5 day challenge



  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    Me too. I'm trying for every day in January! 6 days in a row so far. (Yes, I know it's only the 4th - I started early!)

    25 mins interval training on the cross trainer so far today. Tick :-)
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Tuesday, Januarty 4 - 20 min work out on the Elliptical

    2 days down 3 to go
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    30 minutes snow shoveling done 1/4
  • StephanieBFree
    StephanieBFree Posts: 39 Member
    Count me in.....unfortunately it is pouring rain up here in Western Canada but will do 40 minutes of pilates tonight after the monsters are in bed. Did do a 20 minute power walk this morning after I dropped the children off at school. Thanks for issuing the challenge.

    These are the things that keep me motivated.:)
  • Shell521
    Shell521 Posts: 30 Member
    I don't get to work out much on the weekends with the kids so good thing I worked out yesterday, so I started Monday & I will end Friday :)

    1-3-2011 30 min elliptical & 15 min treadmill
    1-4-2011 35 min elliptical, 20 min aerobics, & 2 mile walk
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    And for today's challenge...

    Got up at 6am (!) and did 25 mins wii sports active (boxing and dancing) followed by 10 mins squats and situps etc
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    worked out for 75 minutes today!:smokin:
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6

    2 more days to go :D
  • Shell521
    Shell521 Posts: 30 Member
    I was sick today, but I am going to complete my 5 days in a row, so all I was able to get in was a 1 mile walk! Better than nothing though :)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Wednesday I did 20 minutes of Wii your shape and burned 201 cals.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    worked out 55 minutes today!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Thursday, January 6 - 34 min on the Wii fit +, 30 min on the Elliptical at R6 and 10 min of strength training.

    one more day to go. :smile:
  • mandster
    mandster Posts: 95 Member
    Hi all

    15 mins elliptical and 5 mins situps etc today.
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Morning Everyone! Hope you had a good week, sorry I've been a little MIA. Below is what I've done this week so far:

    Sunday, January 2: Weights (25minutes)
    Monday, January 3: Treadmill and Stationary Bike (1 hour, 50 minutes)
    Tuesday, January 4: Weights and Stationary Bike (55 minutes)
    Wednesday, January 5: Kickboxing and Stationary Bike (1 hour, 2 minutes)
    Thursday, January 6: Weights (25 minutes)
    Friday, January 7: Stationary Bike (40 minutes) - on my lunch
    Saturday, January 8:
    Sunday, January 9:
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    whew day 5 was tough, I really wanted to skip. Thank you for posting this challenge! Had I not been a part of it, I would not have done the 20 minute leg workout these hips need :-D
    have a great weekend everyone! Seafood dinner for me tonight YAY!:bigsmile:
  • kuteinfaync
    Count me in too!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    whew day 5 was tough, I really wanted to skip. Thank you for posting this challenge! Had I not been a part of it, I would not have done the 20 minute leg workout these hips need :-D
    have a great weekend everyone! Seafood dinner for me tonight YAY!:bigsmile:

    I'm right there with you. I really had no energy or desire to workout today but wanted to meet the challenge.

    Great job on the leg workout. Enjoy your dinner.
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    Monday, January 3 - 20 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Tuesday, January 4 - 30 min on the Elliptical at R6
    Wednesday, January 5 - 40 min on the Wii Fit + (doing yoga and some aerobics) and 20 min on the Elliptical at R6 and another 20 min of strength training.
    Thursday, January 6 - 34 min on the Wii Fit +, 30 min on the Elliptical at R6 and 10 min of strength training.
    Friday, January 7 - 17 min on the Wii Fit +

    Woo hoo :D All done!!!

    This week altogether I have burnt 2492 Calories. YAY!!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    This was a great challenge! I did something every day, ranging from walking to circuit training. 3 of the 5 days I did NOT want to , but this challenge helped me stay focused. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Shell521
    Shell521 Posts: 30 Member
    Completed!!! YAY! I actually did 6 days in a row :) I am proud of myself, I may take tomorrow off, but I may push challenge myself for that 7th day!

    1-3-2011 30 min elliptical & 15 min treadmill
    1-4-2011 35 min elliptical, 20 min aerobics, & 2 mile walk
    1-5-2011 20 min walk
    1-6-2011 35 min elliptical & 15 min treadmill
    1-7-2011 30 min elliptical & 15 min treadmill
    1-8-2011 15 min elliptical, 10 min stationary bike & 10 min treadmill