning, I do not care how "deep" it is, is NOT exercise. Also, learn to use spell check if words are hard for you lose not loose!!

    "Why do you lift weights?! Aren't you afraid you are going to look like a man?!"- actual friends have said this to me

    I lift because it keeps me strong, and you don't even realize the amount of excess protein and calories a women needs to eat in order to even gain muscle. Don't worry, you won't spontaneously sprout Arnold muscles by lifting a weight heavier than 5 lbs.

    "You're so lucky you thin, you can eat whatever you want- here have my cake"- co workers

    Umm no- I am not lucky, I work hard. Don't use me as an excuse "it's because your young" and say that that's the reason I look the way I do. If you want to look better, than eat better and exercise.
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    My dog died.

    Seriously, that was me. I bought two cases of full-sized candy bars to hand out for Halloween. I was going to return them because I ended up handing out toys instead. Then my dog died. I ate both cases all by myself.
    Awww...that's sad. :-( But I can understand. That's a hard thing to cope with. In the last couple of years both of my childhood pets passed away. My mom took it hardest of all, of course, but it made me really sad last time I went "home" and neither one was there. :-( I'm sorry about your puppy!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm starting on Monday, so I'm going to enjoy the rest of the week by eating anything I want and eat and drink loads at the weekend cos I've got to 'be good' after that.

    I'm going to a bbq so I can't not eat the sausages and burgers etc cos it'd be rude not to.

    I've paid for it so I'm going to eat all of it - don't want to waste my money do I?

    It's a carvery, we're supposed to pile our plates up - it's in the rules.
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    "Myfitnesspal doesn't work" *she stuffs another cookie in mouth....

    "I can't exercise" (note *my mother who passed away many years ago-would lay on her bed and exercise to the best of her ability) For the record, I started losing weight without exercise, I hate exercise, and I feel 100% better throughout my day when I do exercise!

    "I log everything but what goes in my coffee" *my personal favorite coffee drink has almost 500 calories, so you too, might have a problem!
  • katmix
    katmix Posts: 296 Member
    "I hate cooking for one person". -Me

    i often cook for just myself. what i actually do is cook for 4 and freeze 3 portions so if im out late/unwell/cant be arsed to cook i can just defrost a portion and heat it up

    /\ This. I make a large meal on Sundays (roast/veggies) and turn the leftovers into a delicious beef/barley stew and freeze into lunch size containers for me and anyone else in my family that doesn't want to take a sandwich for lunch. Low-cal, delicious and I don't have to think in the mornings! On the off occasion that I cook during the week, I always make extra to freeze as well...
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    My personal favorite of all time, hands down, forever. Some version of "I'm a busy adult". No kidding? Well the rest of us just sit about and call out to the servants when we want something done..... *face palm*.

    My second favorite. "I had baby/ies". Um yeah. So did I. Two 10 lb babies. That, my friends, is equivalent to having twins, twice!

    Using your healthy kids (severely disabled children do limit time) as an excuse not to diet, workout, clean the house etc...but have no less than 3 favorite shows every week that you freak out over if you miss.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I think a lot of people use the same excuse I used before discovering this website...they think it doesn't really matter much what they eat because they have tried super restrictive "healthy diets" and did not lose weight immediately. Or their loss was disappointingly small. When you're used to eating with abandon, pizza and burgers and chocolate, you may expect to lose a LOT quickly if you switch to salads and fruit. It's not as fast or simple as they would like. They maybe have not counted calories ever, so they don't realize how even "healthy" foods can be eaten excessively, and/or things like condiments & sauces add up to a lot.

    Also, I hear people making excuses to not log/track because it's too hard, too tedious, or they go nuts with inaccuracies like my stepsister (who doesn't really even need to lose weight anyway) looking up an item in the MFP database and finding 3 different calorie counts for the item...for some that just deters them completely from even trying it.

    Mostly I hear people making excuses not to exercise. Sniffles, exhaustion, extremely minor injuries. A friend of mine has a fitness blog where he basically writes about how tired/sick/hurt he is every day and then one day a week he does some crazy strenuous workout. I am not judging - I could exercise A LOT more than I do - but I personally think walking briskly and stretching every day beats a two hour workout once a week. JMHO.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    lmao.. time.. time time time.