Gaining weight after quitting smoking



  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    I weighed about 270 when I quit smoking. And I quickly tacked on 70 pounds. Although I didn't crave cigarettes, I had a lot of stress in my life. And cigarettes had been my way to relieve the stress. Once I didn't have that, I turned to food. I can recall times when I would chow on something spectacular and then lie on the sofa. I could sense a tingly sensation and a sense of calm and contentment. It turns out that I get the same feelings from strenuous exercise. I would advise anyone trying to quit smoking to get serious about exercise. Set some goals and work toward them. You can go for bodybuilding, long-distance running, cycling or swimming, triathlon competition, etc. Doing this will eliminate the stress and anxiety that can come from quitting nicotine. Now, you may have very little real stress in your life. If that's the case, you may have better luck at maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    My first month of not smoking - didnt gain a pound. Three months later I was 10 up. I still struggle with those 10 damn pounds. I eat well, work out (although the last three weeks have been a "vacation"). But, with all that, I can friggin breathe. I can taste my food. I don't stink.

    And the best part - my blood pressure is better.

    While I may have gained weight, I really do overall feel better. I can work out so I am more toned and my clothes fit well. Actually even though I am "heavier" my clothes fit better.

    keep it up - it only gets better.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    You replaced one addiction with another. I gained nothing when I quit but that was because I was concious of my other habits.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I came to MFP to lose the 27 pounds I gained after quitting.

    Quitting is of course the one best thing you can do for yourself no matter what the consequences,
    and you have to keep that in mind.

    About a year before I quit, I had to stop training (dance) because of my knees,
    so I was depressed and sedentary.

    My husband got me to read Allen Carr's book, and I quit.

    Your metabolism DOES slow down. I didn't know that soon enough.

    Knowing this, you can work with it. Get informed about how your metabolism works and learn to work it.

    My biggest mistake was taking up cocktails after I quit smoking. Bad idea. But that's over, and I've lost the weight.
    And I'm no longer a smoker. And life is great.

    CONGRATULATIONS to you, for getting your life back!
    Even if you gain a little, everything else about life is going to be so much more AWESOME :flowerforyou:
  • Fruitcake1972
    Fruitcake1972 Posts: 9 Member
    Well done for stopping the bad habbit of smoking, you are well on the way to being a happier person; no longer having to stress about;
    money to buy cigarettes, Tabacco, Papers, Lighters etc.
    Open/ nearby shops (drink driving) to buy all the above.
    travelling for long times/ finding smoking areas
    poisening other people as well as yourself, causing massive polution to wildlife .
    bad breath, smelly clothing, hair, yellow fingers/ teeth, frozen fingers (in wintertime),
    burn holes in clothing, settee, car seat.
    The list is endless................

    To release the need of having something in your mouth/ hands I found the following items useful;
    Chuppa lollypops they are virtually fat free and low calorie but last a long time.
    A rubik cube (or similar puzzles)
    A "stress" Ball
    a skipping rope (I went skipping for 5 minutes during my normal smoking breaks)

    Good luck IT really is al worth it. and if you do gain some weight once the non smoking is no longer an issue you can concentrate on loosing the excess weight.
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I am 25 days in and playing havoc with metabolism.

    I have been watching intake and increased water to help.......still feel sluggish most days but refuse to go back to the weed.

    I saved some cash and decided to get gym membership and have induction and Programme by trainer tomorrow. I seriously hope this will help make sure the pounds don't pile on!!!
  • Fruitcake1972
    Fruitcake1972 Posts: 9 Member
    Good for you Jim, 25 days is great, you are there really, before signing up to the gym, have an induction at your local triathlete club its often much cheaper, more sociable and easier to maintain therefor.
    Good luck:happy:
  • jxspxr
    jxspxr Posts: 150
    Very nice Jim! Good choice to spend the money you save by smoking on things that can help you get more healthy.

    I did the same today; I spent 80 euro's on running shoes + 2 pair of running socks. Like I promised, I tried them today. Ran 5 kilometres through the forest, it was really worth it. From now on I'll make sure that I run at least three times per week, 5-10 kilometres. I can run 20-30 kilometres (because I've done that before), but I'll just take it easy.

    Anyways, the interesting thing is that after quitting smoking I won't have to feel ashamed of spending this money on sporting gear (provided that I make good use of it); I used to spend so much more money on something that was destroying my health - absurd if you think about it!

