Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Pkf644
    Pkf644 Posts: 2
    So glad to hear everyone's honesty. I am sorry that things are not what you thought that they would be. I am in the 3rd month of waiting period and I am so frightened of failure. If I can't diet now, how can I after the surgery? I also am so disappointed in myself for not being able to lose weigh on my own. I feel like lifechanges aren't realistic in my home. I am so scared. I quit smoking and thought that was the hardest thing to do, but trying to lose the 75 lbs that I gained seems impossible. I hate to sound so pessimistic, but the fear is triggering bad eating habits. I
  • mommyjamie76
    mommyjamie76 Posts: 2 Member
    Just to let you know, the cereal was a BAD idea. I ended up with diarrhea all day! Ugh...Shrimp is the only meat that stays down well.
  • Kbiliti
    Kbiliti Posts: 1
    I had my sleeve gastrectomy in 2007 at that time weighing 400 pounds. I now seven years later am struggling to maintain weight I am currently at 97 pounds. I still can only eat 2 to 3 spoonfuls of food before I could come at all. I have tried eating multiple smaller meals during the day with no success. 2 years after my sleeve I had my excess skin removed. People ask me you today if I regret having the procedure and I emphatically answer yes has left me a shell of the woman I once was. The best advice that I can give anyone facing the decision to have gastric bypass is to get educated. Don't let the words you'll be thin one day blind you
  • padilla511
    padilla511 Posts: 2
    @mommyjamie76 - I was sleeved on 4/21 as well. My doc has a much stricter plan than most - I'm still supposed to be on full liquids for another 1 1/2 weeks. Couldn't take it and yesterday started some soft foods. I totally get what you are saying about needing something, anything, different. I think it's a balancing act - get what you are supposed to the vast majority of the time, but have a treat or a cheat once in a while. I keep reading that what doesn't work now, may work in the future so you should be able to move past shrimp after a while.

    For me, I'm in the "what did I do to myself" phase. I'm grieving food and my old eating habits. My rational mind knows that it's all for the best and I will be glad one day, but for now - *sigh*.

    Great job on your weight loss - congratulations! I'm down about 25 lbs.

    Happy one month anniversary to us both!!
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    I had the sleeve 12/13/13. I love it I am down almost 92 pound including pre op. I have 110 pounds left to goal. I am always looking for supportive sleevers!
  • jackiem1111
    jackiem1111 Posts: 4 Member
    First, I don't know why you would come on a positive website, go to a section where most of the people have had the sleeve surgery and post negative comments! Second, I went to your link and it consists of all kinds of bariatric procedures not just the sleeve. I was also surprised that so many people went to Tijuana for their surgery, that's a little risky. Any way I think this should be a positive site and supportive of all people regardless of the methods they are using to become healthy.

    PS. No I didn't have the surgery but many of my friends have and they are doing perfectly well. One had it in January and has lost over 100 lbs, one had it last July and has lost 110 lbs and one had it in October and has lost 70 lbs. None of them have had any issues.
  • Good-evening everyone! Wow! I am so happy to have found all of of you. I am getting my gastric sleeve here in Quebec, next week (May29th) Right now I am on my 2 week liquid diet and for those who don't like the taste here is what I do : shake with my Magic bullet, cold water a a few ice cubes. the colder it is the better it taste :)

    I am soon to be 53 years old and I have been trying all my life to loose weight. Coming from a family where all the others are *skinny* was never easy. Three years agao I lost a whooping 100 pounds and went to to 104! I felt so good and decided to take control of my life. I left my husband of 24 years and made other big changes with all resulted in a big depression... Now I have gained 90 pounds!! I am sure that having Gastric sleeve will help me. I am aware that it will not *fix* all my problems but will surely help me to go in the right direction. My boyfriend is supportive but would rather I don't get it, my daughter is definetely NOT in favor... I have to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for myself and nobody else.! Thank-you all for sharing your thoughts, etc. it makes me feel less alone in this. I will keep you all posted as I go along
    Hugs to all from Canada XXX
  • Hello My name is Jennifer and I am 37 I was sleeved on March 25 of this year in Juarez Mexico, I was 288 two weeks before I started the pre-op diet. I was 264 the day before I was sleeved. I am now at 240 so that is a total of 48 lbs so far.

    I have not had any trouble so far , I have been sticking to post-op instructions the best I can. I am starting to have a few problems now, I have been at about 4 ounces for a few weeks with no trouble. But the last week I have been getting the foamies regularly. Everyone says its caused from either eating to much or eating to fast. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem starting off eating more and then your tummy changing its mind a few weeks later. Also are there foods that you ate before you were sleeved that you now can't eat.

