Plexus Slim



  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I did some research, and Plexus Slim causes Mandibular Defibrillation of the left cortical steroid. Stay away!
  • StacyDaltonTX
    StacyDaltonTX Posts: 3 Member
    Really? Can you post your links please. I'd love to read more!
  • smbecht78
    smbecht78 Posts: 12 Member
    All I can say about Plexus Slim is that it has altered my daily routine. While I haven't had significant weight loss or inches loss (five pounds, 10 inches), I have found the motivation to track my calories and to run. In my 35 years, I have never done this (run) or kept up with my calories for more than a week. This has been my routine for a month now. I feel better. I don't have the gastro issues anymore. I know that it's not just Plexus Slim that has helped me benefit, but it is a huge part.
  • My husband has been on the slim drink for anout 5 weeks and his A1C (3 month average) went from 9.7 to 7.2 and i have the labs to,prove it. He is off of his anxiety medication rrom his open heart surgery and his mood is amazing. Myn11 year old granddaughter too was struggling with mood and is all smiles. I have ADHD and can focus so good at work withoutnthe horribile,side effects of medications. Plexus has changed our lives. We love it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Bad idea. Stick to a moderate calorie deficit and move a little more. Anything else is just

  • For all of you who have plexus slim and dont use it, you can always send it to me :)
  • Goodmitch
    Goodmitch Posts: 7
    I just got my program in the mail so I begin today but will keep you posted! Friends of mine have been doing this and I swear look half their size. I am so happy for them . Just signed on to fitness pal,my plan is to lose a pound a week. I got a 30 day supply og the shakes and pink powder for water as well as the accelerator. Can not wait!!
  • levans7703
    levans7703 Posts: 1
    I'm naturally a slim girl, always in size 5's. Last summer started new meds, went from 125 to 155 so I tried the Plexus Slim. I did the 7 day trial and didn't lose but gave it the benefit of doubt and thought "maybe 7 days wasn't enough time", so I bought into the Monthly Supply.
    I took it for a month and GAINED... I normally lose fast when i count my calories so tried that with it, nope!!! Nada!!!
    Again, gave it the benifit of doubt and went to the doctor and had a Thyroid Test done since my mother and all my sister/bros have it. NOPE, still perfectly healthy.
    Naturally, i gave up on this stuff. $150 later!! What a waste.. then to contact someone for your money back, GOOD LUCK... I had to throw a fit to do so. I didn't save the bottle, why would i right? lol Forget email.. They don't respond to you... Ambassador says call Plexus, Plexus says get my money through Ambassador, back and forth back and forth... I started to get upset... and my Ambassador being a friend finally jumped in and took control of the situation. They eventually worked with me and are in the mist of returning my money to my account.
    FYI, I also did this with a friend, she too tried the 1 wk, and gave it a "2 month" trial period, and GAINED!!! She walked, watched her calories, took her meds faithfully.. and GAINED as i did.
    Never again!!!!!
  • I tried plexus and accelerator for 1 week. I felt weird the entire time. Halfway through week it felt like my heart was racing but it went away. At the end of one week I had chest pains and actually went to ER and my blood pressure was through roof and it is usually low. They looked at the product and said it would have been the accelerator. I stopped taking it immediately and felt perfectly fine right away. I sent it all back and got my money back. Will never take it again and it actually puts me off putting anything unknown like this in my body again. It was scary! ! I do know a couple people who swear by it and seems to work for them.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I've used Plexus for 6 months. My reasons for using it have nothing to do with weight loss. I lost all my weight long before even hearing about the stuff. My honest review is it works. Yes, there are people that it does not help but the vast majority have seen positive changes from it. Not only weight loss, you don't have to believe it and you can call it rubbish. I have tried 1 or 2 products from them that I did not like. But the slim itself is awesome. I don's see it any differently then someone having a protein shake or vitamins to help with workouts. When your body is given the correct nutrients it will start functioning the way its supposed to. Yes, I am still a firm believer in eating healthy and working out but for me anyways I love it! Hope this helped :)
  • NIvie76
    NIvie76 Posts: 1 Member
    I have read the majority of the posts in this thread. I am a Plexus Ambassador. I started after being on a 16 month weight loss plateau. Regardless of what I did, I was not getting smaller or losing weight. One of my childhood friends introduced me to Plexus. My initial thought was that it couldn't be any good. So, i researched the ingredients, and I was happy with what I saw. For the previous two years, I had made nutrition and label reading my job.
    So, I sighed up as an Ambassador, if nothing else to get my products at wholesale. I really love it! My husband started a week after me. I am down over 40 inches since mid-January. My husband has lost 30 lbs. Do we eat perfectly, no. Some people talk about gaining weight with Plexus. It could truly be from a candida overgrowth, A probiotic will alleviate that problem. That candida overgrowth will hold you back from losing weight overall.
    No product will work for every single person. Plexus isn't a diet. Its supplementation that helps you control simple carb and sugar cravings. The comment about the Diet Coke and not being related. It is. Aspartame is far sweeter tasting than sugar, and can be a powerful craving. I no longer drink Diet Coke anymore, either, it doesn't taste good to me since being on Plexus.
    Some people say it's a waste of money, I disagree. Otherwise, we should all feel that way about Vitamin C, or Mutivitamins, etc.
    The Accelerator+.. it does not contain DMAA. The old accelerator did, and as a competent company, they changed the formulation due to customer concern.
    Is it an MLM company. Yup. So is Avon, Mary Kay, Origami Owl, Scentsy, and Nerium, to name a few, Does that make it bad? No. It just makes for a fantastic business opportunity for people who wish to live healthier lives and help others do the same.
    Is Plexus for everyone, maybe not, But, it has had a great benefit for many people, including myself. I am and educated person that saw an opportunity to improve my life. Not everyone has to love it, but, they also shouldn't be ostracized for using it, either. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • masanz1
    masanz1 Posts: 65 Member
    Some of their products are good but you have to ask yourself, how do i want to live my life. I lost my weight by eating 1400 calories a day...and exercising. Before buying i suggest asking the rep for a before and after picture to see how the product helped them....not some cousin twice remove or some other person, the rep themselves. Then make the purchase.
  • blmw
    blmw Posts: 1
    i just started the plexus slim with the accelorator. so far it is working to crave my diet drink addiction. i am happy about that because i can drink a whole liter a day sometimes. i use and love my fitness pal on my phone and it is helping me to learn about my eating and keeping me accountable. if i can kick the diet habit my life will be better for sure, if it continues to help me i am thankful. if its not working for you then of course dont use it. nothing works for everyone. good luck to everyone and to lifestyle changes!! God Bless
  • c8lyn_
    c8lyn_ Posts: 1
    When I was at my highest weight(225) I began using it and lost almost 60lbs in seven months. Of course I ate right and exercised but plexus slim got rid of all my cravings. It only made me thirsty for water ALL the time. It's different for every person, but I was happy with what it did for me(:
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    I too have read the majority of the post's here. A lot of negative and a lot of positive.

