Started Medifast today looking for anyone else on programs



  • amirakabira
    amirakabira Posts: 29 Member
    I have lost 55# in a little over 4 months. I have increased the intensity of my workouts (spinning 3x/week) and have stalled. I just started 4-2 in an attempt to get the scale moving down again. Does anyone have other thoughts that might help?
  • I appreciate all of the information and support here! Thank you for all of the recent posts. I just started MF this week and I'm really excited. I've liked a lot more food than I thought I would and I actually look forward to eating a lot of it. I'm on day 5 and I do hope my energy picks up because I have so much to do. That's really my only complaint right now. The intense feelings of hunger were gone by day 4. I'm doing this program because I've been back and forth with weight-loss for a couple of years and it's affecting my health. It has felt like I've put in a lot of effort with minimal results. Also my life is so busy that I needed a way to take off the weight that didn't need much preparation. I'm using TSFL and will follow the maintenance plan to the letter because I want this to be the last time I have to lose this much! I plan to weigh daily because I didn't own a scale and these 40 pounds crept up on me!
  • kristensav
    kristensav Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Just started medifast yesterday for my 2nd time around. I lost 15 lbs two years ago and 15lbs after than just by calorie counting on MFP. I did not do the transitioning that MF suggests and did not gain, just lost. But, the last year I have not been dieting and the weight has crept back on. I gained 20 of the lbs back and just recently got engaged. I obviously want to feel great on my wedding day and am using MF as a jump start. I plan on doing it for 3 months. My mom and I are doing it together and are so lucky to have each others support.

    My starting weight two years ago:195
    My low: 165
    Now: 185
    Goal for wedding day: 150

    We will see how it all works out! We made cute little charts yesterday with our current weights, goal weights, and every lb. in between so we can cross off each one. I highly suggest it! It made me feel more motivated since I love lists and crossing things off, lol! My mom and I each lost 3lbs after our first day and are just remembering to drink a lot of water and eat our meals every 2 hours. Good luck to everyone!
  • Just started and would love friends who are also on the program. Curious how many of the people on here are still going strong. Day 3 I was starving most of the day, ha ha ha. Note to self: Don't eat 3 bars in one day!

    My fave's so far are the PB Crunch Bar & the Caramel Crunch Bar.
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    I use the wonderslim shakes as a snack. they have higher protein lower carb. I'm no expert, but seems like a good idea.