Do cheat days help you lose weight?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've discovered that they feed into my addictive nature and if I allow my self to eat then it sets me back into the old mind set of eat eat eat
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  • danarandallreed
    danarandallreed Posts: 132 Member
    Cheat days, I cannot even comprehend that yet. I am just trying to deal with hunger all day long. Only on MFP for 3 weeks and I fear a cheat day would be me cheating myself. It took a lot to get within my calorie range and I need to continue with that practice. I will call it a calorie day instead of cheat day, otherwise I have been cheating my whole life.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    I don't get the concept of cheat days. I mean, why deprive yourself of stuff you love. Just eat less of it and adjust. I mean if I want Mad Mex then I know I can't eat a lot during the day so I meet my calories and work out later.

    Cheat days are for people who diet. People who view this as a lifestyle change learn to live with all of the temptations.

    "just eat less of it and adjust"

    Yeah, you and I are nothing alike. Eating not-enough of the things I love is torture. Eating half of an In-n-Out double double is next to impossible, and would be much more likely to lead me to an unplanned binge than just eating the whole damned thing during a planned cheat meal.

    A small serving of mac and cheese? Why even bother? My body/mind will scream at me for days afterward unless I eat enough to be satisfied. I tried to keep a box of Samoas in the freezer and only have 2 per day until the box was gone. I did it, but it was an exercise in self-inflicted torture. I'll never do that again. It has to be half the box or nothing at all.

    Consuming only small quantities of things that I love but that are not particularly healthy is completely unsatisfying. It makes the cravings *much* worse.

    So, for one meal a week, I pick either the thing I've been craving most, or a celebratory social event, and make that my cheat meal. I track wheat I eat, but eat what I like. It's been working, and yes, I understand that this is the rest of my life. Lean proteins, leafy greens, and whole grains 20 meals per week. Pepperoni pizza and beer 1 meal per week. This is maintenance. God, that's depressing when I lay it out there... :) (Dear self - Suck it up.)
  • Mzcotton78
    Mzcotton78 Posts: 11
    OMG! Everytime I factor in cheat days into my diet I lose more weight.. I thought it was just me.