    For the negative responses....

    Why do people keep saying stuff like "You don't need supplements/shakes/ diet pills ect to lose weight." ? I understand that some of them do not work at all and they are fads. Some of them do, however, work for a lot of people. If you keep saying that over and over again.... well that is like telling a smoker "You do not need the "patch" or "the gum" or even the perscription med to help you quit smoking... Just quit. Simple." But what you don't realize is these things avert cravings for cigarettes right? Just as Plexus only averts cravings certain foods.

    It's an "aid" not an "answer". An lose weight aid, is much like a fitness professional trainer, which is someone who is constantly there to motivate you to lose weight and exersize daily. And... Plexus is an "aid to help reduce cravings and other things." Both of them are really good. You have to pay for both.... Some people might be fully motivated to exersize and actually love it but they can't quite "cut the craving of that chocolate bar" while others might can cut the cravings...but can't stay motivated to do anything else.

    Some may not need either. Yes ultimately it is "YOUR" decision to do better and that will make the difference. But having some help along the way may not be a bad thing.

    I mean, in that respect, MFP is also just an "aid" to "help" you lose weight. Can you do it without it? Yes. Do most people "feel" they need it? Yes. If they did not it would not be here would it?

    Everyone is different.

    Just wondered if anyone has ever thought of it that way before.
  • hppyashr
    hppyashr Posts: 4
    One of the biggest rules they tell you is to stay off the scales, and measure. I had lost 12 inches but only 1 pound. Since It's aids in burning fat and not muscle. Water consumption is key as well. I love this stuff. It's helped wit my dizzy spells, and has even help my hair grow back after postpartum hair loss.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Scam, scam, scam. Caffeine + fiber + sweeteners = Plexus products. There is not magic pill.
  • hppyashr
    hppyashr Posts: 4
    You are correct, however, it never claims to be magic pill. They also encourage and recommend healthy eating and lifestyle.
    But again, to each their own.
    This has worked amazing for me and others... try not to discourage those who are on it, and really like it.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You are correct, however, it never claims to be magic pill. They also encourage and recommend healthy eating and lifestyle.
    But again, to each their own.
    This has worked amazing for me and others... try not to discourage those who are on it, and really like it.

    I will discourage it because it's everything that MyFitnessPal is against. These are non-medical supplements sold under multi-level marketing schemes that are prohibited in Canada and Australia (there's you're "potentially unsafe").

    From the Community Guidelines:
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
  • hppyashr
    hppyashr Posts: 4
    They are no longer Prohibited in Canada or Australia, due to new formula.
    I am not promoting it or selling it.
    It's not a medical pill.