Just started Jillian Michaels: Ripped in 30



  • I am on Week 3 (my favorite!!), Day 6. The first week I was super sore because I have not worked out like that in a long time. I usually run and do a few sit ups - *yawn*. But with RI30 I'm having flashbacks from my volleyball days when we did lunges and "quick-feet" for hours. I was in the best shape of my life then, so maybe there was something to it after all! Also, fight through the sore-jelloy legs. A trainer once told me it takes 5-8 workouts to no longer be sore, so the sooner you complete those workouts, the sooner you will feel better! I thought I was in pretty good shape, but this is kicking my butt! I didn't stick to the full week (6 days) initially because I get bored so easily (I can stand being on a treadmill for about 3 minutes), so I did Week 1 for 4 days, Week 2 for 5 Days, Week 3 for 6 days and I would like to start Week 4 tomorrow. Afterwards I'd like to do a a variety of the days a few times a week for maintenance. I have not been adhering to her exact meals, because I already have super healthy eating habits, but I have taken some of her recipes to try out, like the Garbanzo bean burgers! I'm up at 6am eating breakfast (eggs/lean meat + 17oz water and a green tea). Then I do RI30, drink Herbalife Recover Protein Shake to feed my muscles, and I'm out the door with the dog on a long morning walk and so on. I DEFINITELY see and feel results after my 3 weeks. My butt is lifting, my thighs are toning (the most), my stomach is flattening, my arms are getting more defined, and I FEEL so much more confident and healthy!! I just moved to a new area and don't know anyone yet, so I am glad to start off happy and fresh. Thanks Jillian!
  • mkelton09
    mkelton09 Posts: 1
    Hi :) I just started week one of Ripped in 30. OMGOSH!!!!!!!!! I am soo feeling it. I hope she can keep me motivated. It has been exceptionally hard for me to stay motivated. Do you guys recommend doing the work out for 7 days, or five days, and then switch to the second week? Or even 6 days?
  • LizzClo
    LizzClo Posts: 15 Member
    I have the RI30 DVD and need to start it. I have been doing her 6 week 6 pack, but have a hard time doing it everyday. Am not very good at the moves that require coordination, but am hoping it will get easier. Have to really try to start pushing myself harder, think I doubt my own abilities. Really would like to lose more inches and get under my current goal weight. Need to regain some motivation too.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    I just started level 3 today. I do the workout first thing in the morning. It's a whole other world of pain but worth it. If you stick with it you'll get results.
  • lyons26
    lyons26 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I just started Ripped in 30 and I was wondering... are we supposed to do this every day or skip a day in between?
  • jmaddict
    jmaddict Posts: 2
    I'm now going on to level 3 of her 30 day shred and can do proper press ups that I couldn't at the start and have muscles in my arms which I have never had. Love it.
  • jmaddict
    jmaddict Posts: 2
    Also meant to say certainly with 30day shred she never intended it to be done 7days a week only 5 or max 6 the title was from marketing so I presume ripped in 30 is the same
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I've done the RI 30 at least 3 times now. I like to do all 4 workouts in a week, not stick to week 1 for a week and so on. So, a week for me is workouts 1-4 all in one week, then repeat for 4 weeks. I might throw in a run or yoga in between those workouts as well. I generally use 9-10lb dumbbells for as many exercises as I can, otherwise I have 3lb genie balls. I log it as circuit training, but only 28 minutes or so because I don't count the stretching.
  • rhea_random
    rhea_random Posts: 11 Member
    going to start tomorrow, I have a long way to go
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    I started it yesterday and it definitely feels like it takes it up a notch from The 30 Day Shred. My hamstrings are just singing today! I use 8 lb. dumbbells and for the most part, stick with the advanced modifications. I really love her workouts. I tend to go 2-3 days on, 1 off and do her Yoga Meltdown DVD once a week (typically Saturday).
  • dimand209
    dimand209 Posts: 2
    I'm on my first week of starting any JM DVD's and I did day 1 and 2 of 30 day shred but I found it too easy so I tried ripped in 30 which I like much better and already I have lost half an inch off my waist and feel my arms becoming more muscular - I am now alternating the two for a month - in addition to running and elliptical in hopes of getting rid of that last lower belly buldge!
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    hhmmmm - I bought a new Jillian Michaels DVD - not sure which - but now you guys are scaring me!
    I think my laptop was scared too because it refused to play it!!!
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    What size hand weights does everyone use. I used 5s for 30ds
  • joannadalina
    joannadalina Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I just started JM Rin30 and am looking for friends that have also started as well for support. I completed 30DS last month and loved it. Feel free to add me :)
  • prlawrie
    prlawrie Posts: 7
    I'm finishing up Week 2 of Ripped in 30 and I'm donw 3 pounds and am feeling my stomach start to flatten out already! Kind of scared of Week 3 though, I've heard it's pretty insane. :| I've really enjoyed reading everyone's testimonies on here; thanks for the inspiration!
  • dfreddie
    dfreddie Posts: 8
    I love RI30, on week 2, day5. Problem is, I haven't really noticed my clothes fitting loser yet :( I'm so bummed. I'm convinced my body is all messed up and will never lose weight or inches again. I feel great after the workout and stronger - sore yes, definitely, but better. Although I feel slightly like a fish on land trying to do a crow push-up... even modified I'm a dork and can't do them. I have to modify to a certain extent due to wrist issues. seems like using a dumbbell for a handle instead of flat wrist works better and less pain for me, but other than that been doing plugging on and doing pretty good at it. But still, no results. Enter sad depressed person here.
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    I started RI30 on Saturday. I'm in Week 1 - I may do it longer than a week because it is kicking my butt (in a good way).
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I have been "easing" into 30DS. I have been alternating with walking and fitness blender. I intend to start doing it more often now that summer is here!

    That being the plan, it is way above my ability level at this point. I just keep doing the best I can and end up a sweaty, cranky mess... so I must be doing an adequate job!!!

    Best of luck, everyone!
  • I am on day 4 of week 1. Should b 5 but took sat as a break was up & gone way too early & back way too late. Started trackin in my fitness pal yesterday. Anyone else have advise or sucess/motivation stories? I have a hard time with not seeing results even though i know it wont happen over night
  • I use 3lb weights for RI30 ;) im on week 1 day 4