The TV Show "I Used To Be Fat" ??????

downtome Posts: 529 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All,
I have watched a couple episodes of the Tv show "I used to be fat", it's a good show, a personal trainer comes to the aid of someone wanting to lose about 90 pounds more. They set a goal to have lost that much weight in about 90 days or less. My question is this, how the heck do you lose 90 pounds in 90 days? That's a pound a day! The trainer even tells the person, you have to lose 7 pounds a week! How is that possible? I realize they work them out like mad and they eat a sensible diet, I believe I heard the trainer tell the girl to have 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but still, is that even possible? If it is possible, I want to lose 90 pounds in 90 days too? So why can't I? Is it all the exercise or what?


  • I love that show. but i have the same questions as you. it has to be a shock on the body.
  • BughaBear
    BughaBear Posts: 201
    Yea I watched that show also well just the first episode. I know how did they do that I wish I can lost 90 lbs in 90 days that would be great but then again like u said they have the trainer to really get on their a** to workout where if we dont want to we take a day off. I do work my a** of I workout about 5 times a wk and count my calories everyday and since Nov I have lost 11lbs and have about 80 or so to get to 150.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    When you watch shows like the Biggest Loser, they're taking people who don't do much at all. When you take someone whose body isn't used to being pushed like that, the pounds will melt off in big numbers. If you keep watching the Biggest Loser, these contestants will eventually plateau and have a hard time losing the weight.
  • I love that show!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You might lose 90 lbs in 90 days if you work out like crazy, eat only 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but what then? You go back to eating 'normally' and the weight creeps back on.

    I eat what I love and do activities that I love and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Sure, it took me longer than 90 days to get where I am, but my reward for my patience is that I get to stay here for the rest of my life. THAT, and my journey wasn't a miserable one.

    Slow and steady :)

  • everyoung
    everyoung Posts: 67 Member
    How can that be? Can that even be healthy for a person? I mean so big of change in such short time. Impossible!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Whos knows if shes really losing 90 pounds in 90 days though. Could be all for tv. They lost the weight but who really says it only took them 90 days?

    Also if you noticed they don't have much to do other then eat right and work out. If I had all the time to work out my weight loss would be a lot quicker too!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    yes. the trainer did tell her that. but she was eatin snacks throughout the day. the shakes may have actually been meal replacement shakes meanin that they had all the nutrients 4 her. & she was eatin a full meal from the looks of what she had cooked.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It's 90 lbs in 90 days for a reason. It's because after 3 month of that even someone with 2 or 300 lbs to lose will stop steadily losing as their body will determine they are starving to death.
  • It sounds just like that show The Biggest Loser....they work them out most of the day and along with a controlled diet, they lose the weight. Problem is that it's not a realistic way to lose and keep it off. Most of The Biggest Loser contestants gain back alot of the weight they lost once they get back home to reality. And yes, the trainer is on their butt constantly....I would be losing alot of weight if I had someone on my butt all the time too, LOL
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Wow! That is a lot to lose fast. I thought it was unhealthy to lose more than 2-3 pounds a week. What about keeping skin and organs and muscle healthy? Don't people get more loose skin from losing so quickly?
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    You might lose 90 lbs in 90 days if you work out like crazy, eat only 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but what then? You go back to eating 'normally' and the weight creeps back on.

    I eat what I love and do activities that I love and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Sure, it took me longer than 90 days to get where I am, but my reward for my patience is that I get to stay here for the rest of my life. THAT, and my journey wasn't a miserable one.

    Slow and steady :)

    I agree 100% with you on this!
  • You might lose 90 lbs in 90 days if you work out like crazy, eat only 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but what then? You go back to eating 'normally' and the weight creeps back on.

    I eat what I love and do activities that I love and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Sure, it took me longer than 90 days to get where I am, but my reward for my patience is that I get to stay here for the rest of my life. THAT, and my journey wasn't a miserable one.

    Slow and steady :)


    I Ditto Charmagne!
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    Wow! That is a lot to lose fast. I thought it was unhealthy to lose more than 2-3 pounds a week. What about keeping skin and organs and muscle healthy? Don't people get more loose skin from losing so quickly?

    Loose skin comes from a lot of factors. But if you saw the last episode when she was working out at the end in the shorts you could tell her skin on her thighs werent the tighest. But you can lose the weight slowly and still have loose skin.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    When you watch shows like the Biggest Loser, they're taking people who don't do much at all. When you take someone whose body isn't used to being pushed like that, the pounds will melt off in big numbers. If you keep watching the Biggest Loser, these contestants will eventually plateau and have a hard time losing the weight.

    My wife and I were talking about this watching last week's episode where someone lost 41 pounds in a week. No matter how much they exercise the math just doesn't make sense to me. That's roughly 6 pounds a day. To lose 1 pound you need to create a 3500 calorie deficit, so that's 3500 times 6 or 21,000 per day. I just can't see how you can possibly burn that much every day. That first week is unquestionably a lot of retained water that is lost. Even so, those numbers are still amazing considering i lost 32 pounds in 180 days on P90X and this guy lost more than that in a week.
  • All I know is with that HUNKY yummy trainer she had, I think I could be motivated to do just about anything! OMG! Did he not have the most gorgeous bod?

    LOL I left the show on my DVR not so I could rewatch and be motivated by the girl's 90 lb weight loss, but so I could go back and be motivated by the trainer!! Loved him!
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    You might lose 90 lbs in 90 days if you work out like crazy, eat only 2 shakes and a sensible dinner, but what then? You go back to eating 'normally' and the weight creeps back on.

    I eat what I love and do activities that I love and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. Sure, it took me longer than 90 days to get where I am, but my reward for my patience is that I get to stay here for the rest of my life. THAT, and my journey wasn't a miserable one.

    Slow and steady :)

    I agree 100% with you on this!

    Exactly. If what you do to lose weight isn't something you can do after its lost, don't bother, it will come right back.
  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    The thing is, the people they've helped thus far are like 18 years old and even though i do find it extremely excessive, it is a lot easier to do it at a younger age. The biggest loser, although I love it, is SO unrealistic! One of the contestants lost 41 lbs in week 1? C'mon that is absolutely ridiculous!!! I heard that 80% of the overall contestants put the weight back on after the show.

    I know it's lame but slow and steady wins the race :bigsmile:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    yeah, maybe they just show 90 days for TV purposes but in reality it's really longer. Heck, it took me 6 weeks to lose 25 pounds and I started out heavier than the girls on the last 2 episodes! If I could afford a trainer by all means I would hire one but the reality is I can't so like most on here, I'm on my own and with the help of all my friends on MFP. I must admit, even though I have lost 25 pounds it doesn't feel like much considering I have 125 more to go. IT may seem like a lot to some people but to me it really doesn't even make a dent. I know you have to start someone and eventually it will add up to bigger numbers. I try not to get discouraged and I keep moving forward but God help me on those days I just feel so fat and unmotivated. I don't want to go back to the way I was eating and how I felt so I will continue on this path of healthier eating and exercising. I know in the end it will all be worth it and the way I feel about myself!
  • Sounds like a good way to get gallstones....nah Choose the healthy route.
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