Do you have a vegetable garden?



  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Yes, but I'm WAAAY behind!!! Not even starting from seeds this year, as my husband has been super slow putting in my garden bed. He's going to put it in this weekend, and by next week I should have plants in. I haven't even fully decide what to plant!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Yep, tomatos, peppers, zucchini & cucumbers.
  • marmain
    marmain Posts: 25 Member
    I wish I did! We always had a big garden when I was growing up, and I remember the veggies and fruits making the tastiest food.

    Currently though, we're renters, so no digging up the yard for a garden. Though I may try some container gardening at some point. If I can keep one dog from eating everything, and the other from peeing on everything!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I've been gardening for 40 years................LOL

    3 kinds of summer squash
    swiss chard
    bok choy
    green beans

    pumpkins and acorn squash go in the end of next month
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    Garden beds keep expanding here each year. And I also grow some in large Smart Pots (fabric pots) on the deck.

    For herbs I have: cilantro, parsley, basil, tarragon, oregano, dill, chives, sage, pineapple sage, garlic, 2 kinds of mint.
    For veg I have: Carrots, lettuce, 3 kinds of peppers, tomatillos, Amish Paste tomato, Cherokee purple tomato, mustard, pickling cukes, kohlrabi, radishes, peas, rhubarb, chard, horseradish and leeks.

    I do a lot of canning, but hoping to be able to get a chest freezer too, as that's the easy way to preserve all this stuff!
  • StraubreyR
    StraubreyR Posts: 631 Member
    I wish I did! We always had a big garden when I was growing up, and I remember the veggies and fruits making the tastiest food.

    Currently though, we're renters, so no digging up the yard for a garden. Though I may try some container gardening at some point. If I can keep one dog from eating everything, and the other from peeing on everything!

    There is a fabric "garden bed" you can buy, amazon has it. If you can't dig up anything, you could put that down and fill it up with soil. If you moved, you could just empty it out and remove it! I have had great success with the fabric pots, I imagine the bed is just as good.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I've got one 4X4ft garden and planters on the deck.

    Things I sprouted that are in the ground:
    -basil (already edible height)
    -cilantro (already edible height)
    -white onions
    -red onions
    -habaneros (going to be a looong time for these to be ready)

    Things I bought, that are now in the ground:
    -strawberries (one strawberry is already turning pink)

    Things I wasn't sure if I was going to put in but I will probably buy:
    -cayenne peppers
    -rosemary (my shrub was SO CLOSE to overwintering. then we had a late snow and boom, dead plant)
    -mint (contained in planter on the desk to prevent invasion)
    -1 tomato plant, probably big boy (usually I did 3 but it was just TOO MUCH)
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't have room or the time for a full vegetable garden just now (would love to), but I do have every fresh herb I can think of......lovely in my salads;-)
  • jesdailey
    jesdailey Posts: 10 Member
    I don't have one. But I really, really want to start one! I just don't quite no where to begin. Does anyone have any recommendations or links on gardening for beginners? I've never done any gardening. I finally have my own home with a nice backyard, so I'd love to start one!
  • I also container garden. I love it and have had a lot of success with certain vegetables. Lettuce is always a winner, and doesn't require a lot of sun. Other than that, tomatoes, hot peppers, peas, cucumbers and beans usually take up my space. It's so much fun and the product just tastes so much better :)
  • nrida
    nrida Posts: 31 Member
    Our family loves to plant:
    Herbs: mint grow like crazy, catnip, onions, parsley.
    tomatoes, cucumber, squash, eggplant, peppers,
    Also have a berry tree.
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    Green house here 10ft wide 20 ft long 7 ft height with raised beds growing all kinds of things
    -bell peppers-spinach- romaine lettuce- Kale-cilantro-green onions- Broccoli-Tomato-Strawberries- Spaghetti squash-,and cantaloupe:happy: I built my own greenhouse so it was not costly I'm so excited especially with 5 kids here! oh also carrots and Tomatillo
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I don't have one. But I really, really want to start one! I just don't quite no where to begin. Does anyone have any recommendations or links on gardening for beginners? I've never done any gardening. I finally have my own home with a nice backyard, so I'd love to start one!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Yes, but I'm WAAAY behind!!! Not even starting from seeds this year, as my husband has been super slow putting in my garden bed. He's going to put it in this weekend, and by next week I should have plants in. I haven't even fully decide what to plant!

