Anyone here do H.I.T?

Just wondering if anyone else here does H.I.T? Not h.i.i.t, but regular high intensity training? I see a lot of bro science on these forums, and would like to talk about workout strategies for once.

Right now, I'm working out 3 times a week, 5 minute warm up/Cooldown cardio machine. Then I do 11-12 weight lifting exercises at the 4-1-3-1 cadence to failure, and repeat once with a breakdown weight. I start with legs, then back/shoulders, chest, abs/core, and finish with arms. Mondays and Friday I go to failure, and then Wednesdays we do a NTF or not to failure where we do 2 less reps and no breakdown.

What kind of workout do you do? Is it similar? How do you feel about split routines? Do you do more or less intentional cardio?
