Hi from London

maxim1 Posts: 10 Member
Hi from the UK,

found the site by accident, loaded the free app as i thought it would be a great aid for my weight loss goals
I have to say I'm impressed, I Was 24 stones plus and will be forty this year and thought enough is enough.


  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's going to be a great 2011! :o)
  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You are going to love this site. I know I do. There are great people on here. I'm sure you will make lots of friends who will support and motivate you throughout your journey.
  • bsshaw1
    bsshaw1 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm glad you joined the "club"

    I also found this site after trying the android application and I love it.

    I vacationed in London three years ago and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to go back!
  • sweet_innocent
    hey maxim1 welcome to MFP dear,its a great site im in sooo love with it everyone is brilliant here and soooooo loving :) im sure you will enjoy it, most are from America i guess, by the way i live in North London :) and im 16 stones got 6 stones lose....

    you can always add me :) would like to have friends in London

    good luck
