Do you have a vegetable garden?

Hi :smile:

I have few vegetable garden beds that I've been putting a lot of time into... Gardening is a great workout session, and therapy session, plus you get free food from it. win, win, win! So I use my gardening as a workout tool, for sure. Do you also?

We are growing:
Tomatoes (cherry, roma, beef steak, cherokee purple)
red pepper
orange pepper
sweet peas
pickling cucumbers
lettuce (oak leaf, bib, romaine, and kale)
butternut squash
and last but not least watermelon!
We also have a grape vine, peach tree, apple tree, and I'm trying to have some nice flower beds this year... Never really had a green thumb, but everything is looking great this year

We've done a garden before with just tomatoes and squash and it did very well, but we are doing a lot more this year, so it's fun and exciting! Nice to see all the hard work pay off... Anyways, I use gardening as a weight loss tool, plus all the good fresh organic food I'll be eating from it is a definite plus. The lettuce is growing so well I can have a small daily 'salad'. :bigsmile:

Just curious if anyone else out there has a garden, and if so, whatcha got growing??

*Edit - I guess I put this in "Introductions" because I'm sort of introducing myself to the MFP world, I joined a while ago and stopped, but started up again recently. I'm a married mother of two looking to lose 30 lbs. Taking it one day at a time... I'm open to making lots of friends, so add me if you'd like!

Here's our first pea pod


  • cindagrif
    cindagrif Posts: 60 Member
    You should plant some Kale. It grows really well into the fall and is a great diet food.
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I envy you for having fruit trees. :)

    I've got something like 6 varieties of peppers (I have no clue what I was thinking on that one) two kinds of tomatoes, okra, yellow squash , eggplant, watermelon, cucumbers , lemon cucumbers, peas and a huge variety of herbs. I'm also going to plant some carrots and beets in containers.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    Yes, I have two allotments. Love gardening! :)
  • cindagrif
    cindagrif Posts: 60 Member
    Duh! Now I see the Kale on your list. I think we are growing about everything you are. Plus our apples, plum, cherry and pear trees. Can't wait to get all the fresh veggies in a few weeks.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I burnt out on gardening a few years ago, but am trying to start slow again this year. I have a rooftop rather than a yard, so have to use containers, which limit what I can grow. I'm also envious of the fruit trees.

    So far I'm doing a variety of herbs, lots of kinds of peppers (me too!), cucumbers, strawberries, and a few kinds of heirloom tomatoes, since tomatoes are the crop I'm historically most successful with. I'm probably going to add a few more--kale is a good idea.
  • harhir
    harhir Posts: 4
    The only thing I started growing are hops. And I tried tomatoes a few years back but as ssoon as they blossomed the bids picked the blossoms... But I may ave to try again. The problem is that it takes time. I am living in hot Texas and we have been under severe watering restrictions for years. We are only allowed to use the sprinklers one day every two weeks. So daily watering by hand would be the only choice which takes time. But i guess these are only excuses...
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Yes though it's small,

    We are growing tomatoes, carrots, squash, zuccinni, red bell peppers, jalapeno's, cucumbers, parsley
  • superfox12082
    superfox12082 Posts: 512 Member
    Hi! I have a garden that just got planted. This year I planted tomatoes, potatoes, sugar snap peas, green beans, cabbage, radishes - first time ever, zucchini, summer squash and cucumbers. I also have a small third year raspberry patch going and just planted some strawberry plants. I plan on buying some pepper plants to pot and also have a variety of herbs growing. I love my garden! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    im typical, lettuce, peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, herbs, pumpkins. thats about it. been eating my lettuce for lunch and dinner the past couple of weeks. so rewarding!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    This is my first year with a veggie garden (new house = actual backyard) and I'm so excited!

    I'm growing:

    red peppers

    There are also some fruit trees in the yard (not sure on the variety as of yet... I'm thinking apple, but our neighbour says he thought maybe pear or apple). There are also some grape vines! I'm very excited! :)

    And I should add, I never thought gardening should be counted as exercise before... and then I started gardening! Yikes, what a sweat session!
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I have: spinach, lettuce, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, onions, squash, cucumbers, garlic and and entire apple orchard.

    Oh and potatoes.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    No but it's next years resolution. This year was to lose the weight and fix my health issues next year im gonna convert the entire garden into a mini farm. Let's not forget that fresh fruits and veggies usually outclass the ones you can buy in taste and healthiness by about a factor of 10 lol.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I don't have one YET, but I definitely want one. I've got some other priorities to deal with before I can begin with that. Yours sounds FABULOUS! So jealous.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I have a very small garden. We have to use raised bed b/c the soil in our neighborhood is all fill dirt. I have a ton of success with my herbs.
    Herbs: Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, parsley, basil, mint, fennel and Greek oregano.
    This year we have: tomatoes, jalapenos and red onions. I hope to seed zucchini a green beans soon.
  • Kari_1927
    Kari_1927 Posts: 16
    Thanks for the replies!:)

    Yes, we do have 3 kale plants. they don't produce as much as the romaine or oak leaf right now, but we do get some kale.

    We only have one peach tree and one apple tree, and they are both only a few years old. But there are lots and lots of peaches this year. Not any apples yet, but peaches galore.

    I have oregano also, but it is still SO tiny. And I am growing mint as well but is also SO tiny still. They are both still in pots and I'm afraid to plant them because they are still so small. Maybe after some time they'll start getting bigger.

    Oh and I also have sunflowers planted everywhere, and they are all growing very well :happy:
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Yeah, I do have a garden. DIff peppers, corn, tomatoes, lettuce, etc.

    But I dont log any of it exercise though even when I had to turn over the dirt by a shovel because the rototiller didnt work. I just consider it "the cost of doing business" meaning...just normal activity. I wont log anything other than actual exercise as, well, exercise.
  • Dube11
    Dube11 Posts: 93 Member
    I went smaller this year and just planted green beans, broccoli, tomatoes, corn and green/orange peppers. I'm also trying a hill of cantaloupe which I've never done before. Gardening is a great way to relieve stress!
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    I do some container gardening since all I have access to is a patio. I have a few herbs (basic, cilantro (which is taking over and turning into a giant plant, I dont even like cilantro lol), sage, rosemary and thyme. I have several types of peppers, which always do great for me in containers (all hot hot hot peppers). For the first time this I have flowers, which I am really enjoying.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    yep we have a container garden we have herbs, 9 tomato plants, 4 pepper plants, carrots, onions, radishes, Asian cabbage, beans and cucumbers.

    Everything is in a pot or raised bed since we rent.
  • Kari_1927
    Kari_1927 Posts: 16
    Sounds like everyone has a great variety of things, cool!