    So, I love this new excuse to buy sports gear! Sports equipment / outdoor shops will be very happy that I quit smoking ;)
  • arts07
    arts07 Posts: 1
    That's a great thing you stopped smoking, congrats not much people can say that, try eating some nuts like pecans or cashews, or Greek yogurt, you are eating every so often but you're eating healthy things stuff that will benefit you, try that when ever you get hungry, could and should curb you're appetite.
  • I quit smoking Aug 8, 2012 and packed on 40 lbs. Def not from what I eat I consume 1200 cal a day and eat very healthy have since I lost 60 lbs 3 + years ago. My doctor just says keep doing cardio and keep up with what i am eating... I do al least 8 hrs of cardio a week for the last 2 months and watching and tracking everything that goes in my mouth. I am going to keep trying but havent lost an ounce.. wtf please tell me if there is anything I can do.. And good job with the quitting smoking its the hardest thing anyone can do..
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    I gained big time when I quit, but then I pulled myself together.
    this is the best I have ever looked and felt.
  • My last cigarratte was 8 months ago. After quitting for about the 15th time. I gained 25 pounds in a year and a half. I think ill excercise more.
  • How much weight gain should I expect if I quit smoking? I smoke almost 20 cig per day. What measures can I take to counter that? Also what are the other withdrawal symptoms?
  • I too am at my wits end. I gave up almost three years ago and cannot lose any weight no matter what I do. I wish sometimes I had not quit smoking. I feel horrible, not to mention angry I cannot lose any of the eight kilos I put on when I gave up. I have tried every diet you can think of, stuck to them and still not an ounce of weight lost. FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!
  • Joseph236
    Joseph236 Posts: 11
    Hey dude i hope that you will be doing good!
    I used to be a chain smoker and moreover i used to be fat as well.I was so fat that people started to take my fatness as a part of jokes and moreover i started to suffer from different diseases like cholesterol and heart problems.My age is not that old.I am 35 years old. In such a young age i suffered from such dangerous and old age diseases.I use to feel lazy and i was unable to perform my daily base chores and i was not happy with my life at all.Moreover due to my extensive eating habits expense of grocery was increasing as well!Then due to my continuous bad health due to over weight i decided to go for on line solution and i find this site luckily
    This source proves to be blessing for me because it is highly motivating and this constitute of proper health diet chart along this site i also consult a doctor and with in a year i was unable to loose my weight and now i am spending active live though diseases are the part of life but now i feel more active and comfortable then before!
  • princessG12
    princessG12 Posts: 21
    good thing is you quit smoking but you gain weight, okay here's my advice you should watch this video and learn more how to maintain or to lose your weight, take note this is note another diet pills, supplements, hard exercises and etc.. it safe and effective
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    It is really a good thing that you quit smoking, it is good for your health. Don't worry about your weight gain as it is natural after quitting smoking because nicotine from tobacco boosts the body's metabolic rate. When you smoke, then immediately your heart rate increased to 10 to 20 beats per minute. You replaced your smoking habit with eating habits. Be smart enough and fill your mouth with something else as sugar free hard candies, sugar free gum, etc....... But don't start smoking again.
  • Joseph236
    Joseph236 Posts: 11
    I agree with Margaret because gaining weight after quitting smoke is normal!
  • lsco29
    lsco29 Posts: 2 Member
    After 34 years of smoking I have now quit for 3 months, although I'm vaping but hoping to stop that too. I also had a coil fitted 5 weeks ago and started MFP 3 weeks ago, I have never exercised in my life, apart from school and the occasional attempt at keep fit classes. I now do 5k five days a week and about to begin intense workouts as well about three times a week. I am on 1400 calories a day and eat back what I have burnt or save some for treats at weekend. However I've only lost a pound a week and was wondering how to increase this to at least 3, as have special occasion end of August. Could the coil and stopping smoking slowed down my weight loss? And tips to increase weight loss would help even only for next 10 weeks then get back on track for a 2lb loss per week. I really need this boost to keep me going as it is disheartening to put in the effort and be disappointed each week as I stand in the scales I have lost inches but for me it's not enough to help me lose enough for my special occasion. Please help as I'm dedicated just now and do not want to give up
  • lucasmoten
    lucasmoten Posts: 143 Member
    I quit smoking last year in August. I was concerned about weight gain, but didn't have that problem. I had begun running in June and had established a good routine. So what did happen was a slight slow down in the weight loss, but that subsided and returned to normal rate within a few weeks.

    Nicotine is like caffeine when it comes to your metabolism. So when you cut nicotine, your body operates slower. If you eat the same amount, you likely will gain weight. Choices here are either to eat less, burn more through exercise, or get a bonus by upping some other stimulant (caffeine).

    I can't imagine the hell of trying to lose weight from dietary choices alone. It accounts for probably 75-80% of the battle, but its so much easier when combined with cardio