    Mine are Pineapple,beef,lettuce. I also graze but it is on sf pudding,blackberries,almonds,etc. I have removed all processed/junk food from my house. Can't deal with the temptation. Which makes me feel weak. I just don't see any progress I mean I know what the scale says and what my huge clothes say. Of course everyone else also . But I just don't see it. I can't seem to get out of my own head.

    Have any one felt this way.
  • I had my VGS on May 5th, 2014. On April 21 when I started my pre-op diet, I weighed 224. I joined My Fitness Pal today weighing 207. I wish the ticker showed how much I have lost since 4/21. I am 68 years old and am so glad I had my sleeve done.
  • Hmmmm..... my ticker doesn't show at all!!!
  • Hello to all you lovely people.
    I'm 3 days post op today.
    I am so glad I found this discussion too. I one saw a discussion about hunger after the sleeve. Most people said that was nonsense. I woke up from surgery with that knawing hunger pangs. I still can't keep much water down but I managed some pumpkin soup laat night which was really good.

    I am one of the lucky ones who's supported by my loved ones. I know some who are less lucky

    I read one comment about the "foamy" feeling and can concur. It's really unpleasant and takes a lot of self control not to vomit when that happens. Whenever I drink water the pain intensifies.

    I don't have much to offer at this stage but I can say that as happy as i was that the day had finally come, equally so for two days following it. I did not expect that much pain. I thought it would be a breeze.
    I was perfectly healthy going in and all of a sudden I had to practice breathing deeply and can't manage the stairs.

    BUT as I said. It's only day 3 and everything is getting easier.
    I don't regret my decision.

    I have also come to the realization, the pre op diet is a perfect test to see if you are committed to the process. The first week was hell but by the second it was second nature.

    Good luck to all of you out there.

    Any kiwi sleevers out there?
  • shell_83
    shell_83 Posts: 16
    Hello all,
    I am 4 days out now post-op. Things are getting easier everyday. I also had to have my gallbladder removed too, so the recovery is a little different.

    I have lost 8lbs so far and I will be keeping track on MFP, I do not regret my decision to have the surgery. I am looking forward to changing my life for good. Friend Request me if you would like to keep each other motivated. Good Luck to everyone!
  • jobiejames
    jobiejames Posts: 1 Member
    My husband has it almost 1 yr ago and has lost 165 lbs.... He eats Dannon light and fit Greek yogurt a few times a day with fresh fruit to make sure he is getting enough protien.... Hey will add low at cottage cheese to it to increase the protein... We have also found that natures own has granola with 10 grams if protein per serving that goes good with his yogurt. I am scheduled for a consultation mid June. He usually only eats regular food with us at supper. Just thought I would share what is working for him... He says he really doesn't desire regular food any more. I hope tht is the case with me
  • MyMalfunction7
    MyMalfunction7 Posts: 61 Member
    I got the sleeve gastrectomy 12/28/2008, so I am coming up on my 7 year visit (6 and a half now, I suppose). I've lost just under half my starting weight, 152 pounds, since surgery - feel free to ask me anything!
  • chanely5
    chanely5 Posts: 3 Member
    HI everyone...
    My name is Chanel..
    I started my 2 week pre-op diet yesterday.. I have a VSG date of 6/10/14

    Im scared.. and excited;.... like most I'm sure...

    PS this pre-op diet really sucks,
    I clean for a living and am up on my feet doing physical activity every night...
    I get shaky sometimes

    I don't have much support from my family
    but my new boyfriend has been great about it.
    what I'm happy about is we met before surgery, so he likes me for me, no matter what I weigh..:smile:

    PLEASE add me as a friend, I'm willing to talk anytime, and need some support and want to be there for others..

    good luck to everyone
  • hoosiersec
    hoosiersec Posts: 7
    My surgery is scheduled for June 6. I am so scared. I will be honest right now I do not exercise. Food is all I think about. I am so depressed. My feet and legs hurt all the time. So needless to say I am lazy. Very stressed. Its been nice reading all the stories on here. And confusing.
  • hoosiersec
    hoosiersec Posts: 7
    Thanks for sharing. I have my surgery June 6 and I am so scared!!
  • IndoMarty
    IndoMarty Posts: 1
    God bless you all.
  • I was so scared too, but in the end it's so worth it. It really is. Good luck with everything!!
  • Hello
    I had my sleeve done on May 20, 2014. I can tell you that I was very nervous! I spent the last 2 weeks before having "Food Funerals" where I ate everything and said goodbye since I thought I would never have anything good again!I had my first post-op check up yesterday and am down 19lbs since surgery day. My question anyone else experiencing gas pains? Mine come and go and seem now to be near my back and shoulders. I heard walk, walk, walk which doesn't help much. Any ideas?