    I don't know where you live, but I started late this year too. Started planning early but then kept putting it off. Here, conventional wisdom is no more frost after Mother's Day, so that's supposed to mark safe planting for plants bothered by it, but since we saw snow on May 16! (okay, not much, but still) I feel okay about my late planting.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Yes, this year I am growing cabbages, lettuce, cauliflowers, kale, zucchini, pickling cucumbers, peas, runner beans, leeks, beetroot, yellow onions, garlic, parsnips, carrots, swede, collards, salad tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sweet yellow bell peppers, Joe's long chilli peppers, basil, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, a plum tree and an apple tree. I also hope to start some sunflowers this coming weekend.
  • Claremoak
    Claremoak Posts: 75 Member
    I have been gardening for while, but took a break after the kids left the house but started up again four years ago after they all were married and settled back in the neighborhood and the grandkids were old enough to enjoy it! It is more like the little red hen story, everyone says they will help, but no one does, but yet everyone comes over to share in the harvest. But that is the joy of family!

    We have all the standards- 4 types of tomates, 4 different peppers, summer squash, zuchinni, winter squash, pumpkins, gourds, sweet corn, onions, potatoes, carrorts and beans. I also have containers on my porch with herbs, lettuces, cherry tomatoes and lots of flower beds. I enjoy being able to get outside and work in the gardens, it is a great stress reliever after a long day at work and healthy to boot!

    My challenge this year is to keep the deer from eating everything and survive the masive mosquito swarms we have this year!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    We have a rooftop garden that is cramped with Smart Pots. I plant only organic and heritage seeds, and this gives me a lot of weird looking and colofurl vefetables.

    This is what I planted this year:

    - Herbs (basil, chive, parsley, rosemary, thyme, lavander, pineapple sage, thai basil and greek basil)
    - Lettuce (romaine, oak leaves, bibb and aragula)
    - Green finger cucumbers
    - Trombocino zucchini
    - Galine eggplant
    - Black Krim, Green Zebra, Purple Calabash and Wapsinicon Peach tomatoes
    - Neon Green Doctor, Fargo Yellow Pear and Isis Candy cherry tomatoes
    - Kale (four varieties: Dinosaur rainbow, Red russian, Siberian curly, Blue Curled Scotch Kale)
    - Okras

    That's it! Not that bad for a tiny garden in pots.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I'm in Texas, so between the poor soil and drought, not much grows.

    I really have gotten into gardening by accident. My house came with an Asian pear tree and a tiny fig tree. I've nurtured the fig, and we got 11 lbs last year. My kids brought home a sunflower from school one year, and now I have a huge patch of them. My husband grows squash.

    Another kid brought home basil sprouts, so now we've got those. It's growing so well, I want to get more herbs. Then we got flower plants as a giveaway at the home improvement store, which is blooming non stop.

    I planted kale and onion, which I've been eating daily. I'd like to have peppers and berries, but don't know how well they will fare, and don't know much about gardening.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    Yes, I've planted tomatoes, green peppers, sugar snap peas, carrots and this afternoon will be planting green beans and corn. Will plants pumpkins and possibly cantaloupe later. I also can or freeze(corn) most of my veggies for the Winter. A lot of work but great tasting in the dead of Winter!
  • cosmo8954
    cosmo8954 Posts: 8
    We just planted a big garden,. We did last year too, but had a lot of trouble with animals. We have potatoes, all sorts of beans and peas, spinach, broccoli, onions. zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, lettuce and corn. just a heads up about apple trees you need two to pollinate each other. My Dad has an orchard and he says a lot of people don't realize that they need two trees to produce apples. He planted a pear tree this year and has a peach tree so we just steal fruit from him. We didn't have any luck with strawberries last year and since we have limited space decided not to plant any again this year. Good luck to all you gardeners..